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My site, very far from finished

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First of all, why have you made a website? So that people come and view your site, isn't it? Now don't tell me that you have made it just because Astronomy and Lego migration is your hobby. You could have pursued you hobby very well without going into the trouble of finding a free webhost (and that also, a very good one), posting here, getting accepted and designing and publishing a website, isn't it so? Therefore, you need to make your site look a little more pleasant and nice. C'mon, leave this trash about slow loading and all and design a website full of graphics and which looks cool. Slow loading websites do not fail. This is a foolish concept. That's all I have got to say. Hope you take my opinion into consideration!

Oh! And don't take anything personally or offensively but I would rate your site 2/10.

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It's a good start. The only real problem I have with the site is that the menu and headings are hard (but not impossible) to read. I agree with limited use of colours and absence of Flash. IMHO, Flash is unnecessary for most sites and (like you stated) slows things down.Keep building! :)

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First of all, why have you made a website? So that people come and view your site, isn't it? Now don't tell me that you have made it just because Astronomy and Lego migration is your hobby. You could have pursued you hobby very well without going into the trouble of finding a free webhost (and that also, a very good one), posting here, getting accepted and designing and publishing a website, isn't it so? Therefore, you need to make your site look a little more pleasant and nice. C'mon, leave this trash about slow loading and all and design a website full of graphics and which looks cool. Slow loading websites do not fail. This is a foolish concept. That's all I have got to say. Hope you take my opinion into consideration!

Oh! And don't take anything personally or offensively but I would rate your site 2/10.


Trash about slow loading? No it isn't trash, since I am on 56k, some websites load SO slowly, and I don't want to have to dela with that. I don't care if my website looks crap, I know I am a bad deisgner. All I care is people are able to read the CONTENT, unliek people like you who prefer a nice graphical website and is probably on broadband. Slow loading website dont fail? Have you ever went to a website that takes 1 minute to load on 56k? It is very very annoying, and makes the 56k user probably don't want to continuosly return back to the website and have to wait so long even though there is cache.


My Lego Mindstorms part of my website is for showing the inventions I make such as this current one:




You might not appreciate it, but there IS a community of people out there including me who are very into this. And we are proud of what we make and would liek to show it to our friends and sutff. If I didn't have one, I wouldn't be able to show some detialed information.


Also, the Astronomy section, for showing images I have taken. A crucial part of my site wil be helping other people out in Lego Mindstorms and Astornomy, and showing them my techniques such as building techniques and photographing techniques. It's more than just a show off website, I thought about this a very very long time ago, there was something missing from my website, it was just bland, useless.


"Touble" of finding a free webhost? I don't think so. It was actually quite fun to learn html and css and create my website. It is also very convinient to load anyhting onto my website when I need to show someone. It gives you experience and also helps you make new friends and stuff. You probalby find this a "foolish concept", but I certainly don't. It may be hard work, but it's fuin for me too, not sure about you.


BTW, I said in this topic at the start to rate just the color scheme, and I also mentioned my site is far from finished. The reason I mentioned that my website is uncomplete, is because I don't want people to judge the content before I am tootally done. When it is done, you will see its reason and whats on it, although you probably won't appreciate it. I don't care about that, because some other people do actually appreciate my stuff.


And also, I do ahve to take it personally. Why? Since my website is my personal website which I made myself, youre 2/10 is directed at me, wether or not you say "Don't take this personally". I don't even care about your comments as all I am worried about right now if my base color scheme is ok.


Stick to the title of the discussion please, or don't bother posting :)



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It's a good start. The only real problem I have with the site is that the menu and headings are hard (but not impossible) to read. I agree with limited use of colours and absence of Flash. IMHO, Flash is unnecessary for most sites and (like you stated) slows things down.
Keep building! :)

Thanks for your comment I'll try to make the headings a bit brighter. But for me it seems easy to read because its blck and sorta grey text. Maybe your gamma is stuffed or something, orbright reflection? I'll try to ask people about it.


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i know its under construction but.......needs a banner.site too big (it shouldn't have a scroll bar on the bottom of the screen)get some buttonsbad navagation

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needs a banner.

Getting there, I just need to take pics of my this thing I made then I can start designing banner.

site too big

If you maximize the browser on 1024x768 it should be ok, but I foudn it when you open it by default it isn't maximized so I'll fix that. What width do you recommen? 990 in width? I don't want to have to make it 800x600 compliyant though.

get some buttons

Aren't those buttons on the side? I just made a rectangle and stuffed a word in it, I don't want nothing fancy like bevel and stuff. If you really feel I must then I will.

bad navigation

You shouldn't be able to judge the navigation until I'm done with the site :)


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Stick to the title of the discussion please, or don't bother posting

Sorry for trying to make your website look better!!! :)

I thought that you really wanted to make your website worth visiting and wanted to know what people had to say about your site. Obviously, I was wrong.

I just want to add this much:


"If God had provided me with a boon to despise with one flaw in my character, just one, then I would have most eagerly given up my rudeness."

-Raja Ram Mohan Roy

So, I just want to say that avoid being rude to other people (and specially someone who is trying to help you) and open your mind to criticism.

Wish you success!

Goodbye! :)

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To the harry potter kid:i like his quick loading website about his hobbies, more than some webpage thrown together about some book/movie.if you wanna make a website about a game or a book. download some images about it, make a small high quality intro, than link it to some forum of yours about the book/game.your web page takes 20 seconds to load on a T3 line(super fast internet).most webpages are loaded in 5 seconds or less. :) and its you who needs to exept some criticism.he tells you that your site takes to long to load so you make fun of his site.wats up with that.

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Sorry for starting argument, just drop it. No point in arguing because everyone has different opinions on what they think is good.skyglow1

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