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Whose happy with the service received today?

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Freenukehosting offers alot for free. And since it's for free, you cannot expect the quality of a paid host, yet (minus the server switch, and some downtime), I've gotten that quality...for free. This by far is the best free host on the internet, and beats some paid hosting plans out there.It's free, be glad they're eving offering it to you.

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Correct, if all they want is activity in the forum, it should not be a problem... It is very hard to find quality free webhosts, but what FreeNukeHosting.com gives you is great!

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Freenukehosting offers alot for free. And since it's for free, you cannot expect the quality of a paid host, yet (minus the server switch, and some downtime), I've gotten that quality...for free. This by far is the best free host on the internet, and beats some paid hosting plans out there.  
It's free, be glad they're eving offering it to you.

I've got to agree with you but disagree, F.H.N dose offer a lot for free but that is NO excuse for the downtime I think the admin said at one time F.H.N. was getting something like 3,000 unique hits a day. And almost all of the member have been <- snipped -> so the ads have to be paying the admin something. Therefore I don't see how so much downtime can happen. Admin nothing personal but this is getting ridicules I have had to post 4 times now for to request my site now. I don't intend to post a 5th time. As for quality once the admin got things under control the service was great and the plan is ONE of the best I have ever seen.
I hope that F.H.N gets it under control, if they can I can see this site going far. :blink:

If not, it will just be one of the host that failed.

Side Note:
I would like to persoanly thank the admin and any one else that helps with F.H.N. for there time and services.}}}}

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How can I help you? I am doing my best to keep everyone happy.
if you need help check the support forum or send me email cops@freenukehosting.com

Whose happy with the service received today?
Im not.. :cry:  

seems like nobody can help me!

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Even though i dont have hosting by this guys yet, i m satified with their free hsoitng packages, and i dont hear anyone complain about this host accept for the one guy who might if gotten his account deleted.And oh yea.. whoever it was that their account wasnt working, are you sure that you transfered your website right? and did eveyrthing that was their? Snd not accidently missed something?

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3 letters... W O W!!! This is by far the best free host even better than most paid hosts, and the server is so fast, im on dialup and it loads faster than most. Keep up the good work guys.

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