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- Birthday 08/13/1944
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Melbourne Australia
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Very good posting. At the beginning I thought it will be posting persuing God existence but i saw the good ending. I am scientist but I believe in God. We tell that God used the phonemena that we learned in Science when He created the world and make the earth suitable for living of the human. He allow chicken give eggs everyday to feed the human. He allows cows to give milk most of time. He allow bees to make huge amount of honey more many times they need to deliver human more food. God make us the sun to be natural light to us and moon to reflect the sunlight in the night time. He let earth to go around the sun to make pople in different places uses the Sun and moon in turn. In the same time He make the isosphere around the earth to protect the earth from the heat and burned falling space things to protect the earth. Think about the miracles in our body. How heart has four rooms. How the oxygen we breath go to our blood . How the kidney is working to clean our blood. How our liver produce the two types of blood. How our tiny glands control and direct how our hair, our voice our other system works. Don't forget the miracle of immunisation in our body to defend our body from the enemies. How all our parts are communicate through the nerves. How women give milk only if she gives birth not before. Think about the miracles of eyes and ears. Do you know that a liquid inside our ears are responsible to our balance. In science we studied the gravity, magnetism and we use these feature but we don't know why the gravity with this number and why the magnatism do that way. Many things in our body , our planet and in the space speaks about the creator. Befoire I end I have not to forget to tell that , if St Paul wasn't in Phlipi, anotherone was be. My ancestor, the ancient Egyptian was converted to Christianity by St Mark. Since then they rejected their way before and were ready to be killed in the name of Christ. Many was myrtered by the Roman and after that by the Arabs but many still living in Egypt and migrated in many countries as well. They are the Copts and their Pope is Pope of Alexandria.
1. Yes humans can eat meat of the animal he/she like exactly:---As the Whale who we defend, eat tons of small fish. ---As the lion and other animal in forest eat another animal to survive. ---As the nice cats do to the birds. ---As your dog eat meat or caned meet. ---As we feed the tigers, lions, Shitas, ...in the zoo by meet. etc. IT IS LIFE and our features. Some animals eat plants, some eat meat and some eat both. 2. If you say why we don't eat only plants. Then why you consider plants can be eaten and not the animal. Is that because plants breath differently and blood presure there replace with other pressure? 3. The chicken which you saw in battery chicken will not exist at all if it is not planned to be eaten. You don't know how they can survive in wilkdness and how much number?. I am also wondering why the chicken don't lay on their eggs as the other birds do[ erxcept in children stories]. I rember my grandma presented me a couble of Pigeon when we were visited her one day . They became my toys that time when there wern't toys as today. I put them in big cage and put in side a big 4 galon tin box to lay in. They lay two tiny egs every month . They produced 3 couples of birds who make 4 families with added tin boxes. Then we started to eat their next products. You don't imagine how they tasty and how their meat has benefit. [i missed that ] . Then another visit to our vilages, one of my aunt give me anchicken egg which was of sure will produce chick [i.e was manipulated with the roster there]. I put that chicken egg with the two tiny pigon eggs. The peacful Pigeon [as Jesus said[ didn't reject the strange eggs and they contintinue lay on the the three eggs . Until 3-4 weeks the chick hick from the eggs and I have check who became a strong roster. Of course after months I allowd the family to eat that roster and start doing the same cycle again. From that story I want to say that these chicks are produced by us. We fed and take care of them and in our mind that they will be eaten one day. THAT IS THE LIFE. 4. You speak about the bad conditions to the chicken before slaughter. I don't agree. There are many humans in more bad situation. There are people are living 8 persons in tiny room and many human living in dark and without electricity. There are many people in India has no toilets [WC]. Open your eyes to see what around and not only what in your place. See what Katerina Hurricane showed what in real US. How the NY homeless are living and not the life be shown in Hollywood films. 5. Then what the difference if they will slaughtered anyway and be eaten. What the difference in how.
What Do You Guys Do When You Have Nothing To Do?
