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What should I do in forum to keep my account online?Post 1 per day? or something like that?p.s-Maybe this question have been asked by somebody(don't know who) BUT I forgot what did he/she post... :wink:

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realli 10s for ur teaching.. being new here is realli great..so ur defination of being active is to log in a few times a wk n post someting rite? its ok to do so la..10s for the free hosting :wink: :)

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there is none..
But I like big posts rather than:

request hosting> i need hosting>username: xxxyyyzz>domain mydomain.ext>about your site:It'll be a forum

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You'll have to post something :P

it is hard for us to keep tracks of some1s last login :)

not really...


you could make a quick script that logs it, and your login script probably has room for a last_login and date joined field... so add a field for 'time online' ....add the difference between the current time and the last login everytime someone refreshes a page to the time_online field and then you could make it say how many minutes per week / per month etc they'd been on by.... just an option i guess... though if everyone came online and didnt post anything the forums wouldnt be very active - though there are people who read lots of posts and only reply to ones for which they feel they have something to give - which is useful.

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You'll have to post something :P

it is hard for us to keep tracks of some1s last login :)

i have a phpBB mod that lists all users that have been on in the past 24 hours, if you're interested in it

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