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PHP-Nuke Theming

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Does anyone know how to make a decent theme for PHP-Nuke...i dont really need to know much but a simple tutorial would mean the world to me..then i wouldnt need to self teach myself :) anyhow thnx in advance!

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bandicoot what do you mean? he was asking for some scritps to make it. you cant just creat a [picture and expect it to do stuff its self it requires scritps and stuff. i know where you can make flash templates but not php-nuke, macromedia flash mx, has it, it says "Creat flash layout" or something just for yous that want to make one out of flash.

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Either that, or get a basic but nice theme, and look at all the relevantfiles to see what they all do etc.Just be sure not to rip the actual theme, coz the original makers of said theme would not be too pleased to say the least

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If you can make good graphics:
Just make graphics with the same size of the default PHP-nuke graphics.

Like one by one customize an skins...closest to what he wants....

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