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Macintosh VS Windows

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To let you know the poll ended and now I making a new topic with unlmited amount of days to vote. It with be OS BattlesMACMAN :twisted: 8)

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My vote goes to Macintosh. The main reason is stability. Unfortunately, my family is a windows family. I am suprised that after numerous difficulties (computers not turning off, freezes, "illegal opperation messages", programs not working, file corruption etc) that my family hasn't learned :roll: . I do have one macintosh but it is an old Power macintosh 7300/800 that is reliable, but limited in its capabilities. I just now use it to store documents that I don't trust my PC to store.

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Yah man you got the right idea and buy the way u can but a eMac for around $1200 and that now to bad. And yah i'm sick of windows all you ever get is errors macs will leave you alone and just let you work. And ACCUALLY GET SOMETHING DONE not sit around and fix your PC. Also got to OS Battles thats where this will continue on since this POLL has ended and the one in OS battles is unlimited time. NOTE NOBODY ELSE POST HERE GO TO OS BATTLES IN THE SOFTWARE SECTION. ALSO CAN A MODERATOR PLEASE DELETE THE TOPIC OF MACINTOSH VS WINDOWS.

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Well, I've been using Windows products from v3.11 and possibly used the one before that, but can't remember much of it. lol. I still have a really old Notebook with Windows 3.11 on it. Anyone want to buy an antique for 50 quid?Personaly, I like Windows, purely because it is simple to use, makes my life easy by having something that operates easily. However, what really gets to me is the way that Windows is so unstable. Curse Microsofts for using the Grandfather technique of programing.

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Well guess what Macs are soooooooooooo much easier to use and soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much simpler

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