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Website for my school

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This is the website i'm doing for the coursework.

The only thing i would like to ask you, please don't register in the forum :oops: ... that's only our students... thnx

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colour scheme is fine i think...but the black box at the top doesnt work very well.also, you need some better navigation, and how good does it need to be to get past coursework?IT coursework was stupid when i did it - you got more marks for using a script someone else wrote than for writing your own....

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You have to protect those photos with a password! I don't think everyone in your school would like to be seen by everyone on the internet. At least i wouldn't. Just think of it.

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Not the brightest of things to do: writing your email on the front page, in complete form, if you havn't been bombarded with spam already, I suggest you break it apart before the email scanners come to your domain!

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