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Everything posted by sader

  1. I sugesst to show how many credits member has in his info lat's say bottom of my photo. When you have slow and bad intrnet it takesa lot of time to click http://forums.xisto.com/ andwait while forum will be refreshed
  2. Now I have more then 20 creditsIt mean it's enough to choose Package 1 and regist my free host.At the begining it's more when enough 20MB storage for my site but later my site could reguaired more space.So will I be able to upgrade my free host for 30 credits and have 150MB space and the same sub-domain afcourse
  3. Here some useful shortcuts commands [quote name='"https://sedo.com/search/details/?tracked=&partnerid=44082&language=us&domain=ListSoft.com&origin=partner%3b'%5dWindows allows you to create shortcuts to many commands. Simply right-click, select "Create new shortcut" and provide needed command line: rundll32 shell32,SHExitWindowsEx -1 -> Restart Explorer. rundll32 shell32,SHExitWindowsEx 0 -> Restart Windows 98 without autoexec.bat etc. rundll32 shell32,SHExitWindowsEx 1 -> Shutdown computer. rundll32 shell32,SHExitWindowsEx 2 -> Reboot computer. rundll32 shell32,SHFormatDrive -> Open window "Format". rundll32 shell32,Control_RunDLL -> Open control panel. rundll32 shell32,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl -> Open screen properties. rundll32 shell32,OpenAs_RunDLL -> Open window "Open with...". rundll32 shell32,ShellAboutA Info-Box -> Open window "About - Windows". rundll32 user,wnеtconnectdialog -> Open dialog "connect network drive". rundll32 user,wnetdisconnectdialog -> Open dialog "disconnect network drive". rundll32 user,swapmousebutton -> Swap mouse buttons (nice for jokes! . rundll32 user,tilechildwindows -> Tile windows. rundll32 user,cascadechildwindows -> Cascade windows. rundll32 user,setcaretblinktime -> Set speed of cursor blinking. rundll32 user,setdoubleclicktime -> Set double-click speed. rundll32 user,repaintscreen -> Refresh screen. rundll32 user,setcursorpos -> move mouse cursor to left-upper corner. rundll32 diskcopy,DiskCopyRunDll -> Open window "copy disk". rundll32 rnaui.dll,RnaWizard -> Open windo "connect". rundll32 keyboard,disable -> disable keyboard. rundll32 mouse,disable -> disable mouse. rundll32 shell,shellexecute Explorer -> will run explorer. rundll32 krnl386.exe,exitkernel -> exit from windows with no messages. rundll rnaui.dll,RnaDial "MyConnect" -> open connect window of "MyConnect" connection. rundll32 sysdm.cpl,InstallDevice_Rundll -> install non-PnP hardware. rundll32 msprint2.dll,RUNDLL_PrintTestPage -> will let you to select printer and print a test page. These shorcuts did help me many times when I was programming with borlans c++ builder Notice from BuffaloHELP: You MUST use
  4. I wood like to extract UT 2004 models (xts or how they )to somethink like *.3ds *.mdl or somethink like that.Maybe somebody knows were to get sofware witch can do it?
  5. sader

    Need Free Ftp Client

    I use FtpMonster becouse it has very nice and interestinginterface I know it eats a lot of PC resurces but I am still use it
  6. Here is my list-Download Master-Emule-BitToRent-MSN-ICQ-Skype-Counter Strike-Cheting death-3d game studio-Apache servis-Mysql-PHP desinger 2005-Corel grapchic suite-WinZip WinRAR-Borland C++ builder 6-Deamon tools-NOD32 antivirus system-Microsoft office-Nero burning room-Alkonas-Windows media player-Web page maker2-Real alternate-Internet explorer...
  7. 3D game studio is one of the best game maker ever and they arekeeping going. Here theyrs futures: +3d Engyne +Good scripting language (it belongs to C++ family) +You can create game of any genre +Level editor +Model editor +Terrain editor +Script editor +Physic engyne +Bone system +Plugins possibility +9directX supportation +Client/Server +Static shadows +Dynamic shadows +Particle generator +Beam generator +Shaders +Mirrors and much more... I will not lay it's not easy to learn it but after some time you will become great game debveloper . Besides they have big and friendly comunity(I am member of it too) so you allways can ask some help from other developers And there is ano more good stuf. They always are giveing contest to win pro sofware version or moneys Links: homepage http://www.3dgamestudio.com/ demo here http://download.conitec.net/gsdemo.exe tutorials http://aum.conitec.net/ resources http://au.conitec.net/ if you will deside to use 3dgs and you will need some help cantact me via ICQ(you can find my ICQ on my profile) Goodluck in developing!
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