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Help greatly needeed

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Hi i juz registered but i am totally lost can sum1 help me...if i only want a hosting site to store files or backup my drive what must i do....also muz i hv a lot of posts to keep my site activewhen they mean active how many posts is that,.......pls help...thxP.S I also need help on installing php nuke...

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also muz i hv a lot of posts to keep my site active
when they mean active how many posts is that,.......

A few post a week should be ok, Not sure on that! Ask whizz

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You can install php-nuke in 4 clicks from your control panel at FNH.... All for freee.... this is great about FNH.YOu just need to wait and be active in this forum until you get your own free hosting..... of course you sshould be active after getting your hosting too. So, welcome!!!

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About storing files: You can NOT use your hosting to store file, you can have a site and have files for download but you can not use it just to store files.About being active: Do a search on the forums, this has been talked about before.

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l33tg33k wrote

Sorry but i am reaally noob  can you explain to me how to use php nuke in DETAIL.....thx...

Once you get free hosting at FNH, you can log in to your control panel..(FNH.com/cpanel) using the username and password provided to you by FNH.

At the bottom of the homepage of the cpanel you will find fantasticos - you can click that and you will find a list of ready to install portals, links, photo gallery, etc you could select php-nuke.

Just follow what the page tells you. In four to five click you will finish the installation. Afterwards you can go to admin and modify the way you want your site to look like.

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It is not the quantity of your posts is the quality that counts, you can dash a good post that helps someone and that will be enough for the week. But your should think of it like that, you should come here to gain some knowledge and to give some knowledge to the epople. You should enjoy your time here and you shouod keep coming back because you want to communicate not because you just want your site account active. Its a cummunity where people share their info.

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