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Brown bear

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Everything posted by Brown bear

  1. A guy called Steve dies and goes to heaven. He is stood at the pearly gate and recieved a harp and a halo off St. Patrick. He enters heaven and sees many other people with harps and halos, but one man had something diffrent. He had a keg of beer and a gorgeous naked woman with him. Steve was furious, all he got was a harp and a halo. So steve visits St. Patrick complaining about the man. St. Patrick reassures Steve and tells him this man is being punished. Steve cant believe what he is hearing, how is that a punishment? St. Patrick explains, Well the beer barrel has a hole in it and the woman doesnt!
  2. Im a self taught drummer, and been playing for four years. Although the last time I actually played was four months ago at a concert with my band. What we played sucked because we had no bassist. Its a long story, but we fired our old bassist before the concert and got a new one. When concert day arrived he chickened out and we had to go on without him. Now for those who are not in a band, playing without a bassist is like going commando, you always feel somethings missing!
  3. I always feel submissive when I write out of the blue or when I write out of the red and I love to show emotion or ruthless devotion or the non stop corrosion of my mind of my soul of my fire of my power..... but when you read this poem........ dont forget to breathe!
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