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layout problem css

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my website has an mysql driven layout that feeds into css and creates the tables in one script.

This then calls the content - which is also all called from mysql trhough php.

Everytime the content prints a table within the css it mucks up the rest of the layout script - even if its closed properly (i tried it with a simple table:


i.e. if there are 3 tables, a left nav bar, a middle bit with the content, and a right nav bar - and then a footer at the bottom below all 3... then if the content prints a table the following happens.

left nav bar stays the same.
middle content prints ok

right nav bar loses all borders and loses height, but spans the same width just above the footer.

- Im just posting to check if the thought behind my script is faesible, and if anyone knows a likely cause of the error before i route through my script

If you want to see what i mean then:

http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ has no tables in the content.
but click 'log in' and you'll see what i mean when the log in form appears!

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I don't know exactly what you're asking, but I did notice something that you might be asking so I'll try to answer that lolOn your login page, the white part comes farther than it should. Maybe that is what you want to fix? If you look at your register page, the gray area has a lot of stuff so it pushes the cell up agains the white one. But the login page doesn't have enough information in the cell to push it against the white one.Make the <td> for the gray box <td width="100%"> so it forces the whole gray box to push agains the white one all the way no matter what.And I don't understand how your script runs but if it works, gj, because making tables is time consuming.

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