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Preventing link theft

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Big Business is always looking for ways to get more from their advertising dollars. So out comes scumware. Programs that "hijack" key words bought by these companies and steal your visitors by turning them into links to their sites, even by overwriting your links. So here's some things to work around that. <!-- StopText code courtesy SgtSearch.com and Thiefware.com --> <style type="text/css"><!-- span {font-size:1px} --></style> <!-- Stop here and insert into your site head tags --> you can replace the second one with a line in an external .css file span {font-size:1px} (provided curtesy of sgtseach.com, copied with permission)

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hmmm does this mean like when spyware is installed on someone's computer and that user uses the search engine from the spyware and it brings up your site from the results but has overwritten your links with links with benefit the company of the spyware? i'm not sure if i understand what this is for, also will you please show an example on how do i implement it into my site? thanks :D

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sort of, but not quite. when you install a theftware carrying program, what it overwrites the page. for example, lets say that Ford Motors has purchased the word "automobile" from one of these agents, such as Gator. whenever you visit a page, if the word "automobile" appears on it, it is turned into a link to ford's site (even if it was originally one of the designer's links). since there is no way of controlling the existence of this software on a visitor's comp. we, as designers, need to outsmart it. so, if you make your page, and inlude that code into your css, it will effectively prevent the theftware from altering your content, thereby keeping your visitors on your site

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ah ok, sounds interesting, will you give an example how i would do link(s) on my site with this to prevent the spyware culprits from stealing my links?

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your links you do exactly as you normally would. this is a CSS addition that prevents their CSS techniques from working. and if you are using an external .css, you can substitue that code by simply adding the line

<!-- span {font-size:1px}
to it

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not to be like crude but is that why when you click on a porno link it goes to a completely different porn site? lol Good info but i dont think any business would do that to me, i might still use this though, thanks

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it is previewed by the theftware, which are browser plug-ins, and altered on your local system, so the chmod doesnt affect it, that only affects the permissions of the files on the server

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Thanks for sharing this with us. :DUnfortuantely, if you use spans in your page, it would force you to include a style definition in every span you have. Since spans are the XHTML way of formatting inline text, this would make it most inconvenient if you wanted to write your page in XHTML. But it would still work.

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