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Fedora 18, AKA Spherical Cow was released on 15 January 2013. Are you having problems installing Fedora 18? This guide is to help you install Fedora 18 on your computer. Screen shots have been provided to help you through the installation process and to familiarise yourself with the install screens you may encounter during the initial setup. It is specifically tailored for those who want to completely replace their current operating system or to install on a clean hard drive. If you require a different setup, the steps are still quite similar but you will need to adjust your choices to suit how you want to configure your system. The installation wizard can help you with those choices. What is Fedora For those of you who still do not know what Fedora is, it is a fast, stable and powerful Linux based Operating System. It is developed by people all around the world that contribute to this community supported Fedora Project which is also owned by Red Hat. The main package format for this operating system is RPM-based. Fedora provides you with a set of programs distributed under a free and open source license to run your computer and aims to be on the leading edge of such technologies. This is what sets Fedora apart from other operating systems. It is an alternative to running MS Windows TM and Mac OS X, as well as other numerous operating systems out there. How To Get Fedora Fedora is 100% free of charge and free, as in it allows you the freedom to enjoy it and share it. This means it is not going to cost you anything. If you want to download it from their website, no problem. If you want to give it away to friends and family so they too can enjoy it, again no problem. You are quite flexible to do what you like with it. Just be sure to read the license so you understand your rights. The Fedora Project distributes releases of Fedora as a ISO (9660 file system) image format. These ISO images can easily be downloaded from the internet. You can transfer, or burn, these ISO image files to a blank DVD or other bootable media like USB sticks and then use this disc or USB stick to boot off and install Fedora onto your computer. Follow this link to get Fedora from The Fedora Projects download page. There are many choices to make when choosing which provided format to download. Is your system 32-bit or 64-bit (quite modern computers would select this one), Do you want Installable Live Media or a DVD that provides more software than Live media. Usually by default the Installable Live media has been chosen for you and all you need to do is hit the “Download Now!' button to start downloading it right away. I prefer downloading the Fedora 18 DVD as you have better customisation at install time and can select what GUI you would like to run. In my case, I prefer a minimal installation and only install packages that I would actually use after I get Fedora 18 up and running. This gives me a very space efficient install but it does requires more work to get it up to your preferences that you like. For this guide I am going to run through the Live Media Installation, which is built for the general user and does not have the full customisation options like the DVD. Once you have downloaded it, you need to either write Fedora to a USB stick or burn Fedora onto a blank DVD. There are other methods too but these are the main two to pick from. This guide does not go into creating the bootable media but The Fedora Project has provided easy steps for making USB media or making an installation DVD. Lets Begin Installing Insert your bootable media into your computer and boot from it. If at any stage you are having problems with these procedures be sure to check out the Fedora 18 documentation which is more in depth than what this guide covers. If you still are having problems, then feel free to post your questions here and I will try to help you out. 01 - F18 First Boot Screen by mastercomputers, on Flickr This is the Fedora 18 First Boot Screen that you will encounter. It is by default set to 'Start Fedora 18' in 10 seconds or you can speed the process up by hitting 'Enter'. 02 - F18 Login Screen by mastercomputers, on Flickr When you Start Fedora 18 you are taken to the log in screen where you pick the Live System User to log into. It has no password and will automatically log itself in when you chose it. 03 - F18 Try Fedora or Install Fedora by mastercomputers, on Flickr We are now presented with an option to Try Fedora out or to Install to Hard Drive. Since this guide is about installing Fedora 18, we are going to Install Fedora to Hard Drive. 04 - F18 Select your Language by mastercomputers, on Flickr The first screen of the installation process is to pick which language you would like to install in. Select whichever is your native tongue or what you find easier to use, mine is English. 05 - F18 Installation Summary by mastercomputers, on Flickr At the installation summary screen we have options to change our date and time, the keyboard and also where to install it. This screen differs from the DVD version of the installation. 06 - F18 Date and Time by mastercomputers, on Flickr In the date and time configuration, select your region and city. You can easily do this by clicking on your country. If you want to configure your time manually you will need to turn off Network Time otherwise your time will be automatically synchronised via the internet each time you boot. 07 - F18 Keyboard Layout by mastercomputers, on Flickr The only reason you would enter the keyboard config screen is because you use a different keyboard layout. The default suits me fine which means I did not need to enter this screen. Your usage may differ. 08 - F18 Storage Installation Destination by mastercomputers, on Flickr I am installing Fedora 18 on a clean Local Standard Disk, in reality it is actually a Virtual Drive as I am running the install process through VirtualBox which is a virtualisation manager that allows me to install operating systems within my main operating system so that I can provide these guides to you without affecting anything but the space on my hard drive. Select the hard drive you wish to install, my hard drive was selected by default. 