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What reading is worth your time?

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My time is precious to me I can only invest it in a book that tells me how:
how to relate more effectively with God.
how to improve my social life and help more people
how to develope my mental powers more
how to achieve better health and physique
how to achieve financial independence faster



I also read for those same reasons but when ever I have the time I like to read fantasy and sci-fi novels for fun :D

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Computer conversations I have But really... I read manga, anime (beacause I like pictures.. hehe), fiction, interesting, and action books...

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My time is precious to me I can only invest it in a book that tells me how:
how to relate more effectively with God.
how to improve my social life and help more people
how to develope my mental powers more
how to achieve better health and physique
how to achieve financial independence faster



I used to be like you passjoe. But then I realized that reading too many how-to or self-improvement books or texts is a waste of time for me. For you it might be different. Me however, I would regret passing through this life into the next without having enjoyed the time spent on a book with a good story. Good stories teach us things and have a way of stirring something deep inside, and maybe even change you. That in itself may be an improvement for your relationship with God, your relationship with other people, your mental powers, and your life in general.

Having a good imagination is important, and reading story books improves that "mental power." Some of the great geniuses would be at a loss if they didn't have their imaginations to help them solve their difficult problems.

I'm not saying that you should do away with your how-to books, but you should definitely reconsider adding story books to your selection, as well as some history books. Life is meant to be enjoyed, so go enjoy it once in a while.

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I took the time to read your post, not because of any of the reasons you included in your e-mail, but just because I like to read. It is fun, just like making your own website or watching a good movie. Wasting time doing something fun isn't wasted time.

roger that. personal development texts are only a small fraction of what there is to read, if u like reading

'Rich Dad poor dad'  is an interesting piece....

very. have you read his cashflow quadrant book? I've read I think 4 of his books, including the one where is predicts there will be a huge economic crash in a few years... I'm reading this book called Multiple Streams of Income right now, which gives more practical and concrete information than Rich Dad Poor Dad's rather theoretical and psychological explanations..

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Newspappers and computer related magazins when I can get them.Books: I like the horror janer :twisted: :arrow: :shock: I've read almost all Stephen King's novels, my favorable is the Jerusalems Lot.

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