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Google ads

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I noticed you have some google ads on this website. Can't we just place them on our websites too, and receive some percentage of the money you earn with clicks on them? (I suppose you can see the stats of it.) This means more money for you and for us. :) I think that should be possible on a subdomain. Because most of the websites here are not big enough to have some advertisements on their own. What do you think of it? Or doesn't google allow this?

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:oops: Not only you getting a free hosting..now you want some of the small income that they are getting... how greddy are you?Your niickname is bondings...but I don't think freenukehosting want to be bonding that much with you :wink: kakakakaka :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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I maybe didn't formulate my question very well. What I meant was displaying their google ads at our webpages. If someone clicks on them, they get the money. Is that greedy? BTW this is a suggestion forum. If you think this is a bad one, just delete it.

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Theres a google ad in my cpanel! I didnt know that was even possiblw. why is it in the cpanel too? Who put it their you guys?(who i mean by yous guys is FNH staff.)

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I think that google doesn't allow what I proposed. But do you know some advertisements that can be placed on a small website?Just in case (I doubt it) that my website becomes a lot bigger.

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According to an article I read on W3C's site, banner (and pop-up/pop-under) ads placed on websites are generally ignored. In other words, advertising on the Net is basically a waste of time! :shock: If I find the link to this info again, I'll place it here.

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I agree, most of the time they are ignored, at least if they have a different subject than your webpage. BTW I allready clicked a few times on their google ads lol. And why do you think allmost every website on the internet has banners and advertisements if it's a waste of time?

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Hi Bondings,There are many ads that allow even small website like yours to place ads on it. God for an affiliates like adhearus.com, chitika.com, amazon.com and contribute to this free service.This is a very good idea. With regards,chakhei

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lol Bondings, why would you want moeny from freenukehositng? their giving your free hositng, omg i cant believe you would ask for something like that. why would you as for FNH's money?!!??! Thats being really greddy.

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I was just wondering for a advertisement program that is shared by eveyone who wants it. I suppose nobody that is hosted here can apply with his website for google ads. They only pay you if you reach 100$. But if you split it up into many websites... That's NOT wanting money from FNH! And I know this was a stupid idea. Finding advertisers who want to do this is very hard.Can you close or delete this topic plz? I'm getting sick of all those 'you are greedy' .

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