09 - F18 Full Disk Summary and Options by mastercomputers, on Flickr Just being curious I wanted to see what the Full Disk Summary link at the bottom showed. This lets you set whether you want the drive to be bootable as well as gives you other information about the drives you may have installed on your system. 10 - F18 Installations Options after Continuing by mastercomputers, on Flickr When you hit continue you are shown your Installation Options. This lets you know if you have enough available disk space to install Fedora 18. You can also customise the file system to use as well as customising how the drive is partitioned. You can leave everything as default but I was tempted to try BtrFS which has some major advantageous over ext4 but this guide is not going to touch those areas so if you want to know more check out BtrFS on Wikipedia. 11 - F18 Configuration User Settings by mastercomputers, on Flickr While the installation is taking place, you are now required to set your root password. 12 - F18 Set Root Password by mastercomputers, on Flickr Set your root password, be sure not to forget it as some people do after the installation as you don't actually log in as root with this install process, only if you configured your installation differently with the DVD version install process. This is the password you will use to log into the administrator user called 'root' but it is disabled by default. Just ensure you remember this password somehow incase a use for it does arrive. 13 - FC18 Installation Complete by mastercomputers, on Flickr If you see this screen you have completely finished the installation process. This is really where this guide should end but I have decided to walk you through the Welcome screen as well. What happens after the installation Once you have finished, you are still running the Live Media and can test out Fedora 18 if you like. 14 - FC18 After Installation Time To Reboot by mastercomputers, on Flickr To reboot your system, click on the Live System User menu on the top right and select Power Off. 15 - FC18 Power Off Optioins by mastercomputers, on Flickr Now choose to restart your computer. 16 - FC18 Grub Boot Loader by mastercomputers, on Flickr When you computer restarts and gets pass the BIOS POST you will be presented with the Grub Boot Loader menu, which will automatically boot into Fedora 18. Press 'Enter' to speed the process up. 17 - FC18 Welcome Screen by mastercomputers, on Flickr Because this is your first time booting, you are given a Welcome Screen to do some extra steps to get your system ready for use. 18 - FC18 License Information by mastercomputers, on Flickr You have the legal license information, which you should read and understand so you know what rights and restrictions you have. 19 - FC18 Create User by mastercomputers, on Flickr Now this is where you can create a user. Fill in all the fields. I suggest that you create this user as the administrator user by checking Add to Administrators Group. You can add more users at this screen by clicking on Advanced... or you can set new users up afterwards. It's up to you, as long as you create the first user and make them an administrator. 20 - FC18 Date and Time by mastercomputers, on Flickr Now the last step is to configure how you want your date and time to appear for your system, and how it will get it's time. Once you have finished this, that is all there is. Log in with your user you created and begin exploring and enjoying Fedora 18. I hope that this guide has helped you overcome this hurdle of installing Fedora 18 and that the screen shots provided helped you with understanding what to do at certain situations. If you still require more help. Please do not be afraid to ask as I really did speed through this and may have overlooked some things. Cheers, MC
In this tutorial, we will create a drop down menu that when a specific item is selected will result in an text field to be open and be fillable. So, let us open up LiveCycle and begin the fun. With a new document open or you want to add this to an existing form we will first add our drop down menu by going to the Object Library and select Drop-down List. For tutorial sakes, we will have only four items and they are listed as such (Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, Other). To add items to your Drop-down list, highlight your Drop-down menu and click on the Object tab and then click on the + icon and your menu items. To make sure our items are appearing correctly, hit the Preview PDF tab and click on the drop down and your items will appear. Let us head back to Design View and add in our Subform and editable text field. To add the Subform, go to Insert > Standard > Subform or select it from the Object Library, then place it next to the drop-down menu and resize it to fit your text field. Now, head back into the Object Library and grab a Text Field then place it with in the Subform. To prepare ourselves to build our two Actions, select the Subform and set its Presence to Invisible. Now to build our Action, head over to Tools > Action Builder then click New Action and then do the following: In the Condition field, select your Drop-down List Select "Text Selected" and choose your “Other” option. In the Result Field, select Show or Hide Object Click object then select your Subform, and set it to Visible However, we are not done yet, what if someone chooses another option, we just can’t keep the Subform there and so we must create a new Action. After clicking the new Action we then do the following, In the Condition Field, you want to list all the options and set them to "Text Selected" for Item 1, Item 2, and Item 3 and then change the Relationship of the Condition from and to or and so regardless what option they pick the Subform will