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creating a programme..

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whats the best place to start if i wanna make a computer programme...i.e. something that does something on when i click it on my desk top?vb? C? C+?^i dont care what the file does.... just need an example which uses if / elsei only really know website codes...so when i have something i wanna make which would be best on a desktop i tend to use php and password it - but thats a crazy way of doing things!

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there's a freeware VB clone called Envelop that you might be interested in looking into. the only downside is it isnt updated any more, nor is any support available

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I would start with visual basic.You can make a working program by putting a button there, and double click on it. Then type "End". It closes the program. Ta-dA!That was my first program, anyway.Then visit planetsourcecode.com to see how to do stuff.

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i suggest if you really want to start..... get your hands on vb... and a copy of the dumbies guide to vb (ebook is fine) and complete the book... once you done that... start experimenting.... maybe do CBT and in about a year.. if your good enough you will no vb like the back of your hand :)i done it lol... i no lots of programming languages :)

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I suggest you to start of with VB and Turing

Example of Turing:

var name:stringput "Please enter you name and press [ENTER]"get nameclsput "Welcome, " , name

The code above should show: Welcome, (and your name)


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Is there any program that can make programs because i really don't have much time to learn java and other languages :S im not sure about. If there is i would like to know, if not its a good try, anyway thanks who ever can help.

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Is there any program that can make programs because i really don't have much time to learn java and other languages :S im not sure about. If there is i would like to know, if not its a good try, anyway thanks who ever can help.

yes, any C or C++ compiler, any assembler, any type of BASIC, perl, delphi, java, pascal, and many others,... but you do have to learn them

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Like everyone said here :D hehe Visual Basic is the most easy but C++ is pretty hard :) But if you really want to create something like a editing program of a very good :twisted: trojan horse.. :roll: then you can use C++.. Just download Delphi C++ builder and some training DVD or something and you will lear it :P

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personaly, i stick with C++, but started with visual basic, it is the easiest, and for c++ i use Bloodshed, a freeware compiler, and yea, c++ is hard, but not as hard as some other languages *cough*hex is *BLEEP**cough* sorry, bad memories

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You can make a working program by putting a button there, and double click on it. Then type "End". It closes the program. Ta-dA!

I did that one time, except it said "Processor", you clicked on the button and it went to a grey (inactive) type of button and the text on the button said "Processing..." and the mouse cursor turned into a waiting hour glass thing. It was really funny. You'd get people to click on it and they'd sit there and after a while they'd say "is this doing anything?" and I'd say "Yeah its processing, see?" and i'd point at the button.

Then they'd stay there for a while.

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