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About jackknife
or maybe stop complaining about non-vegetarians but yes i do agree with sheepdog, my vegetarian friends are not going to like this... no more ignorance so no more bliss... Plants are inanimate but they are as alive as us and have surely all the traits of life - consciousness, communication, sensations, hunger, reproduction and a yearning to survive as long as possible... these aspects could be too primitive or too evolved, we dont know... we have a lot learn about them still. They have been there from time immemorial, from billions of years before an ape even thought of climbing down the tree and they have survived through calamities, nature's brutal ongoing assault, iceages, poleshifts, comets, asteroids, catastrophes of cosmic proportions and still stand proud and dominant all around.... they provide food, shelter, fuel, medicine to not only 'HUMANS' but to all life on land we know... but we still refuse to acknowledge them as the real owners of the planet.... its a fact.. we are the immigrants and probably are one of a class... so its high time we (if not hear, atleast) understand their screams.... and learn to co-exist in a symbiotic harmony.... I mean cmon we still got to eat something... or we'll starve to death (rocks are not a recommended substitute) and logic says we got eat something that is/was living... flora or fauna... so fine... consume whatever you like veggies, eggs, fish, meat but realise that that's enough, your hunger is satisfied... beyond that is only greed...
CHINESE!!!! hairless bodies, Those EYES... cmon dont tell me nobody noticed... they eat everything that moves - walk, fly, swim, crawl, float, slither..... now how many human species can claim that maybe they did, steve jobs came across it made it iPOD.. maybe they even have a technology transfer agreement... probably thats how they make their ends meet....
What Do You Do When You Feel Depressed?
jackknife replied to web_designer's topic in General Discussion
I strongly feel you cant fight depression by getting into it contemplating, introspecting or trying to solve it rather the best thing is get out of it.... when you do stuff that takes you of the subject bothering you for sometime you give your mind which is already stressed a much required break..... once you have settled your thoughts and anxiety.... thats when u try to solve it.... and you will be surprised at how easily things work out and solutions spring up..... okay a few things i prefer to do when Im disturbed/depressed.... Cook: Cooking is the ultimate blessing of God they say, i personally find it as an Art. Cooking anything usually takes atleast 30 mins... and for those 30 mins (atleast) you fully concentrate on only one thing, the chemistry happening in your pan... (that is if you are a good cook that is...) you need to continuously monitor the change of color, texture, aroma and taste (presentation I leave it professional chefs only). it is a brilliant distraction and at the end of it you get to eat too....... Swim: Thats again very much on the lines of cooking, you got to completely focus or u gonna have water where air should be now we all know thats worst than depression.... so hey its just you, the water and your breathing .... at the worst even if u swim for 30 mins its 30 mins of pure synchronisation of the above three and nothing else... again its a brilliant distraction and at the end of it you have more rippling muscles to display... now hows that to come out of depression, eh? Play an instrument: Like a guitar, flute, drums whatever you can get your hands on... I do obviously realise the horror your neighbors would endure.... but hey people help people dont they... and being neighbors they have a right to know when things are blue with you... Ok maybe you can avoid the drums.... You never know there could be others in the neighborhood who are depressed, you could come together form a band or something.... it could be the solution if your reason for depression was loneliness in the first place. Again a brilliant distraction (because you atleast try to sound good and that sure needs a hell lotta concentration, and for amateurs like me who play like their life depends on it its a indeed a good physical regime... infact guitar sessions are responsible for half of my six-packs... dont ask me which half... I hate people to know that Im a leftie... i guess Im drifting) and at the end of it you emerge talented, if things go well.. u meet the neighbors, form the band, get signed by virgin, have timbaland produce your tracks... you could be the next Michael Learns to Rock.... (who wants to put on that they didnt start that way, this is what good neighborhoods can do... see Beatles, UB40, Black Sabbath.... Well there is another "activity" you could "engage" in, that I would strongly recommend but the board rules prohibit me from discussing it in graphic detail.... and without graphic details its no fun discussing Martial Arts: you need some training initially just know which way to kick... always use the opposite hand next.. its the most logical thing to do...martial arts require concentration, discipline and dedication of the highest order (or your sensei's gonna whack your crack.... infact the training you undergo itself makes you realise the power of simple things in life.... I mean ask a guy who is been punching a stone wall for three weeks what a hand spa means to him... you can almost see tears in his eyes by the mere mention of it.. But thats how it is infact post the training people claim they never feel depressed... they say What sensei put us through not even life Can... ha ha ha.... I mean those guys are happy u kno.... Again its a brilliant distraction and you never know maybe there is a 9-tailed fox sealed within yeah Thats it for this post.... hopefully this helps... will give more tips next time.... -
