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I'm working on a CMS for my site (Thats why it has a blank index.htm).It'll be based on datapacks sort of like gmail (That's the reason it's so fast, after downloading the engine, it only needs to update with small files (the datapacks)).It will also connect into phpBB and use a common database, as well as the ability to edit stuff such as signatures from inside a website account (Allowing you to comment on things using bbcode, and with signatures).Comming soon :)

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sounds awesome - can i take a peek at the code when your done? - but only if your making it in php cos ill be blind to the rest :)good luck buddy

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Yea, It'll be php and open source.However, it'll also have a bit of javascript. (The interface will be in javascript, server backend in php)

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When it's done.

It's a php backend, the javascript is the frontend. Because of a javascript frontend, you can just use xmlhttprequest, meaning it would not need to refresh the page to get data. You could then use this object in javascript to obtain variables passed via a script inside the frontend.


User clicks link.Javascript requests page data.Javascript gets page data.Page data executes script.Javascript uses variables from script to update page.User appears to go to page without refreshing.

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When it's done.
It's a php backend, the javascript is the frontend. Because of a javascript frontend, you can just use xmlhttprequest, meaning it would not need to refresh the page to get data. You could then use this object in javascript  to obtain variables passed via a script inside the frontend.


User clicks link.Javascript requests page data.Javascript gets page data.Page data executes script.Javascript uses variables from script to update page.User appears to go to page without refreshing.
Sounds awesome! :)

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Content Management System. It's something that lets you have a website without having to actually make it. PHPNuke, PostNuke, Mambo, etc.

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