kasm replied to Minjoo's topic in General Discussion
I don't expect this question from one in this era. Even I am from old generation but I can't find the time to do and watch and surf everything. You are lucky generation than our, with all these facilities. Huge numbers of TV Channel, DVD, Mobile Phones. Gem, Sports, Computers and the Internet. In our youth times, we had limited radio stations . limited in hours and numbers. We need a strong Antenna to catch some from abrboard. But you have lot of colored TV channel and may be high definition. May be you are in pay tv so you have channels for sports, films, musics,....SO: - You can watch one of the channel of TV. - You can follow one of sport competions. - You can watch good DVD and video tapes. - You have computers so you have lot of things to do with computers: - You can read your emails and respond to some. You can skim and may be clean from spam. keep some emails in a particular folders. - You can chat using msn messenger, yahoo messenger and google . - You have Search Engines as Google , Yahoo. msn or other so you can read and gain information about anything.. - You can join many forum and read or respond or initiate topics. - you can make money on line[with caution] - you have game computers, video games , boxes or play stations.. In our time we have three board, chess, snake and ladder and Lido. - You can thinks about miracle in your body and how each is working and think how is wonderful.. There are many sites and search engine can help you. - You can thinks about the current invention and see how it work not only how to use it. May be you help us by inventing or developing something to humanity. There is a program in the net called howstuffworks. - You can enjoy world museum on the net like Egyptian Museum, Russian Museum, Fresh Museum, Australian Museum, British Museum. US Museum. - You can tour another countries virtually on the net. - You can read many books on the computer's screen . In our time we have to go to the librarary [and it were limited in numbers] - You can go to local library, You have lot of them now. They borrowed you many books at a time and now you can borrow DVD, CD or games. In our time were very limited in numbers and not allow to borrow or allow one book at a time. - You can go to gem or even may be lucky that you have presented fitting equipment to practice at home. - You can go to park and there are lot now around by our local council tax. - You can go cycling and now it is more organized paths for that. - you can summarize what you studied in past to help you to block build your knowledge. - You can develop your current affair knowledge about your country and about all the worlds, step by step, drop by drop until you will know about all things around you. That will help you to enjoy watching the news 100%. - You can develop your national language and not only speak the street language. You have to take strong idea about grammars and some idea about idioms. You can develop your spelling skills and this can push you up in the future promotion. There are many computers programs help in spelling matter. - You can develop your self esteem, memory and self confidence. There are many programs on the net help you. Seek and you will find. - You can polish and practice your foreign language you are studying. Or if nothing there , start to know a foreign language. It will help you in your future. - You can read in history. You know the core points in our history - If you are relegious, you can read in your holy books and stories about prohets, and great men. -
Is Outer Space The Future Of Mankind? the moon, mars, asteroids
kasm replied to hansen's topic in Science and Technology
No we will face problems more than here. Gravity, and carrying our Oxygen , water and food. We went only to our satellite the moon. there are long way and need time and exceeded the speed to go to the next neighbor , Marc. It is not practical. We know that human and our plants and animal can't survived without water, oxygen and food so we need to carry oxygen, water and food.. So to live in space we have to find planet that is a exact duplicate of our planet and as said the 200+ planets found so far none have come close to earth. So even though will find that similar planet it need 100 or more of year to travel there . If we decide to go to Marc it will take 10-15 years but we need to carry our oxygen, water and food. If we decide to live in the moon because of affordable travel time, we need to carry our Oxygen, water and food . So better to live in earth's deserts or or at pole in snow than living there. No it is better to put the effort and money here to discover more resources or new technologies. If we used these trillions of money and the huge research time and effort in developing resources in our planet , it will be better. It is better to use these budgets and manpower and human minds to discover more resources or new technologies: to deal with diseases, hunger, global warming, We have to find cost effective methods to convert water to water suitable to human and then planting the desert. - we have to use natural sources of energy effectively and less cost than now as Solar , hydrol and wind energy. -We have to think how to increase the food products. - to planting deserts - we have to use and increase sea food. - to produce cars that less consume fuel and less transmit carbon dioxide. - to think about renewed the consumed energy. A Don't worry. Malthus one day was pessimistic but human survived for more than he predicted. The Reverend Dr Thomas Robert Malthus who lived from 13 February 1766 to 23 December 1834). has expressed views on population growth and noted the potential for populations to increase rapidly. He said that the population grow if unchecked in geometric rate rate (i.e. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.), whereas the food-supply grows at an arithmetic rate (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.).. So he predict a biog problem and suggested that only natural causes (such as accidents and old age), misery (war, plague, and above all famine) disasters. . But the crises didn't happened . or sometimes happened for a while.. [see Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia to know about Mathus and his ideas]at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malthus ] Moreover The space shuttle are extremely expensive. And you will not enjoy that European or American living as you said and you expose them to known and unknown risks. . -
1. No justification to killing civilian in war. Yes Japan has bad history not only to the American but all region including my Australia. They wanted take Australia and ending the war saved Australia. But America have to battle the soldiers not the civilian. 2. Why the Geneva Convention then? 3. Why they don't kill the prisoner of war and abide with rules. 4. Why we blamed Saddam Hussein? 5. Why we blame Palestinian who invited these suicide bombing in Israeli cities. Why we didn't find to them execuse. That people occupied for 40 years and haven't tanks and airplanes. 6. There is things not by voting and say 50-50.
