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Tech Border - Easy to follow

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just a tut i made for my graphics site, hope some of u can benefit from it :)


To start of this tutorial, get a background that you want to use ready.


1. Create a new layer (layer>new layer).


2. Use the paint bucket tool and fill that layer with any colour you want your border to be (i chose 3D3D3D).


3. Select your polygonal laso tool, and draw a shape on your filled in layer that you want to show your background (hold shift for straight lines).

Posted Image


4. Hit Delete.

you should now have somthing like this (depending on what your original background was)

Posted Image


5. Hit Control+D (deselect your layer)


6. Select your eliptical marquee tool on the long toolbar, (right click rectangular marquee tool and select optical) and change its style to fixed size, then change its size to 10x10 like so.

Posted Image


7. Now lets place some circles on your border, to make them pixel perfect make one then move that already placed circle to the right a bit by using the right arrow key. (i moved it 15 spaces and remember to hit delete everytime your cirles are 15 pixels away from each other). you can also zoom in if it makes it any easier. you can try some more shapes of your own if you want with the magnetic laso tool and rectangular/eliptical marquee tools.

Posted Image


8. Now press Control+D to deselect again, and then press the right mouse button and go to blending options, here you have alot of options to choose from, for now were just going to use bevel and emboss, so select that. and you will see 3 lines with arrows on them, move the size arrow a little to the left so that it is 2.

Posted Image


9. Then tick the gradient box and select it, change the style to reflected and opacity to 70% then click ok.


Well done, you just finnished the tutorial, If you had any troubles with the tutorial please point them out. :)

Here is my finnished Design

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looks like most people nowadays still use photoshop 7, that was just an observation, but thanks for the tutorial, i will try it out later

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yes i do :D glad the tut could be of some help, its really just to get people started with borders, the difficult part is the patterns you put on your borders, which i doubt is possible to put into a tutorial without ALOT of steps :Dlmao @ whizz's avatar :D

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Thanks man :!: Great job :wink: Now we can collent all tutorials on that forum and do some really nice wallper or sig ;) Thanks Again :wink:

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