yeah i think life does exist on other locations than the earth too.... in what form bacterial, amphibian, complex mammals or something even beyond to which we still haven't evolved to...... but one thing i dont necessarily agree to the fact all of them advanced ones are out there trying to locate us to colonise or partner with us.... I think this attitude and trait of meddling with others and their issues is very uniquely human in nature... I have not come across anything from the plant or the animal kingdom which has that.... No... everything lives in symbiosis... except for us (and a few other viruses and parasites, but trust me they cause exponentially less damage than us) so no I dont think other life forms elsewhere should depict these traits just because we do.... we have problem of unnecessarily and I mean absolutely unnecessarily meddling into other's affairs..... We love making changes to it... it helps us fulfill our fantasy of becoming Gods.... I wont be surprised if there are higher intelligent lifeforms out there who already know of our existence and obviously the very first thing their higher intelligence is going to tell them is to Avoid any contact.... probably they would have even developed technology so that any signals coming from earth just bounce away.... you never know .. maybe they are living in a fear of constant infection... its called the human disease..... maybe the aliens returning from earth expeditions are quarantined the moment they land just to ensure they are not infected by the human disease....... but this is the interesting part when it comes to Us, we rule (abuse & exploit) whatever we consider inferior physically or mentally, including humans themselves but when it comes to an intelligence higher than us we want them to make civilised contact with us, talk to us so that we can, due to our great generosity can let them cohabit 'our' planet...... Yeah, Right!!!!!!!!!! There is life out there, it doesnt care about us i think we should be doing the same.... lets try to live in peace with our own earthlings the lesser intelligent (i know thats impossible, thats why I used TRY) first which we can see, know it exists and are sharing their home with us.... then maybe we can spare sometime to think about another earth in another solar system in another galaxy in another universe....
I would like to correct this saying WILL POWER is a quality gifted to all living things but FREE WILL is the gift unique to humans.... (though we dont seem to be drawing much good from it..) I wonder sometimes how things would have been the other way round.....It is amusing to visualise humans being reared by lions for food.... or monkeys training humans on how to pluck fruits for them while they mate and (re)produce more masters......
WILL POWER according to me is a composite of (WILL) Desire and (POWER) endurance and patience.... the Desire creates the positive or negative outcome of the events, like nirmaldaniel says negative desire = terrorist blasting a place or positive desire = student shining in school....that is the first part of it, the origin, the WILL..... Power is the decider of the intensity of the output, its your endurance which decides wat lengths you can go to in achieving your desire or Will before you break apart.... if you can endure it you will most often than not achieve it.... look at Gandhi, Mandela, Rocky Balboa (he was the flashiest ).... its all about endurance mate.... You got to endure it all the time till you achieve it..... but all that you would endure it to your limits only if you want to keep doing it..... Now thats PATIENCE..... most of the times you would realize that you dont achieve goals not because you cant achieve them or are not capable of achieving them but its because we dont want to wait that long...... we want everything fast .... cmon we are the turbo generation.... we want everything fast... travel, food, sex, growth, communication, processing, transport everything.... hmmmm.... now thats a contradiction to patience..... So its patience that decides the time frame for your endurance...... so if you can endure through the required patience you will achieve your will..... if that makes any sense..... Discipline, intel, strategy, tactics and yardsticks are directed by the WILL or desire, the stronger the Desire the more you get disciplined, you start gathering the required data or info, the intensity of the quest is again directly proportional to the intensity of the desire. Similarly, you devise appropriate strategy and tactics to combat the potential pitfalls and hindrances and at the same time use the opportunities to your advantage to achieve your DESIRE... and obviously the