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creating a programme..

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Which of VB and C++ is the most similar to php?I find php pretty easy... ive looked at some VB and it looks easy enough, but if i could learn C++ just as easily as VB, without learning VB...then id be inclined to do it that way cos C++ is more powerful isnt it?..

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Yes, but c++ is hard, harder than c. I suggest vb (ms has a free version, a 2005 beta, *reduced features, or streamlined interface as ms calls it*. Its at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. I used it. It requires .net framework 2.0 beta. Or you could try SharpDevelop. its a free .net 1.1 development enviornment. It seems to work pretty well. But the disagvantage of using vb 2005 vs. SharpDevelop is that .net 2.0 is in beta, so not many people will have it.

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personaly, i stick with C++, but started with visual basic, it is the easiest, and for c++ i use Bloodshed, a freeware compiler, and yea, c++ is hard, but not as hard as some other languages *cough*hex is *BLEEP**cough* sorry, bad memories

I use the bloodshed compiler too, it is very good and it might help if u are starting to learn c++, i started c++ using this compiler too and i pulled it off okay.

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I would recommend C++ to anyone starting out, even though the lerning curve is a little hard, after leaning C++, JAVA will be much easier.

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whats the best place to start if i wanna make a computer programme...
i.e. something that does something on when i click it on my desk top?

vb? C? C+?

^i dont care what the file does.... just need an example which uses if / else

i only really know website codes...so when i have something i wanna make which would be best on a desktop i tend to use php and password it - but thats a crazy way of doing things!

Get yourself a c++ compiler (start with Borland) and go to the SGI site and search for "redbook examples". This will start you with OpenGL coding. Look at the code for drawing a line. Forget the stuff about setting up a scene and all that crap, and practice drawing polygons. This way you get to see what you are doing and it looks cool (as well as being addictive).

With all programming languages, I think the trick to knowing them is to find a good API. This tells you how to do things.

If you want to learn how to program it will take some time. But stick with it because the rewards are huge . :lol:

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