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Fulltext mysql search engine

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This is a script to search through items quickly...

<?php include 'db.php';/* you will need to connect to the database  ENTER LOG IN in the included file below :) */$page = $_GET['page'];/*--$page currently refers to the database table name - adjust as neccessary --*/$field1 = '';$field2 = '';/* ADJUST the above 2 values to be 2 columns in the mysql database you want to search */  if(empty($c)) { ?><form action="?page=<? echo $page; ?>&c=1" method=POST><b>Find Results with: </b><br>Any of these words: <input type="text" length=40 name="any"> <br>All of these words: <input type="text" length=40 name="all"> <br>None of these words: <input type="text" length=40 name="none"> <br><input type="submit" value="Search"></form><?   } else if($c) {       if((!$all) || ($all == "")) { $all = ""; } else { $all = "+(".$all.")"; }   if((!$any) || ($any == "")) { $any = ""; }    if((!$none) || ($none == "")) { $none = ""; } else { $none = "-(".$none.")"; }   $query = "       SELECT *,          MATCH($field1, $field2) AGAINST ('$all $none $any' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score           FROM $page        WHERE MATCH($field1, $field2) AGAINST ('$all $none $any' IN BOOLEAN MODE)";      $artm1 = MySQL_query($query);      if(!$artm1) {          echo MySQL_error()."<br>$query<br>";       }      echo "<b>Article Matches</b><br>";      if(MySQL_num_rows($artm1) > 0) {         echo "<table>";          echo "<tr><td>Score </td><td>$field1 </td><td> $field2</td></tr>";             while($artm2 = MySQL_fetch_array($artm1)) {            $val = round($artm2['score'], 3);            $val = $val*100;            echo "<tr><td>$val</td>";            echo "<td>{$artm2['field1']}</td>";            echo "<td>{$artm2['field2']}</td></tr>";/*ADJUST ABOVE - the 2 lines above assumes the data is coming form columns in the mysql database named field1 and field2 - so adjust to suit you. Also, $val is the score for returned items. The above is essentially the way the script is shown for returned values. */         }      echo "</table>";   }   else {       echo "No Results were found in this category.<br>";    }   echo "<br>";    }?>

db.php is shown below ENTER LOG IN:

<?//set database connection variables$hostname='localhost';$uname='';$password='';$database='';//establish database connection$connect = mysql_connect($hostname,$uname,$password);//display error if connection failsif ($connect==FALSE) {   print 'Unable to connect to database: '.mysql_error();} else {//select databasemysql_select_db($database);}?> 

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you'll need a different script to do that...this is just the search script to search through a table in the db...if your site is big enough to need a search engine, then you should really already have a way of adding items that fits this.Hope it helps

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