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The New US President

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He probably means that he wasn't elected last time. He just gave more money to the judges. And no, I'm not happy with it, allthough he's better for my website.

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lol obviously adrein isnt from the USA beucase then he would know that he got re-elected. 4 years isnt new so..And why do all little kids hate bush? only kids dont like him just becuase he went to war. Little kdis dont understand and someone said that suh was suckining up iraqs oil? i dont know what you mean y that but if your against bush because he went to war then you must obviously be like 10years old. becuase you dont understand wyhy we ahd tog o you think that he went for fun? or money? USA isnt getting money fof of that, we are actually watsing money becuase of all the equipment etc.. and we thoughtt hat sadam has wepason of ams desructon so.. i mean would you rather us goto ariaq and kill on the terorists? or let them teroris us some more?

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Please don't call everyone who has a different opinion then you, a kid.Don't you remember 4 years ago in Florida? Al Gore got more votes than Bush, but the judges stopped the counting and Bush 'won'. This is not what everyone thinks, but nobody will ever know the truth.And he doesn't mean that Bush went to war for money for the USA. Of course the USA lost many billions of dollars. Only the gun companies and other big companies made huge profits. (those who gave Bush the most money in his campaign)And before the invasion of Iraq there were allmost no Iraki terrorists, no weapons of mass destruction and no link with Al Qaida. BTW, did you know that most of the 09/11 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia (a good partner of America)? Invading Iraq just made more terrorists.And most of the money of Bush his family came from doing oil business with (other) Bin Ladens.And Bush senior gave a lot of money and equipment to Bin Laden to get rid of the communists. That's like replacing a small dictator by Hitler. And in Afghanistan civil rights for women were the best under the communists. In those days, women were even able to wear miniskirts! A huge difference with the taliban! You should really read some books written by Afghan women.

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At first place there is no alternative, Kerry represents immoral, liberal, God-fearless modern American, but thank God there are more people who wants to fear God and are religious and wanted to avoid mindless modernism and liberal thinking...Bush represents the majority of American, rich or poor their nation was built On God We Trust..... Thumps up to Mr. GEORGE, who am BUSHED KERRY sensationally despite losing the battle of the three debates......I do not endorse his War of Iraq, but still he is a better choice than Kerry in many other issues..... :)

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You mean "immoral, liberal, God-fearless modern American" values like gay marriage I suppose. Here in Belgium it's legalized and I'm happy to say that I'M PROUD OF IT.I believe someone can be against it, but it has to be possible for other people. What do you care if someone marries that way? It doesn't hurt you. It only makes them happy.

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Reason 1 bush went to war becose he said that the intel told them there were Weapons of mass destruction that was reason number 1 and it was a lie cos there where none. reason 2 is mostlikely terrorists when they didnt find any WDM the war became a war against terrorism but the oil was just one of the things that is on the hidden agenda of war. Every war has an hidden agenda there is always a reason that isnt known to others.Reason 3 the land became a threat to america and bush realised this after the twin towers went downbut thats what i think so please correct me if im wrong

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Reason 1 bush went to war becose he said that the intel told them there were Weapons of mass destruction that was reason number 1 and it was a lie cos there where none. reason 2 is mostlikely terrorists when they didnt find any WDM the war became a war against terrorism but the oil was just one of the things that is on the hidden agenda of war. Every war has an hidden agenda there is always a reason that isnt known to others. Reason 3 the land became a threat to america and bush realised this after the twin towers went down but thats what i think so please correct me if im wrong


Exactly. PUN: So, Intel told him... Maybe they had a records mixup (Not likly, more like bush wanted to increase the economy (or his pay)) but of course, we get to the question everyone wants to know, do nukes have intel inside stickers?

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Yes, Bush is the largest pile of garbage ever to set foot in this landfillFarenheit 9/11 helps to explain this...Bush, go drink some leachate :)

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