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Posts posted by romy

  1. Bandwidth is the amount of information that can be transmitted over communications lines at one time. The higher the bandwidth, the faster the Web page loads. Limited bandwidth is the main reason for keeping pictures small. Just as it seems we will never have fast enough computers, it feels like we will never have enough bandwidth. The amount of research and development money being thrown at this problem should yield surprising results before long.


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  2. My hobby is AirSoft. AirSoft is a military simulation sport somewhat similar in nature to paintball, in which players participate in mock combat with authentic military-style weapons and tactics. Unlike paintball, which uses paint-balls as projectiles, Airsoft guns usually use 6 mm spherical projectile (pellet) made typically with injection-molded ABS plastic. The 'weapons' used in Airsoft are generally exact full size replicas of military weapons such as the Colt M16, H&K MP5.


    Airsoft refers to a class of replica air powered guns that originated from Japan (although the origins go back to the US in the 70s). The power levels are way below those of traditional airguns, but the guns are 1:1 scale copies of original pistols, rather than original designs.


    Sorry for long definitons :) Something is copy, but most thinks are not. Here is some pictures of weapons in AirSoft.


    Posted Image


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    COPIED POST (AGAIN). google search for first paragraph.

  3. I think that next grand Theft Auto (GTA) won't be soon here. because od San Andreas. First mus at san andreas exist multiplayer before can Rockstar Games make a new GTA. There are too system requirements. Minimum requirements for this game (San Andreas) are very high.

  4. When i have my old computer i was playing Call of Duty on minimum graphics and Wolfenstein Enemy Territory. ET is a great game worth of download. Because it's tottaly free. Now i have new computer (MAD 64) i play unreal Tournament 2004, Juiced, btw. Joiced is greate because you can race with your friends and with total strangers, witch can later be your friends :) Also good online game is FarCry. But you need original cd-key. I have it. But there is a problem. Lot's of people have pirate game. I have never tried the Doom 3 online. But my friends say that is's sux.

  5. I use Windows XP and linux Mandrake 10.0 Community. I use them on same computer with LiLo boot loader. I just pick operating system and start work. My first week on linux was horrable. When i was in Linux my first time i just searc Installers *.exe files. my scan results was 0 (zero). Everything goes trough console and terminal. My point is: Windows are for begginers and gamers, and linux is for servers and computer experts. Linux is very stable and reliable. I use it on my homemade server ;)

  6. good question ;) I wake up at 5.50 to prepared to go to school at around 6.30 wit a train. About at 6.00 AM i go for 10 minutes on computer se4arch if any new torrents on the net. I love to download Crime Scene investigation series :P Earlier than everyone else in the house. They go on work after then i go to school. School is 30 kilometers away from me. When i come in the town i must first get a coffe or something to wake up tottaly :P I have usualy about six hours School per day. I come home arount 2 PM.

  7. Someone play MP by internet?I play by internet that game... And i think that is the best game ewer but not better than counter strike source.But in cod is very much cheater's. So i have played in clan.. cuzz in public all cheated. But i quit with call of duty but i think dthat u need to try.have a nice day

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