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Diablo 3 anytime soon?

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I know, this is a common question to Diablo II fans, and I'm wondering it myself. I truly hope they DONT make a Diablo III, because that would be stupid. Just think, you've killed the prime evils, now what, kill their brothers.News Flash,Today Diablo XVII was released, in this one the quest is to kill Diablo's brothers, step-sisters cheating husbands, neices, dog! OMG, this is one SWEET game!Ya, my thoughts on Diablo III

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Well I would like to see a Diablo III I am a really big fan of Diablo II and in number 3 there will be better graphics and newer items, but I am not to sure if Battle.net are making it atm because they have only just finished realeasing World of Warcraft which is they will want people to get, so I dont think they will be realeasing Diablo III anytime soon

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if it will be released...never played D2 but played D1..if D3 is to be released; it will be sometime in 2007-2010; my guess is they want to make the third one the best game ever...good luckits common knowledge amongest gamers btw

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well, im not sure if its gonna b that long, but u gotta realize that the next generations are gonna need a fresh diablo, so ...blizzard will have to deliver, so lets hope for a good sequel, or remake , directors cut, or whatever form the next reincarnation is going to take! :)

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As I see it, the graphics will have to enchance quite a bit in order to make the cut....don't you all agree? D2 couldn't look like D1 because by the time D2 was released....D1 and its graphics were old school

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Diablo 3 would be good buy they need somethin new although it was a excelent game it gets a little repetitive fast for me anyways but i still play it time to time.

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They're probably not going to make Diablo III, because they already released World of WarCraft. It combines D2 and WarCaraft III, from which all the heroes are taken. The graphics somewhat resemble WarCraft III Engine. But the worst part is that u gotta pay per month to play it as well as buy the game itself

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If they did make a Diablo 3 they could shift the storyline. Now there's a new demon looking to take over world and Diablo 4 will be the brother pf D3's demon. Then at Diablo 5 a new demos rises bla bla blah..Either way I'll play it I'm not much of a storyline person.

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omg that would be cool playing a demon killing the humans! or you can make it you start out human or demon or half demon/human randomly then when you odevil stuff you become more evil and if you evil enough transform to higher demon level or do good stuff and become more good like an angle.stuff like that will rule

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