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Everything posted by Samleeuwenburg

  1. Hey guys! I just opened up the file manager in cPanel and wanted to test it by writing a simple HTML file that looks like this: <html> <body> hello world!! </body> </html> ( I did all this with the file manager , in the folder public_html) then when I went to my page: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it didn't show it, just the apache cpanel page telling me that everything is working properly and I didn't add any content yet. What could be going wrong here? P.s. File manager is telling me that it is a html file so that's not the problem, before I had that I lt didn't save it as index.html rather. Index.html.txt . Sorry for asking soo many questions on this forum! And thnx for helping out once again.
  2. Altough it's fantastic that this is possible I still wouldn't use it, I am posting this from my iPhone and I have nothing to complain about safari. The way they made sure you could open pages in new windows and copy text using touchscreen is truly done apple style, the thing they have allways been best in: user friendly design. I still remember the iPod was on the market and the zenn from creative, Zenn - 20 gig for 200 euros iPod - 4 gig for 220 eurosI bought the iPod, u know why?iPod - 5 buttons ( plus lock ) zenn - 20+ ( if I remember correctly )
  3. Hey, I just ordered an domain from Xisto with myCENT's points.I was just wondering where i can find the following information or if it will get mailed to me.the information to log into the ftp, (password, adress ) information to login into the MySQL ( host adress username password )and also the data to login to the Cpanel.Im pretty new to this, so it can it be that i am missing something? could it be that its all my username from Xisto??Thanks alot for all replying
  4. it's a good question to ask, because if we could replicate the human way of making decisions then if you would ask the machine if it feels. It would say yes, but we can't know for sure. Still it's the same as asking another human being if they feel, you can't know for sure. Nevertheless analog or digital i think there is no difference, what we call soul / ghost in the machine is not unique to cellular things i think. But then again we can't know for sure
  5. I totally agree. And indeed we should all be thankfull we have the ability to asks ourselfs these things.
  6. I think you don't really understand what a black hole is, it's not the shape of a flat disc or like a portal. It's a sphere just like a planet only the matter is so dense and compressed that gravity is even strong enough to pull down ligt as if it was a falling apple. Also gravity slows time, and with black hole it reaches such a peak that time stops at it's surface ( whatever the &@$# that might look like ) it's not something you dive into with your space ship. Once you can't be seen anymore you can't go back cause nothing is faster then the speed of light. Another thing, peolple talk about the great distance problem, there is another thing that slow time like gravity and that is speed, ( it is thought that the reason light never stops traveling is because it's in a state of time stop ) if could reach light speed you might take 300 years to reach your destination (300 lightyears away ) but for you it would have felt like seconds, and even better you're not even 300 years older on the other hand, you're friends and family you left behind on earth have. It's all very complex for us to grasp at this moment in time, even Einstein who someone said earlier was just a simple man who had luck with his formula. So maybe yes the piramids were made with luck, but you gotta admit, we can't copy what they did with machines and elecktricity and calculators. So however it was done it's very very impressive.
  7. we know that machines make decisions based on their input. It's very predictable. human decisions, that's a bit harder to define. Based on experience, knowledge, gut feeling? whatever the case it allows to do alot more then input dependend machine. We both can have goals yes, but a computer is not creative enough to script it's own path towards the end result if you set the initial condition. And I didn't ment to say humans are random, just a little bit more advanced perhaps.