1. You are right but in fact no body can stop the horrible acts by crazy people but at least to condemn them at least blame them and get them to trial or punish them and don't find execuse to them 2. No body could stop Hitler. So it is not realistic to blame anybody for not stop the Holcust. All Europe were under occupation. so who blame the church to not stand against Hitrler is not just. If church could do anything then it stopped Hitler from occupying Poland and France as an example. 3. Nobody could stop the crazy Roman to use the atomic bomb.I wrote 3 years ago when the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have marked the 60th anniversary of its destruction by the world's first atomic bomb. And I questioning why no war crime allegation has raised against Truman who said: Nobody was charged for this crime. Some were defending this crime. Read that in 60 Years-atomic Bombings Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki. 4. Nobody tried the Arab who invade all north Africa and Spain and destroyed many nations there but sometimes they claim that they enforced them to true religion . The old Egyptian knowledge which was in the Library of Alexandria was lost in big fire . 5. Nobody tried the Arab and then Turkey to destroyed Constantinople and change its name and convert Agia Sofia church to become mosque. 6. Nobody tried what did Turkey to the Armenian, Greek , Bulgarian, the Serb and other people of Balkan
1. First why this miss and confusion for a young person as yours. Why all these opinion which will not help you. I don't know why your parent do that. There is Islamic schools , school for jews and other etic schools. Otherwise in public school they are not teaching religions. May be your parent see that it is good to you. 2. I advice you to get the knowledge of Math, Science, History, Geography, Politics, Economic, Accounting, Social Studies , English language (literature, idiom, Cramer, spelling,etc ) and foreign language . As I mentioned 12 branches of knowledge you will add to yourself. Moreover how to use computer and the Internet. word processor, sheet, and data base. How to print and draw graphs in different shape. 3. Only one tiny thing that the religion. If you are a jews then you find Christian read from your bible except that you are not acknowledge that Jesus was the waiting missaia. 4. If you are Muslim you will find that Islam is near to the Christianity, They share the stories of Adam ,Noah, :Abraham (Ibrahim ), Isac, Ishmael, Jacob, Josef, Moses, David, Solomon,...etc. Also there is Jesus in Islam but with two different things. Islam acknowledge that Jesus came without father and he is the word of God. Islam told about miracles of Jesus doesn't told in Gospel. The only two different that Jesus is only great prophet and second that Jews crucified another one believing that he is Jesus. Islam teach that Jesus ascended to heaven and still there and will return at the end of the world. 5. Then it is not big problem to see what some people believe and tell that by saying Christian believe that Jesus.was crucified and dead then res eruct and ascending to the heaven . Then he is in the heave and return again agreed with you believe, 6. If you are not Muslim or Jew then enjoy the stories of Adam ,Noah, :Abraham, Lot, Isac, Ishmael, Jacob, Josef, Moses, David, Solomon,...etc. Consider them as the characters in Daisney or Simpson or Harry Potter. 7. No problem that 15% of the Bible ISP (Independent Study Project), . That is because you study 7 subject in the year.. Most of bible stories are in Koran. I remember I am Christian but I was in the public school of Egypt and in Arabic subject has to remembers and repeat a pieces of Koran and I was preparing articles about Prophet Mohammad . and I didn't felt that a problem. 8. To who was said: I scientist too and acknowledge Atoms and Ions. That is science and scientific theory hasn't fail.. But belief is another things. Belief is things you agree that things exist or happened but you can't prove it. Religions, Big Bang , Darwinism , Evolution (except micro-evolution) and any interpretation of how life is started are belief.
Do You Believe In Astrology? The Personality part or The Futeure
kasm replied to Wynter's topic in Health & Fitness
- No I don't believe neither of them , personality or Future One. - I wander how people who persuading existence of God, believes in such these things. - All these horoscope is for fun no more. - Exactly what nowdays some collecty collect mobile phone numbers by asking people to sms them your name and your lover name to tell you whatever you are perfect couple. All they do harvest people mobile number and sell them. - I wander what your name what u didn't chose do with matching you with your perfect mate. Who will hear the advice. nobody because it is nonsense. - What effect you to born in August or October? -
- I don't see that "he is amazing. All contradiction. - It was waist time to watch that rubish in the first video so I don't watch the second one. - I am sorry to open it. - I see how many times you answered and how much credit you ge in 3 days. Congratulation
- It is not clear what help you asking for? - For now my help is to advice you to forget the msn. You can do that in the next 2 week vacation after exam. Be strong in that. - You are lucky have many days without exam so you have two or more evening to prepare yourself to the next exam. - Also I have question anout the meaning of "block exam". I am first time hear this term even though I am in Australia as you. Good luck
1. Hollywood actress Sharon Stone said that : China quakes "karma" for Tibetans Watch : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ She never told us: 2 - What 11 September was "karma" for? see the collections about this tragedy.: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/= 3- What Hurricane Katrina was "karma" for? see my collection about that tragedy at: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/= 4- What California wild fire last year was "karma" for? see some from the collection about that tragedy: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 5. what the Tornadoes everywhere and mostly in US were "karma" for? : Watch from these collection http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or that one where US tornadoes caught on CCTV http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/watch?v=UCyBaAgspi8 6.What the continious Earthquakes and Tusnami in Japan are "karma" for? 7. What the Cyclone in US and Burma Cyclone 2008 last month were "karma" for? http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 8. I tell Sharon Stone , if your house from glasses so ....