disappear. Then in the Result Field select Show or Hide Object then click the object link and set it to Invisible this time. Hit ok and now to test our Drop-down Menu. If you followed along in this tutorial and the screenshots provided you should have something like the PDF that is attached to this tutorial you will have a more dynamic form. However, I will point out that when I was writing up this tutorial, there is a much quicker solution. When you select your Drop-Down Menu and open the Object Pane, you will notice the Allow Custom Text Entry option. With this select, all the user has to do is type within the drop down and it will be accepted. While this is perfectly acceptable, you will have to mention somewhere in your document that you can type into the drop-down. Of course, with form design the way it is, it wouldn't make much sense to make the drop-down editable like that. Also, you can use this very same tutorial if you are using a List Box and not a Drop-Down. So, there you go, you now know how to make a more custom Drop-Down Menu in your LiveCycle PDF form. demo.pdf
In this tutorial I will expand a little bit more with actions based on my last tutorial. In this one, I will set up a series of check boxes in which a specific action will happen when a user clicks 1, 2, or 3 check boxes and when all three check boxes are selected something else happens. The first step is to populate the form with the five check boxes with three being the options and the two check boxes that will be used as the results when certain conditions are met. If you followed the last tutorial, your next step is to open up the Action Builder and you can either select it from right clicking one of the checkboxes and select Action or click Tools at the top menu and selection Action Builder. Once there, you are going to do the following: Add two Check box #1 Add two Check box #2 Add one Check box #3 Now you will set the following conditions: Check box #1 will have Is Checked and Is Unchecked Check box #2 will have Is Checked and Is Unchecked Check box #3 will have Is Unchecked If you notice there are all linked together, and you see the word “and” in the link this means that if you were to run this as is, you will have a whole mess of problems such as the results check boxes being checked off. So, you want to click on the word “and” and switch it to an “or” and this way if it meets certain conditions then one of two results will happen. Next, we will set up our results, which are what will happen to the other two check boxes when the specific conditions are met based on what check boxes have been checked off. In the result column, select from the drop down, choose Select Value to Field and select the fourth check box to be checked. However, to prevent both check boxes from being checked, you need to add a second result and for the fifth check box you need to select unchecked. If you click the Preview PDF tab and went and checked all three boxes you will notice they are all keep pointing to the fifth box, however, we want it to switch to the forth check box when all three are checked and so we need to set up another Action in order to achieve the desired effect. So, head back over to the Design View Tab, then go to Action Builder once again and create a New Action and to do that click the New Action Icon next to the trashcan and then do the following. Condition (keep the condition link to “and”) Checkbox1 is set to Checked Checkbox2 is set to Checked Checkbox2 is set to Checked Result Set Value of Checkbox4 to checked Set Value of Checkbox5 to unchecked Hit ok and now its test time. Click on Preview PDF, and check of checkboxes 1 and 2 and the 5th box should still be checked. Now click checkbox three and it should now switch to checkbox 4. Then, uncheck either checkbox one or two or checkbox 5 should be checked off again. So there go, you just now created a more complex action that can be used in any form you plan on doing that has something like this. Attached to this tutorial is a live demo of the PDF you just created for comparison needs and thank you for reading this tutorial and checkout for future LiveCycle tutorials by me. tutorial2demo.pdf
To make the guide simple enough. I will have 4 checkboxes and number them 1, 2, 3, 4 Next, you add in a subform by going to Insert > Standard > Subform. For tutorial sakes and testing purposes I will put in a blank textbox to make sure the process is working correctly. Now, make sure you have the subform selected and in the object window, click on the subform tab and then Presence. In the drop down select invisable and this will make your subform invisable in the PDF. The next step is to select your check boxes to make the sub form disappear. We will use Checkbox 1 and Checkbox 3 as the two checkboxes that will make the subform visable again and so right click on Check box 1 and section Actions. In the condition column set your Checkbox to Is Checked and then hit the plus sign to add another object. Now click on the object link and select Checkbox 3 and select Is Checked. You will now notice that they are linked which means you to have both of them checked in order for the subform to appear. In the result column select Show or Hide Object and then click on the object link again and this time select the Subform as the object. In the dropdown, select visable. Hit ok and now it is test time. Hit the Preview PDF tab and it will open up your PDF and click on Checkbox 1, nothing should happen, now click on Checkbox 3 and your subform will appear along with the text field that is inside. Now to make the subform invisable again, right click on Checkbox 1 and select Actions. This time we are going to create a new action and so click on the Icon next to the trashcan. Now add Checkbox 1 and 3 into the condition fields and selected unchecked. Now you will notice on the rink the link and it says and on it, click it and it will change to or. This means if the user uncheckes either Checkbox 1 or 3 the subform will disappear.
