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False Requests for Information Watch out for posers

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Just because you fall victim to a cleverly crafted social engineering attack doesn't make you stupid. It is human nature to trust other people, especially people in a position of authority - which is a very exploitable trait.I've listened into, and been apart of, some very, very convincing social eningeering attempts, which even the smartest person who wasn't intentionally on their gaurd could fall for. If you put enough thinking and preperation into constructing a story line to play someone, then it can be very easy to fool them.Of course, social engineering attacks aren't generic, and it most definately helps to do some research on your target first. That generally makes it easier to sound like you know what you're talking about. Knowing what area they work in (assuming this is where you want to exploit them), what an average day would consist of in such a job, what typically happens in such an environment, what lingo is generally used by staff, and the names of some of the colleagues - as well as the target - can make you sound like the real thing. Dropping names and other such information that would usually only be known by a person in the position that you are claiming to be in is an invaluable asset when trying to extract information from people.Social engineering is generally done by phone or email. Obviously, going with the telephone can get very sticky at times. You also have to expect the unexpected - things don't always go as you plan, so sometimes you have to think on your toes and make sure you are ready with a response in case they ask something you aren't ready for. People might get suspicious, but you have to be able to shrug it off, and not sound like you're nervous. If people ask you something, you have to have an answer - or if you don't, then you have to weave it so it sounds like you do know what you are talking about.Often the pitch of your voice changes dramatically when you're nervous, or lying - which is a dead giveaway. You have to control things like that when you're trying to sound like the real deal.Anyway, I don't encourage the use of such practises for obtaining any illegal information, or information that you are going to use illegaly. So be straight, stay cool, and keep your nose clean.

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I was mostly kidding dude, I know how convincing people can be in scams for passwords on any place because...uhm I've heard storys, lets go with that.

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Right said, The people who carry out such practices are very much cleaver and should not be underestimated. They are extermely smart and know about the human psycology. They know what your thinking and usually attack your emotions ... in other words, play with your emotions.

Clarification about your Doubts regarding Cpanel and Forums : I won't require your forum password because I can directly access your account.

As for the Hosting account, I can also access you Cpanel without your permission. this usually helps in debugging the errors and changing various other settings. However, your DATA in database, Your mySQL tables etc. are all beyond my reach.

The Data is Safe and believe me, I am like managing more than 200 clients (including clients from other network sites ). And the only thing I lookup for the statistics is for invalid downloads and activity. I have never even thought about sneaking into others files or folders. First of all, Xisto is a professional Company. We do not sneak into files as this is against the ethics. And we try our best to protect data. Xisto's hosting is maintained on secure servers and since we are hosted along with one of the toppest sites. Look at this page for the protection stuff we have for the servers.. http://www.softlayer.com/

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