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Any ya'll play any instruments?I've played drums for most of my life. I'm in a band...it's fun as heck. I've also played paino and some trumpet, but mainly I'm all drums. I'll try to get an updated image of my set later.

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i play lead guitar in trash metal band, i also played before in blues and 2 rock bands.im good with drums also but i like guitar more :blink:in blues band i used to play "(cant remember its name on english.... its kinda standard blues instrument... little thingy to blow in that u can hold in your hand... model hohner???) along with guitar.hehe, u can say i play various music and aven more instruments :)

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well...i played flute in high school, i play the guitar now, been playing about 5 years. I have a well...dont know what to call it kind of band, called Polyonymous. THink of it as greenday meets linkin park meets papa roach meets slipknot :)i also can play drums, bass, saxaphone, and piano

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I don't know how to play any instruments, but this coming months I'll be learning to play the piano. I son't know if I could learn from practice or I'll end up backing out.he..he.. :)

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Everyday I play my red not-too-shiny six-string electric axe! And I'm buying a good accoustic (Fender, Yamaha, Ovation, Martin) anyday now... :P:):lol:

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I play Electric guitar. My Rig is:Ibanez Iceman > Ibanez Tube Screamer(TS9 reissue) > Crybaby Original Wah > Electro Harmonix Small Stone Phase > Peavey XXL. I love it soooo much. I'm trying to get my music site over to this server. It is tankbox.freelinuxhost.com this host is so way better though. I hope I get it. I've been playing for seven years, and I enjoy every minute of it!

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I play piano, harmonica, and bass guitar. the main thing i do is record though. i try and record local bands and myself in a decent makeshift studio i have. i do it mainly because i love it, but hope to go somewhere with it someday.

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