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A good suggestion

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I dont know if yous will approve fo this ubt i think this is a good suggestion, ok i think yous should install a point system in here and if you want upgrades you will have to get a certain amount of points. But the 500mb or whatever will still be free you will just need to get points for the upgrades. so.. basically it would be something like this, 50points for 25mb, etc.. i think that is a good idea, and also to make sure people dont just run with the mb you should sat that 75-100% of your mb must be used, etc.. do you guys think thats a good idea?

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yea.. i know but, if you put the rule your mb must be 90% used and you only have 10% of mb left, and the people only used 1mb then they would be like why am i gonna spam if i wont be able to get it. But also that will make things more interesting, you cant only have good people thatwould be boring you need some toruble makers to ban and have fun. and point per post that isnt bad, and yous can slo have an arcade on the forum, every game you play you use 1point for it. And you can also have a shop and sell like name glows, etc... i think it would be a great idea. But spamming isnt even that big of a problem just ban them from posting onyour website for 1week thatsi t. and if they decide to spam again then thats another 1 week without posting. easy, i would even help with banning the spammers if yous would want.

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I know yous have suggested it before, just about every hsoting company has, i just thought it would of bein a ood way to get a couple mroe rgeistered users. but anyway i guess you can close this topic since yous wont take it into consideration again.

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