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Voip(voice Over Internet Protocol) real money saver

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Many services have VoIPYahooMSNSkypeVentriloAIMVonageTeam SpeakAre some of the fewIt basically sends ur message over the internet like Fiber Optics, only no wiresCompanies like this because it's cheap or free i believeas for countries, a lot use em, mainly Japan, Europe ( the countries iN Europe) and the USA/Canda use it the most.

Edited by Laos (see edit history)

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BTW: Its voice over IP protocol, according to google.... and skype.But yeh, I used to use Msn Messenger, it crashed on me, the noise was fuzzy, sometimes I got big eeeeeeeekkkkkkkksssss it in, and other times it refused to play the other persons sound.I then headed to skype, I convinced everyone that we shood get it, (theyr so scared of virus attaks) and we finally did get it after ages of convicing, and my parents were scared of recieving bills, they made me ring my nana who had it to prove to them that it was free. then, I downloaded it, it said only for windows xp etc, but it worked on 98, at first it crashed, i tried it again and it worked solidly, I have now found a glitch for it on my computer, any loud noise (like a very high pitched scream, like as loud as possibly with microphone practically in mouth) will crash it, well.... for the other person, no matter wat os they are using.I found skype very easy to use, I convinced my friends to get it, and now whenever someone is on msn, I tell em to jump onto skype coz I am always to busy to type over a msn. So yeh, I wood rate as follows:Msn Messenger for VOIP: 34%Skype Windows 98 for VOIP: 86% Skype on its meant to be OS for VOIP: 97.6%

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