The purpose of this short tutorial is to show how fast and easy can be to use classes within your PHP code, it may help you to manage and maintain easily your web applications. What we’ll do here is to create a folder which will contain your php classes and a small script that will aloud your pages to load this classes on the fly avoiding repetitive declarations. As example we’ll create two classes, one will manage the post form and variables, the other will display the html headers and footers. Then we’ll simply call them trough a php page. Test environement To run this examples, it’s easier to do it in a WAMP (a full featured web laboratory installed in your computer). This topic assumes that you installed it as shown in this topic: Otherwise, just make the appropriate changes in the paths used in the examples shown below. Create the myClasses folder This folder will contain all the classes you’ll use in you php code. You can put the myClasses folder wherever you want. For security reasons you should put it outside of the folders publicly accessible, like the top level directory: Test environement Z:\home\yoursite\yourclasses\ Server /home/yoursite/yourclasses/ Create the classloader.php file This file will load automatically the classes stored in the ‘yourclasses’ file when needed. Test environement Z:\home\yoursite\classloader.php Server /home/yoursite/classloader.php Code <?phpfunction __autoload($class){require_once ( '/home/yoursite/yourclasses/'.$class.'.php' );}?> Note: We put this code in a separate file to simplify improvements, like changes of method. You can also add here the session_start, or manage your page compression. The class_test_post.php file In this class you’ll have some functions who will read the infos posted and manage the post form. Test environement Z:\home\yoursite\yourclasses\class_test_post.php Server /home/yoursite/yourclasses/class_test_post.php Code <?php class class_test_post {var $yourname = "";var $yourmusic = "";function __construct(){if(isset($_POST['yourname']) || @$_POST['yourname']<>""){$this->yourname = $_POST['yourname'];$this->yourmusic = $_POST['yourmusic'];}}function display_info(){$string ="";if(isset($_POST['yourname']) || @$_POST['yourname']<>""){$string = "<b>Your name is </b>".$this->yourname." <br /><b>and you like </b>".$this->yourmusic."<hr/>";}else{$string = "Please fill in the form:<hr/>";}return $string;}function display_form(){return <<<DFR<form action="" method="post" >Your name <input name="yourname" value="$this->yourname" /><br/>Your music <input name="yourmusic" value="$this->yourmusic" /><br/><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Form"</form>DFR;}}?> Important: You noticed that the class name is the same as its name file without extention. Create the class_test_html.php file This class will simply display the header and footer of the html page. We’ll just pass the page title as variable. Test environement Z:\home\yoursite\yourclasses\class_test_html.php Server /home/yoursite/yourclasses/class_test_html.php Code <?php class class_test_html {static function display_header($pagetitle){return <<<DHD<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><title>$pagetitle</title></head><body>DHD;}static function display_footer(){return <<<DFT</body></html>DFT;}}?> Note: in case you need some google tips about the ‘<<<DHD’ ending with ‘DHD;’ this notation is called Heredoc. Create the test_post.php file This is the main page that will call and use the classes. Put it in a place accessible from your browser. Test environement Z:\home\yoursite\public_html\\test_post.php Server /home/yoursite/public_html/ Code <?phpinclude("/home/yoursite/classloader.php");$post = new class_test_post();$str = class_test_html::display_header("The Title of Your Page");$str .= $post->display_info();$str .= $post->display_form();$str .= class_test_html::display_footer();echo $str;?> Now, you can test it. Some Explanations The first row of this code includes the class loader file. This way you need only one row in each php page you’ll do, with whatever classes you’ll use. If you need to change the way you load classes, or add whatever code to every pages, like statistics, a session manager, or change the path to the class folder, you can do it at once in this file: the class loader. The second row declares a class as an object, ‘$post’ will contain every function and variables enclosed in ‘class_test_post()’. You noticed that the classes have the same name as their file without extension, now you can imagine why... From the third row until the sixth, we just store the contents returned by the classes before displaying it in the seventh row. You noticed that we used two distinct ways to call the classes. Lets say a few words about this. When we declared the $post as a new class_test_post, we did create an entire object that we can use with an arrow to call functions or set/return values. Concerning the class_test_html, as we don’t really need any object, we can call the class functions directly just using the ‘::’ symbol. This is quite practical to store some home made functions, but don’t forget to declare this functions as ‘static’ in the class... Ok, now you see how easy is to work with classes, I hope you liked it