yardsticks are designed/created for you to keep checking how far you are still from your desire...... it is the scale (changing with the everchanging circumstances ofcourse) This is how it is, if your will power is good enough, you might do drugs or alchohol for recreational/social purposes but never even remotely get addicted to it.... cases like that arent unheard of.... we all have friends like that.... and we all also have friends who just cant control themselves, One opportunity and they are addicted..... it happens doesnt it..... I wanted to give a explanation and after careful introspection and intense contemplation for 4 seconds I decided on cigarettes: WILL: To smoke a cigarette Endurance: Standard Respiratory attributes required, generally irritated in the beginning eventually adapts to the onslaught of Smoke, heat, tar and 1000 few other toxins and carcinogens Patience: This factor is not applicable (unless you are in a 30 Hr flight). Very low doses required in critical situations. Strategy: Aquisition Tactics: Locate & establish contact with nearest cigarette vendor. Yardsticks: No. of Cigarettes per Day/Hour Hence the WILL POWER in this case is of CLASS D.... regular quality.... WILL: To NOT Smoke a cigarette Endurance: Extremely High levels of psychological attributes required, surely irritated in the beginning eventually grows to full scale mania (in extreme cases may try to smoke cigarettes made of newsprint). Patience: This is a tough fight and it is a fight to the finish. You can never get it out of your head like your neighbor's wife it just stays there always teasing.. Extremely high doses required even in regular situations, it becomes grave on crossing the 30 minute mark. Strategy: Distraction Tactics: Confuse the mind by using replacements like pens, pencils or paper rolls. I personally use a joint as a replacement. It has its advantages... or chewing on something like gum, candy, mints or chocolates (No Chewing tobacco is not a good replacement, though it helps u the most in achieving your WILL to not smoke it) Yardsticks: Mints per day/hour/15mins Hence the WILL POWER in this case is of CLASS A..... Uber quality.... So as you see that explains the concept of WILL POWER..... and the structuring and functioning of the composite....
I would say rather insist that this age is aptly named the 'age of pollution'. Mankind indeed has been achieving great peaks of success in polluting everything around it and it is determined to take to the next level. I mean cmon, polluting land, air & water wasn't enough.... it was no fun at all, it had become usual and boring... we needed something more exciting and now we have moved towards newer horizons genetics, space, humans (clinical trails), minds (religious/communal warfare), food, media, Ideals, idols, culture, language, arts, history... the list is long... and we can see that our trend of success continues... Oil spills, gas tragedies and radiation poisoning.... are so Old school now... Adding to Opaque's point i would say that this is more the time of information availability to one and all... its just a click away.... but you also cannot forget that not 100% correct as it is a collection of opinions some correct and some not. This revolutionary power of sharing has its own pros and cons. Information (even beyond our current comprehension) was always available but it was not shared with all but only with the ones learned enough to understand the significance, implication and consequences of having or using it... Information was handed down from teacher to student, mostly orally... It would be in the form of couplets, octets, scripts usually sounding like a poem when u recite them.... but are actually grand masterpieces of collaboration of Information, phonetics, mathematics, statistics, astronomy, literature, geography, spirituality and poetry all encrypted and compressed into these little couplets(2 lined) and octets(of eight vowels). They are the earliest and probably still by far the most complex cryptograms known to us..... if you are learned enough for your teacher to give you this info, you surely can decode the tons of data embedded into it and also not make changes to these masterpieces but to enjoy and employ the possession of them.... which would not be possible for a untrained mind. So, this was primarily to maintain the purity of the information being passed... so with this paradigm shift in sharing of information the 'wrong information' has also simultaneously creeped into the domain of available information... I would define 'wrong information' as incorrect information, statements and assertions based on self opinion and not substantially backed, hate information, information violating gender, nationality, race, community, practice, profession, sentiment, rights, religion or peace and information that is twisted, turned and shaped by external forces for personal gains. There is also a big section of information which is 'created' to be true. Im sure you'll agree, Im talking of almost half of all the information available for sharing today..... so technically we have even polluted our information sharing system ..... WOW ... we are simply excellent in this pollution thingy.... So you have to give it to the AGE OF POLLUTION as the most apt for this age....
