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Atlas Shrugged

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Starting this book and at about 100 pages, so not too far in seeing how it is a fairly lengthly read. I am not to impressed so far and was wondering what other people felt about this book and if you think it is worth finishing!

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I was going to tell that it really is a good book, once you get about halfway through the second chapter, but seeing the date on the post, you probably already put it away.

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There are only two reasons why I might consider this book. The first one, is that there is a scholarship contest based on this book, and the payoff is a hefty amount. The second reason, is that it is considered a giant in the academic community. BUT, I hear it's a dry read, and really boring.

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Well Rynd did have an interesting view on life, but the dullest method of transmitting it. The basis of the story was actually quite good, but could have been told in a book half the size.With it's robotic characters, monotonous pontification and stilted dialogue I found the book heavy-going and dull. I had been looking forward to reading it and came away annoyed for wasting my own time. The story aside, I had been interested in the authors 'philosophy' (no definitions of objectivism in any dictionary of philosophy I looked in) but found a rather depressing and insipid form of egotism. I suppose I must be one of the pointless masses she objects to after all. Life-changing? well I felt like throwing my self in front of a bus afterwards, you can't get more life-changing than that!

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I started to read it, but then stopped after 50 pages because I will read it for a school assignment later. One of the reasons its more important now is because of the declining standards in education.

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