What's favicon.ico ? favicon.ico is the small image that appears in the tabs of your browser, bookmarks and web history, even in your desktop when you save a shortcut to a specific website. You can see them in almost everywhere. Why should I have a favicon.ico ? favicon.ico gives to your visitors a good visual landmark and are generally welcome. They are small but very visible. Then, it's a good way to brand your website. What appens if I don't want to have a favicon.ico? When your visitors visit or bookmark your page, or have a look to their history, their browser will request for it and your server will send an error page 404. If you have customized errors pages with styles, images, etc. , it will be sent each time favicon.ico is requested even if nobody see it. However, If you plan to design your favicon.ico later on, you can simply put an empty file at the root of your web server, this way you'll avoid error messages and useless logs. But don't avoid it, it's worthy. How to create a favicon.ico? You can find many icon editors in google. I use icoFX, it's a very friendly user, complete and efficient tool that alouds picture importations, supports transparency, picture editions, texts with fonts, and gives many setting choices. Using the minimal settings(16x16 pixels in 2 colors), you may have a very acceptable favicon.ico's weighting arround 198 bytes. How to include it in your pages Once you feel happy enough with your new favicon.ico, just upload it at the root of '', and add the following rows within your <head> tags to make it appear to the browser’s tabs: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" /> or with the absolute url: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="" /> That's all, enjoy it
The purpose of this short tutorial – my first one – is to help you to manage your web laboratory, combining online and offline stuffs, and switch easily between virtual and real host using the same address. Let’s say that you want to test in a safe and clean way some codes in your own PC before to upload them to the web. Your websites use external stuff, like fonts, javascripts, datas or whatever offered by Google, Bloomberg or Facebook, and are located to their websites. The question is: how to switch easily between the testing environment (the virtual host located in your PC, only accessible to you) and real host (located in the real world, the Web), and reverse using the same address: ‘’? Half answer is: the latest version of EasyPHP includes an optional module called ‘Virtual Hosts Manager’. It’s perfects for simple needs and is easy to install... but it has some issues that makes it useless. We'll solve this here. At first you’ll have to install once the environment Server in your PC, then we'll see how to create in 3 easy steps your web laboratory with as many domains and subdomains as you wish into your computer, and switch between virtual and real web, __________________________________________________________________________ Installation and configuration of your WAMP __________________________________________________________________________ Install your WAMP – Windows Apache MySQL PHP Goal: to get a virtual web server environment full featured in you PC. Go to and install the version and modules of your choice. (Wordpress, Drupal, Prestashop, Joomla, etc.) By default it will be installed in this folder: C:Program FilesEasyPHP-12.1 Note: if you want to install it elsewhere, make sure to do the appropriate modifications in the further steps. __________________________________________________________________________ Install the Virtual Hosts Manager in your WAMP Goal: configure your WAMP to support Virtual Hosts Go to to get the latest Virtual Hosts Manager, or download it directly using this link: Install it in the same folder as EasyPHP: C:Program FilesEasyPHP-12.1 In the EasyPHP program, make sure that Apache is running and go to ‘Administration’, or press the touches ‘ctrl+A’, or go directly in your browser to: (If it doesn’t work, do the appropriate changes as described in the next step, and come back here) In the list of modules, you’ll see Virtual Hosts Manager, and at it’s left a button saying ‘add virtual host’. Feel free to use it, personally I avoid it. This