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my nice little website

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you can look at my nice little website it gots some jokes and a message board and some pics of me and my friends give it a rating of 1-10 1 being the worst and 10 being the bestthanks

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5/10ive seen worse...and your tables fit together ok i guess, but your colour scheme sucks - you either need to have more than 2 colours, or use fainter colours that support each other

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Like the site... was you stoned when you where making it?Nuke the lambs lol i like..The song at the beginning! dont you think people on dial up might not get to view your site because it takes too long to load the page !overall 5/10 :?

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hey dude your site totally rocks, i give it a 100 out of 10. i think the others were being a bit too harsh on you. who wouldnt love some good yo mama jokes or some tips on how to live forever? and isnt a black and green color scheme awesome?? I think it rocks, kind of has the radiative nuclear thing going.you rock man, i wish i could meet you sometime.sincerely, joe jablonskiaka papa san

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jeff, you just might be the coolest web site designer guy ever. i love your site! i give it an 11 out of 10. your site is my favorite website on the whole internet! all those other guys mustve seen some other website, cause i dont know what theyre talking about.

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Man you guys must all be on drugs srirously. No point to be angry and argue about wether a site is good or not, it is only personal opinion and preference.The green and black is not good to me as firstyly, the green is a TINY bit too bright. Secondly, its only green and black, nothing else, which I find really really bland.ALso, the font is just Times News Roman.Content might be good, but the design and layout to me is awful.skyglow1

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It's not the kind of colour scheme I would normally go for but it looks pretty cool. I know more and more folks are getting speedy ADSL, cable hook-ups and the like to the Net but your site took way too long to load on my slow (33.6 Kbs) dial-up connection - something you might want to consider since many (if not most) people still use dial-up.


All in all I'd rate it around 6.


BTW, the election is over! :)

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I got dial-up too, and it loads fine for me. Also the song is in flash so its only like 300kb. Maby you need a new computer mister abajan sir.

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I got dial-up too, and it loads fine for me. Also the song is in flash so its only like  300kb. Maby you need a new computer mister abajan sir.

I don't want to wait for 300kb download as I am on dialup as well. Also theres no way of turning the music off form that website and as I don't want the music, this would mean me closing it down before even reading any of it.


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hey don't mean to be rough maybe i am just tiredbut when i viewed your site i immediately closed it your color scheme is too hardcore for me it made me move back a bitbut its your site feel free to add some light colorshey can't rate it though gone in seconds after the i viewed the whole pagegood luck bro but i like admire the effort your site is definitely better than mine hope i can come back soon and read some of those jokes.cheers Good day God bless and Good health !!!

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