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can you rate my site please

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can you rate

1) colour scheme
2) yes/no to having a banner at the top
3) if you think you know how to resolve the way the css mucks up when it has a table within the content e.g. go to login ...let me know :)
4) any other critical comments

all and any suggestions welcome - including things i could add to content if you feel like going that far

thanks :)

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1) The colour scheme is alright.2) Having a banner at the top instead of the side would look better, in my opinion.3) I really have no idea why it's doing that - are you sure the width is set to 100% in the table?4) There's something I don't like about the menu, maybe space it out a bit more, or use a different menu altogether

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Leave some margin at the top and bottom of the page. Also I got lot of sql errors accessing pages on the site. Are you still working onit?

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1) like the colors simple and pleasant2) the menu is a drag though not to much space and its not in theme with the lay out3) the banner would be cool on top but on the side its okay keep it there just put another banner on the top :) that is only my opinion its your site and its cool so do whatever as long as you don't hurt anyonecheers dreGood day Good health & God bless

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thanks for the inputyes im still working on it - it needs a lot :) ...i thought id finished the content but ive just found some huge error with my login script which has really annoyed me (the sessions keep getting registered with different people) - so im trying to fix that before i adjust the layout. Ive wrote a little back end script that is supposed to change the way all the tables show up adn stuff - and it works mostly...apart from when i show a table in the content in which case it mucks up the table on the right and puts the log in text in a new box - which is quite randomit looks better in mozilla/firefox/netscape than in IE cos i need to sort the layout out a bit more - grrr IE is such an amatuer broswer!!Anyway, thanks guys :) - ill probably repost something like this when i sorted out the problems and taken on this advice

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1)  good (hot colors would be better)2) you should put banner  
3) you have errors and its empty!!!


what errors?

The only errors ive seen when testing it are a few layout errors in IE and when tables are shown on the page, and some mysql layout errors...

if you come back can you try it again and let me know if they are still there...maybe i was working on it? - cos it would only be empty if i was uploading the content file

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Leave some margin at the top and bottom of the page. Also I got lot of sql errors accessing pages on the site. Are you still working onit?

were they 'too many connections' errors?

if not they should have gone now? - can you let me know if they havnt.

Thanks :)

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