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  1. I thought that this part of the forum would be the best section to post this, however, if it is not please place it in the most suitable section.In many of the families after the worries for basic necessities, it is the turn for the long occurring concern about the future of the child. The concern starts early in an age when the child is called a toddler, and is sent to a playschool, the reason cited for this is that the child would attain the qualities of playfulness and socializing with its own age group and also start to follow the a set daily regime.The next stage comprise of real study, I mean getting taught something in class and then after being back at home, going through it or if put in a vigorous form, mugging it. They are exposed to examinations and are expected to obtain whatever is expected. If they fail to do so, it is not just their family who brings down hell on them, but also the teachers and the other acquaintances that are much interested about how someone else's child fares in his studies. Now rises the question, why is the havoc created? Why does the matter come out to be so serious? It is because the academic performance of the child probably forms the base of the calculation of the child's future and then the tallying with the set expectations is done. When the parents have to face the fact that the academic trend of their children is not helping them to shape any ideas for his future, they end up taking that to their heart.The reality in terms of whatever has been proven has many a times shown and recorded in history as well, right from the first President of the United States George Washington, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, Winston Churchill, Agatha Christie, Tom Cruise, Albert Einstein and many other famous people who could not gel well with the academic set up but proved their worth in their own way. Again there are a number of instances that can show that people who have been excellent in their academics, have failed to make their mark in the world.Some of them just ended up having a normal life.SO the question still remains whether being sound academically ensure success in the future as well? What's your take on this?
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