It is rather unfortunate for you to have not heard about King Ashoka who ruled one of the largest kingdoms ever in our recent history, he is probably one among the best evangelists buddhism and a very knowledgeable leader who contributed significantly to science, culture and arts. It is strongly debated that the scientists of King Ashoka discovered Jet Propulsion way before the nazis (oops americans).... the point here is that his name was inscribed on the works as the authority and emperor and the works are proof enough of his existence.... if thats not enough there are several hundreds of his mentions in the logs of Travelers and explorers..... But when it comes to Jesus Christ is there any other text, or reference except the HOLY BIBLE , No!! absolutely traceless.... I mean cmon even the Tomb is empty... Obviously they found archeological evidence and proof for King Ashoka (much to the dismay of the western scholars) but yeah in case of Christ is still awaited. So yes, as they say in the west... On paper Ashoka's life for all practical purposes is more logical than Christs, which is still fictional.... This implies that Allah, Rama, Buddha, Krishna, Zues, Osiris and the likes all existed coz the same conditions apply on them too... which means there are no myths... this is going to rattle the western community... coz for them this is uber mythology..... if u are a southerner then better watchout for those conservatives... so even simply stating that Christ existed doesnt prove his existence.... so yes under current social norms he is a MYTH, and the Bible a MYTHOLOGY. No enlightened soul asks you to accept his sayings or teachings, it is our acceptance that gives them the GOD status. It is indeed possible to state that Jesus or the God of the Abrahamic religions do not exist. That's a joke!!! there are only 3 of them and look wat they have done.... it is global, never-ending and ever-intensifying catastrophe... I do not remember the last time they actually lived in peace. The three can only think of wiping each other off... if this is how it is to be "down to earth" i surely prefer something "up there" I totally disagree..... the universe can imply more than one GOD... if the there exists a GOD of righteousness and imbalance the laws of nature imply the existence of a GOD of unrighteousness and imbalance... that is only when equilibrium is established.... the yin and the yang.... that makes 2 already..... everything in the universe exists due to multiple factors... life on earth (scientifically) is coz of millions of factors like the sun, the distance from the sun, the moon, the gravity of Jupiter, ozone layer, elements, polymers, proteins acids etc.... so y not when so many factors govern our existence, y cant multiple GODs work together to keep the cosmos the way it is.... every thing has a higher order governing it .... wat if the almighty GOD was to be deriving his power from a SUPERGOD an even higher consciousness and Power.... y not???
Walking on water, curing the blind and diseased, turning water to wine, multiplying food etc.... are indeed amazing but not some great miracles bestowed upon the holy descendants only..... these are arts or SIDDHIs of vedic origins and were practiced by many many sages over the eons. These are yogic arts, and they needed 1000s & 1000s of hours of practice and meditation. Not any and every sage could do these but the most trained ones only... Infact the mastery of these arts/siddhis was the competition & benchmark of these sages who wanted to attain perfection. By perfection i mean not 'enlightment' but the achievement of the complete control on wat the human body can do, when the mind & soul combine into one..... can call that the trinity... So it is not unusual for Jesus Christ a jew to have known, come across, learnt & mastered these art/siddhis.... palestine's not that far from India, u kno... u cud always take the silkroute.... Jesus Christ was a sage who was enlightened, wanted to serve the mankind, show the astray the path, exhibited the powers (miracles) of the human body to show wat each and one of us can achieve if we want to....... That obviously is rebellion in a religiously controlled society... hence got prosecuted... this chain of events created the awe we call CHRISTIANITY.... when this awe was politicised it became a religion..... So my advice to u is it is worth following a man who spoke of love, peace and brotherhood rather than wasting your life not knowing wat to do and whom to follow... inshort... chuck the facts, follow the essence...