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Some information about administration

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Is there another way to root a site in this hosting ? Do you only have a Cpanel ? Don't you have any solution using just an https connection. I ask this before register because I'm always away from home and I often need to use some computer with too security and a lot of closed port. As, until now, I have notice that the https port is always open, I want to know if you have a https solution to root my site if a get host by you ?Thanx in advance.

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This should probaly have bein put in the Free Hosting Support topic, becuase im not sure if the Admin comes in this topic, so.. your chances of getting your questioned answered would be higher if you posted it in the freew ebhosting support topic.

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I have try to post in the topic you adviced me but I can't because I'm not a member :). I also try to pm the admin, but I'm not a member :D. As I don't want to register and never post, Can someone pm the admin about this topic or create a topic with the same same in "Free Webhosting Help" for me with a link on the original topic.I will appriciate :)Thanx in advance

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Why dont you just register? its not that hard. Im not sure if you have to activate your account or not but it will only take 3minutes the most. its gonna take you months before the admin will come in this forum, lol. I would advise you to register.

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