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THE HOLY BIBLE: most ancient and most modern--How Come?

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LETS TALK ABOUT IT!What makes the Bible so thick? Why is it so OLD, yet so relevant, so comforting and much more appealing to the mankind when it should have been outdated?passjoe

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I don't think the bible is all that comforting. Many parts are outdated adn don't give the people in this day and age the opportunity to be who they can be and want to be.

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the Bible is still relevant for us today, there are still many unfulfilled prophecies and many lessons to be learned......the bible is the most widely published book out there, and its books are anywhere from 2000-6000 years old! and I believe the answer why is mainly because it is God's word, but there are many other great things too:It provides hope,It teaches lessons,It tells a story,There is a lot of wisdom to be found in it,There are many prophecies.I could keep talking about it, but I don't wanna fill up the topic

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How many times has the bible been re-written :?:

Never really "re-written". But I guess in a way it has been. There are alot of different "translations" of the Bible.


New International Version

New American Standard Bible

The Message

Amplified Bible

New Living Translation

King James Version

New Life Version

Holman Christian Standard Bible

English Standard Version

Contemporary English Version

New King James Version

21st Century King James Version

American Standard Version

Worldwide English (New Testament)

Young's Literal Translation

Darby Translation

Wycliffe New Testament

New International Reader's Version

New International Version - UK


They each portray the same message, but some make it easier for the reader to understand. I guess it all depends on how long you have been studying the Bible, your lifestyle, age, ect. Some say some thigns differently than others.


No matter the age, it is still very relevant to our lives today. Saying it's not relevant is like saying the Declaration of Independence had no effect on America as we are today. The past is the foundation for the future. The Bible will never be outdated or anything like that. It will never grow old. It will always be the book of life. Always the way to live.

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the old testament was written in ancient hebrew, and the new testament was written in ancient greek. its really only been rewritten once, in a manner of speaking, because its been translated into many different languages, and into many different versions, but it has only been translated from hebrew and greek to another language, never more than that. and the comparisons between the current bible and scrolls of the bible dug up are almost exactly the same, which is very uncommon. the reason there are so many versions is because the bible had to be translated from two ancient languages to modern ones, and some words are hard to translate and alot of it was in ancient terminology, and translators have tried very hard to make the most acurate tranlsation they could.

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The bible is packed full of absolutely everything we actually need to survive! - not many books can say that.

No other book can say that.

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lol dont be mad guys but .........The bible was created with stories commin from ppl like us.You know the telefon game ?? Thats praticly the same.One day you could say : Jim saved his son from drowning in the pool .But another guy who heard that story from another person could say : Jim saved his son from drowning by flyin over the pool and takin him out .As you can see I dont believe in those things called religions, coz i do believe those stories were modified like hell.If there was a kind of god, it would help ppl's or situations we have all over the world.My point is, all those stories wre modified and we cant know the truth.Maybe Jesus was only a simple guy who did save a ***** (Marie Madleine) from gettin slapped and they did give him this rank. LoL anyway if u can understand my idea ill be happy :P

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For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flowers fall away: But the word of the Lord endures forever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.

The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever

I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus

Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in heaven.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.

For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.

The entirety of Your word is truth, and everyone of Your righteous judgments endures forever.

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Yes, the Bible WAS rewritten by (was it King James or Henry the 8th?) anyway, i guess i wasnt paying attention in history class. He rewrote it so he could divorce his wife and remarry. The pope wouldnt allow him. All protestant Bibles are different than the original one put together.You see, the only true, unedited bible (for the most part. Only modified slightly for easier reading) is the Roman Catholic Bible.

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LETS TALK ABOUT IT!What makes the Bible so thick? Why is it so OLD, yet so relevant, so comforting and much more appealing to the mankind when it should have been outdated?

Because there is LIFE in the Word...

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You see, the only true, unedited bible (for the most part. Only modified slightly for easier reading) is the Roman Catholic Bible.

Where the heck did you see that? There are other translations, unedited, that don't have to cut anything to give us an easy reading (in the optic of the modern reader); cutting equals editing according to beliefs. It's amazing how so many fragments of the Bible still remain today and that made possible excelent renditions of the holy word.

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