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email form inside my site

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I was wondering if anyone knows how I can set something up so that people on my site can email me directly from the page. Someone mentioned something about PHP. Please Help

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there is a function in PHP called mail();which sends the mail directly from your site... but the email you are using should be hosted from the same webhost...the mail function can be found in the tutorial of php.netenjoy...bye

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you need using mail function :


bool mail ( string to, string subject, string message [, string additional_headers [, string additional_parameters]])


ex :

mail("to@xx.com","Subject here","Content here","header here");


header may be to cc, bcc or style character.

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a good way to do it is run in it a way that is puts the return value to true or false likeif (mail(all values in here) != FALSE){print "mail sent, thank you.";}else{print "there are problems with the mail right now, sorry for any inconvenience.";}that way if there's a problem you won't get all of those php function errors. :lol:

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