  8. yeah while rereading my post I see I wasn't very clear, it's just a thought about the future, you are right machines can't make these decisions. But what if we could represent the problem the machine is having in a visual manner to let's use the example of a gamer. How much boxes it needs to switch, the person sitting behind the screen would sort that out in a matter of seconds, so during the game you can drop some decision making in between, so you have an input for the machine ( liftarm etc. ) And then add a system like myCENT, the players could get paid for these things. You might ask why not put a guy behind that machine? Well a human mind is way more expensive long term. I hope this makes more sense
  9. A story about a human function being replaced by a machine isn't such a big deal anymore, in these days where my brand new iPhone 3gs ( what I'm using to write this post ) will be outdated by the time I finish my contract with t-mobile it's very easy to make daring statements about the future of technology. But one discussion that keeps comming up is the desicion factor that machines still aren't able to do. If a computer asks me if I want a blue wallpaper or a red one I can't reply with: " you decide " because the computer will need an input, I could make a random series of 1 and 0s and make it emulate a desicion based on that, but when it comes down to it, computers cant make decisions (yet). All we can do is build software, scripts and other clever stuff to make it look like a decision. So while thinking about this stuff I came up with an idea.Let's say you have a function, job whatever that requires the need for decision making, technically it could be done with machines ( lifting the stuff / moving it ) but there ain't no way software could make the decisions ( Wich pile where etc. ) Now let's say I made a game, a game that has repitition and a objective system. My first thought was an RPG, and we have a character, levels, enemies, and quests! And like wow for example no matter what char you choose the gameplay and routine work is the same. Even all the quests on every level be it 1 or 78, it's bassicly the same. What if you can link the process of completing a quest to a task of a machine in a factory? Now I hear u thinking "waaaay to ambitieus". Perhaps , but theoretically this is possible and the missing decission factor machines lack has been intergrated. I'm just putting this out there to ask for your opinions and something for you to think about, what are the technical complications? What would be a good example how this could be used? ( in theory ) what actions can be linked to what? Thanks for reading through my bad english.
  10. Thanks alot that's what I wanted to knowI will just start to write some posts and then see how fast the mycents build up before I buy anything
  11. Hey all, I am having some trouble understanding the myCENT system, I really want to open a free website with Xisto but I need to know some things first.- How many posts do you need to make per month ? ( to maintain a basic package )- How much myCENT is one post- How much myCENT's do you need each month- if I do not make enought posts in a month what will happen to the missing payment? ( will my site shutdown, or will i have debt etc. ? )also how do I link my Xisto.com account to my Xisto - Support.com account ? or is this done automatically?I love these forums already so I would love to stay here, but I need to know these things for sure.Thanks alot in advanceGr Sam
  12. hey thnx for the reply but I do have understanding of HTML and to be honest echoing out that statement is something I've done already FTP is also something I am familiar with. What I haven't found yet is a free hosting / domain name that allows me to use php and mysql so if you could help me with finding that i would really apreciate it. But the goal of my post is to find someone willing to chat with me from time to time to give me feedback on what I'm doing, if it's wrong or could be done better etc etc. Tutorials are allways welcome but they hardly ever explain the bigger picture of a dynamic website, and how mutiple pieces fit the puzzle.
  13. hey thnx for your reply! I should have added a little more detail about the school, it's a game dev/ app dev study. They start out with php/ mysql and move on to stuff like c# and c++, I am although you're probably right about the rpg being difficult. Any suggestions as to what would be an great online app to make is welcome. At the moment I have a wamp server running on my computer and have made a little website where I have a page that loads stuff out of the database and a page to input data, also I have made a leveling system for a "character" using php codes I've learned. At the moment I'm focussing on pure mysql syntax like: create table pet ( Id int auto_increment, primary key(Id), name varchar(30). Etc. I would like to ask you some questions as to how 'proffesional' websites put these things together structure wise ( how they handle profiles, the forms and database aspect) I still have no clue about the bigger picture Do you use msn google talk or anything?
  14. Hey guys! So listen up, i have always been interested in programming ever since I first came in contact with Flashs actionscript, But this year I decided I wanted to study it in a school. I applied and they told me they were gonna start the new year in September and would allow me to join. But! Since my education level is actually to low for the study I must prove to them I am really motivated and able to learn more then just animating some circles with actionscript. And so 3 weeks ago I got started on PHP and mySQL ( on their advice) it's all going pretty well but since they wanted me to show them a application I can build with it I thought of the idea to make one of those text based rpg kinda games you see on the web all the time. The hardest part for me is not learning all the scripts and functions but more the entire structure of putting these loose techniques into one whole, because I just lack the expierence. So I am asking: are there any people here willing to mentor me through the next couple of weeks ( through msn, chat w/e )in php and help me learn this stuff even faster, and hopefully blow their minds when I show them what I've learned in a short time. Please understand me I am not looking to copying scripts or scamming them, I am highly motivated to learn this. Also I am not looking to stalk you all day, just some discussions about these things prefably on chat since it's more efficient.Thanks alot in advance, GrSam
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