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Posts posted by machinamedia

  1. Well happy birthday sonorama !

    Uhm... if this makes you feel better, the things can go a lil' bit more bad than that... for example at my 15 anniversary one of my grandpas` died... like this wasn't enough after 2 years exactly on my 17 anniversary my grandma` died too. The last one really freaked me out... But that's it! I passed over this... Sometimes you got nothing to do for fixing the things...

    Cheers! and happy birthday again!

  2. Excuse me if you consider i'm not pollite or something but the three templates are completely CRAP! They look like they're made in m$ pain by a kido or sumfin.And i have an advice for you rvovk: If you want to get something good let the "clerk" to do his job. Don't tell him "do it like that, do it like that, do it in that way!". If you have ideeas apply them don't put others to do it. You'll never get something professional this way... because all you do it's to "block" designer's immagination...Cheers!

  3. arg! next time you post your pictures please resize them or use imageshack and post the thumbs to them. big images like these can slow down some poeple connections considerably and make the page not easy to browse.


    o_O sxyloverboy wrote clearly in topic's description WARNING!! BROADBAND ONLY!!


    ontopic: the shots are nice but you have to work little more on the focus. I like the one with the coffee especially.


  4. Well, do you run one of these servers? Have you been remotely accessed through a network? Does this security threat have any relevance to you?


    I thought you were saing that the post caused me problems... That's it! Sorry if you feel so irritated by a simple question and you answer on that sarcastic tone. Next time better don't answer... It's same!

  5. :)

    Well, I think there are no hackers or crackers anymore.

    Hmm I don't think I agree with this... checkout http://www.zone-h.net/If you'll look at the targets 30% or 40% from the attacks are impossible to be reached by script kiddies which use exploits from forums and so on. In these attacks are used only 0day's which meanse they CODE them... So that's the prove that cracking it's still alive and freshy...

    ...those guys who sit all day behind the desk and look for some phpbb exploits because every idiot can run a program.

    If you think there aren't crackers/hackers anymore where do you think the exploits that the "guys who sit all day behind the desk" use come from? Maybe moon or something... you never know what those little creatures do up there...
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