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GMail will offer POP3 access soon

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Ive just started using gmail...Seem good so far and like like the idea of having 1gig to store my emails in..how big of a file can you send by adding an attachment.I think it maybe 10megs not sure on that.

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so far I love my gmailI havn't seen anything anywhere for them saying they were going to begin charging as soon as they are done testing. It is just another way to get their advertisers to buy into the product. The advertisements change according to yoru messages. Pretty interesting actually how it works

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the only reason I use gmail is becaus of its simpleness. If they start putting all these POP3 bells and whistles onto it, i would be most annoyed.

I don't understand... You still get the same simpleness, the POP3 is optional. It's not like gmail is switching from webmail to POP3/SMTP/IMAP or something.

Ive just started using gmail...Seem good so far and like like the idea of having 1gig to store my emails in..

how big of a file can you send by adding an attachment.
I think it maybe 10megs not sure on that.

Yes, it's 10 mb. Yay! For more, you can probably host your own site or get e-mail from your company/school and send attachments from that (I tested 11 mb once, when sending a Powerpoint; of course, it's all up to the admin.)

so all you need to do is pay $1 once for all that?

...gmail is free... Maybe you can buy invites from ebay or something for a dollar, but if you get an invite from a friend, it's free.

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I tried enabling POP, but unfortunately everytime I go back into my settings, the POP option is unchecked. I know for SURE I clicked "Save Changes" and it doesn't seem to matter what browser I use.Anyway, I sent off a quick email to support. Hopefully they'll look into it.

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The gmail is beta version yet. What after?
I have a comun problem, lots of people and lots of sites registrations know my current mail adress, that was provided by my isp. But I believe I'll be changing isp soon, and I might keep changing isp like once per year, because broadband isp's here are changing service conditions all the time. This means I need a more stable email, that won't have to change every year.

-Gmail seems nice, but do they have smtp and pop access?
-They still beta, what is the probabilitie that they will continue the project and keep the service?
-Will it keep for free after beta? I have experienced some good free email service that used the people to betatest, and when they have a final version they imposed a 'pay-or-die'.

GMail will always be free...im almost sure of it...

ANYWAY-- Get a domain and email @yourdomain .com and foward it to GMail so it LOOKS like you dont use a free email service

Hope this helps!


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I already have my main email address in Outlook express... is there a way I can log into that email address and my gmail one at the same time? And like... have a little button to flick between to 2? Or will I have to set it up so I have to change identities to check the gmail email?

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I already have my main email address in Outlook express... is there a way I can log into that email address and my gmail one at the same time? And like... have a little button to flick between to 2? Or will I have to set it up so I have to change identities to check the gmail email?

you can set your gmail up as a second account on ur identitiy and it'll download you mail from both accounts into the same identitiy :D

Tim :twisted:

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