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Basic HTML Tutorial

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Inserting JS

<html><head></head><body><script language="javascript etc">window.alert("Hola!");</script><!-- End JS --></body></html>
Adds JS to your site.

starts a comment
ends a comment

the text inbetween is tottally ignored, the browser sees a <!-- and it skips it.


Although not required for your site to be considered valid it must have a doctype here is the HTML 4 transitional one:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

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Well i saw u hadn't mentioned META tags, so here goes:


(i'm not a code guru so i'm not sure how to explain it and stuff...) :shock:


Meta tags tell searches and gots (i think they do) the author of the site, keywords, and content type like html php and stuff. They can tell more stuff but i don't know what that is... :D


Example: (this would be between the HEAD tags of a page)


<META name="Author" content"AUTHORS NAME HERE"><META name="keywords" content"KEYWORDS, HERE, SEPARATED, BY, COMAS"><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content"CODE TYPE YOU USE LIKE PHP  AND HTML">

This should help your site rakings is search engines and stuff. :mrgreen:


Hope it helps :wink:


Edit: The paragraph tag, <p>. Well it makes paragraphs.... :D





well, i think thats it...

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Unordered lists:

<ul>    <li>Element    <li>Element    <li>Element</ul>

Ordered lists:

<ol>    <li>Element    <li>Element    <li>Element</ol>

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