mikeyboy63, I am not US citizen to vote and I never vote in Australia against what I think. My topic is I am happy that one of the minorities has got all this support. Congratulation to US voter that passed the race factor. But I think what after his nomination. You by yourself mentioned the tricks Republican are playing and I added one. Since the world including me don't like another Bush, i express my fear. That is the issue what I raise.
1. Why people raise the race factor. Obama got the first place so far. He more than her by 200 something vote. Then US passed the bottle neck of white and black 2. The problem as I explained is his nomination will make the republican to win by scaring about the security not for that he is black. 3. Morever in recent survey, 60% from Clinton said they will vote to Mc Cain if Clinton will not candidate. On other hand , not choosing Obama as nominee by the party despite his first position in voting will be not democratic. 4. US problem that the system produced 3 persons to choose from, each is worse than others. 5. If G Bush will considered the worest president in your history but the worse is coming. 8. By the way I aplogise for the miss in the heads of the topic. I tried to fix that but I couldn't edit the topic heading
1. I was happy to see the success of Senator Obama in the primary election because he get these votes despite:: a. He is from the minority. b. He is half black even he is not be considered African American who were brought to US as a slave. c. He is considered new migrant. His father was from Africa studying in US. 2. I am happy because it is show to people in my original country Egypt how one of the minority can be candidate and may be get the first job in US while in Egypt the 10% minority the Copts [the native Egyptian who still Christian after Arab conquest] can't be assigned in any role position or elected in position or councils. They can't be for example dean of a faculty, Director of University or organisation, Governors, Ambassadors, or Senior Minster [defense, foreign affair, interior affair]. They can't be elected in Parliament that why the president usually assign 4-5 from them as assigned member not elected member. 3. But I start to worry that if he get the nomination of the Democratic Party then he could loose in the November election by dirty trick of the Republican who will use his background indirectly to easy beat him. They will say that he will be dangerous for the security of US and give impression that: - what if he has link to the enemies the Islamic Terrorism. - what if his success could considered be success to the enemies [even though it is not true]. The fundamental Islamists are considering him a Muslim because his father was muslim and his step-father was muslim too. That is the Islamic law. In Egypt even not fundamental Islamic, we have in last year two case. {i) A mom was jailed 3-years because she convicted of fraud for marrying more than two decades ago as a Christian and her national identity documents state she is a Christian. She was unaware that her father's brief has converted to Islam in 1962, when she was 2 years old. That required her to be converted to Islam too according to the Egyptian Law adopted from Islamic Sharia. more {ii) two students 11-13 years declared as failed because they didn't pass Islamic religion subject and they wrote in answering paper that they are Christian.The school required them to sit in Islamic religion because their father, who left the family about five years ago, had decided to convert from Christianity to Islam.They answered in the exam books that "'We are Christian" so they failed The Islamic religious law, which has been adopted by the civil government in Egypt, requires that children follow the faith of any parent who converts to Islam since Islam is the superior religion that abrogated all other religions, more. I afraid this point will be used indirect between June to November. And as I don't want another Bush [66% from US citizen too] so I don't want to Obama to win the Democratic Nomination [ Sorry Senator Obama].
I only want to say, Egypt is not very dangerous to go. I am Australian from 20 years ago but my original country is Egypt. I was visiting Egypt with all family every year until May parents pass away. My sisters, nephews, niece and other relatives still there and nothing they fear. Everyday I am with them thankful to yahoo messenger. If it happened some accident sometimes, it is like street accident or flooding or hurricane. Many times we haired in the news that a car, truck even planes went into houses or one ripped a bank or a shop while you were there. In Egypt thanks to God there are no flood, hurricane, Tsunami, cyclone or earthquake that always we hear are happening everywhere. That the norm but everything can change. Also in Egypt there are not terrorism as in Iraq or Lebanon but it happened sometimes some terrorists acts as happened US,UK or Spain. At the end I want respond to the main question in this topic and say, I can't say which place I favorite. I am in Australia and was in Egypt, Algeria, Russia, Poland, England, Washington , ?New York, Norflok in US, London, Exeter, Southampton in UK, Finland and many ports and cities as transit. I loved Leningrad [st Petersburg now] and loved the simple life, safety, security, homogeneity in Russia when was Soviet Union and before the current dangerous status. I loved traveling before when was simple and safe everywhere. When nobody threat you anywhere even you are going alone in the middle of night.