module doesn’t offer all the flexibility and liability that you deserve, you’ll probably get several heavy warning messages while you use it, and switching often between virtual and real Host may become a nightmare when you do many tests, instead of exiting as it should be: it doesn’t activate/deactivate virtual hosts properly. But, if it works well enough for you and meets all your needs, you can use it ‘as is’ and won’t need to walk through the further steps. At this point: We installed a module that alouds easyPhp to support Virtual Hosting. __________________________________________________________________________ Apache - Edit the port of your localhost Goal: simplify the configuration of your localhost Make a backup and open the Apache configuration file: C:Program FilesEasyPHP-12.1conf_fileshttpd.conf Go to the row 62, normally you should see this: Listen Then it’s ok and you can go to the next step. Otherwise, if you see something like: Listen Below this row, add this one: Listen Note: if you want to deactivate this for whatever reason, you can comment this row just adding a ‘#’ at the beginning of the row. At this point: now you can access to your localhost just typing in your browser and will be able to edit properly the hosts file as described below. __________________________________________________________________________ The 3 easy Steps to configure your Virtual Hosts __________________________________________________________________________ Step 1: Edit your ‘Hosts’ file Goal: redirect ‘’ to your localhost With Wordpad, open the file: C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetchosts It’s a file without extension, make first a backup copy. Add the following row to your ‘hosts’ file: Optional tip: If you want to access to your localhost just typing ‘localhost’, then add this row if it’s missing: localhost Save your modifications and make sure that your text editor didn’t add a ‘.txt’ extension to your file, otherwise it won’t work, and that’s why I recommend Wordpad to do it. At this point, if you visit ‘’ with your browser, you should access to the contents of your ‘localhost’ witch files are located in your PC. __________________________________________________________________________ Step 2: Apache - Create a configuration file for ‘’ Goal: define the specific folder for ‘’ in your localhost First, create the main folder for your offline works: C:Program FilesEasyPHP-12.1wwwyoursite Now, open the Apache configuration folder C:Program FilesEasyPHP-12.1apacheconf Create a new text file and add the following rows: <VirtualHost> DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/EasyPHP-12.1/www/yoursite" ServerName <Directory "C:/Program Files/EasyPHP-12.1/www/yoursite"> Options FollowSymLinks Indexes AllowOverride All Order deny,allow Allow from Deny from all Require all granted </Directory> </VirtualHost> Note: be aware, Apache makes a difference between ‘/’ and ‘’ Save this file as: C:Program FilesEasyPHP-12.1apacheconfyoursite.conf At this point: you just created a configuration file for the Apache server that you can activate/deactivate in the next step. __________________________________________________________________________ Step 3: Apache – Activate your configuration file Goal: Activate the configuration of your Virtual Host in you local server With your text editor, open the Apache configuration file: C:PROGRAM FILESEASYPHP-12.1conf_fileshttpd.conf At the end of the file, add the following row: Include conf/yoursite.conf Important: with your EasyPhp console, first: STOP Apache, then: START Apache, just restarting may not always work properly either. At this point: if you visit ‘’ with your browser, you’ll access to the empty file you just created for your virtual host. __________________________________________________________________________ How to Activate/Deactivate Virtual Hosts Like in Step 1, open your ‘Hosts’ file, and then, to deactivate, the Virtual Host of your choice just add a ‘#’ at the beginning of it’s row, and save it. To reactivate it, just remove the ‘#’: # Then you’ll access directly to the web. Note: Apache doesn’t need to restart, as you don’t need to touch the configuration files. __________________________________________________________________________ Conclusion Now you can install and test everything you wish safely and combine online and offline stuffs using the same address, and switch easily between your online and offline websites, just adding or removing a ‘#’ from your ‘Hosts’ file. It may seem tricky in a first view, but the result is very simple, quick and reliable. Note: This is my first tutorial, if you find whatever mistake, something unclear, know a better way to do or say it, I will really appreciate.