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Posts posted by Бојан

  1. Definitely without any remorse, I would get Alienware stuff... They're making the best gaming and most powerful laptops ever built with all possible hardware on the market. They also make very cool designs like neon laptop keyboards, gaming PC keyboards, gaming PC mouses and everything that it's connected with gaming. The prices normally are bit higher from the stock laptops and gear but believe me, it worths every cent.

  2. You don't have to update your BIOS if you don't have to. The newer versions of BIOS are for hardware compatibility, for example: If you are updating your system with new hardware like graphics card or something similar, the new hardware may not be available for using because the motherboard's BIOS doesn't supports some new technology or something, I'm not sure. Anyway, here's my story:I have J&W IP-43S motherboard and I used to roll weak graphics card, nVIDIA 7100GS 128MB with Turbocache technology but... I was planning to buy another, better and more supportive graphics card and I found an advertisement on a Macedonian forum for IT and stuff (Badijala.com). The advertisement was 1 year old Galaxy N9600GT 512MB DDR3 with 2 weak's old Zalman VF1000 cooler with warranty and it cost something like 50 euros or 67 dollars. I bought the graphics card from the guy and I was very happy because I never had a graphics card like this one before. I've installed her in the PCI Express 2.0 slot on my motherboard and booted up Windows 7 operating system and the whole system was like, slow... very slow and I couldn't play any games or see website's flash from Adobe. I was very much worried that the graphics card may be broken or something but the seller was persistent that she's in top condition. Also he insisted for me to check compatibility for my motherboard and the graphics card and in that time, I got the point that I need to install newer and better BIOS drivers. I've searched the motherboard's website and found newer version than the one that I was using and download it. I was worried that I'll need to install it trough floppy or something risky, but the installation was like setup. I installed the setup soon as I've download it and restarted my PC. When I restarted my PC, the magic from the Galaxy N9600GT 512MB DDR3 was already feeling when I booted up my Windows 7 operating system and from then, the graphics card rocks. I'm playing every kind of games, old ones, new ones, any kind! Normally, the new ones on medium graphics settings because the technology goes forward, very fast! That was my story dudes, I hope you've learned something from it. :P

  3. WPA is far more better than WEP because WEP is crackable with linux (BackTrack) and I have tested that and it's working. After some time and work on the BackTrack with tutorials and etc. I've managed to get my neighbors WEP password. Use WPA, there is no way to crack it except with wordlist password cracker. (software is trying words from a list to see if it's logging in to the wireless...) So use some better, improvised or randomly generated password and chill out. :)

  4. Well the oldest and the most quality hosting is 1and1. I used to have domain and hosting registered at them and everything went fine. They have good support with their customers, which I liked the most... Also there is other hosting companies like GoDaddy (Very good hosting too, I'm telling from experience), HostGator (Dunno anything about this company) and many, many other. It's better to check many hosting companies as you can, to find the best offer that it's acceptable by the price and opportunities.

  5. Rocking now freestyle on Xisto, even it's reminding me on positions called kamasutra, I'm filling like i was sniffing 100 kilo's of yayo, if you don't feel good go to a doctor to check yo yeah, you better check yo self before wreck yo self, this rhyme is dedicated on Ice Cube which is not going to melt, that's all from me folks if you can then listen me carefully and take notes, I'm now going in my bed to sleep, and tomorrow my stupid phone will beep and beeeeeeeeep... ;)

  6. I think the boot up speed depends on the hard disks RPM - Round Per Minute. My hard disk Hitachi Deskstar 80GB, has 2500 rounds per minute and it's not bad at all. It's booting up my PC for less than a 2 minutes, maybe 1 minute dunno i didn't measure it with my new specifications:


    J&W IP43-S LGA775 Motherboard with 2 PCI-Express slots (probably supporting ATi Crossfire), 4 slots for RAMs, and etc.


    BOX Intel LGA775 E5300 2.6 GHz Dual Core - That BOX word means that I've bought it new, in box, unopened. :)


    4GB 667 MHz DDR2 A-Data Memory Expert along with my cooling aluminum pieces attached to the RAMs for better cooling and faster working - Pretty good DDR2 RAMs, I don't have any bad words about them, only good. Posted Image

  7. If you want to manage multiple email accounts and if you use Mozilla Firefox, I'm glad to recommend to you, to use this add-on made by some guy named Byungwook Kang, probably Chinese guy. WebMail Notifier checks your webmail accounts and notifies the number of unread emails. You can use multiple accounts in a same host.


    Currently supports:

    - Gmail (Gmail & Google Apps)

    - Yahoo (yahoo.com, ymail.com, rocketmail.com, yahoo.co.jp)

    - Hotmail (hotmail.com, msn.com, live.com)

    - AOL (aol.com, aim.com, mail.com)

    - Daum (daum.net, hanmail.net)

    - Naver

    - Nate (nate.com, empas.com)

    - Paran (paran.com, hanmir.com)

    - POP3/IMAP and other...


    Posted Image


    Posted Image


    Posted Image


    It's pretty good add-on, with pretty good rating 4/5 stars, 942 reviews and 3,965,460 downloads. Works with this Mozilla Firefox versions: 1.5 - 3.7. Enjoy. :)

  8. I prefer only Gmail and Yahoo, mostly Gmail... I use and preffer GMail because definitely is the best email service.There is less spam and better view design than my Yahoo email. I have enabled Gmail Labs, pretty nice addons made to help you while you browse you email. I have enabled the Lab Mouse gestures and his use is to use your mouse to navigate with gestures.Holding right-click and moving the mouse to left is going in the previous conversation, moveing to it the right is going to the next conversation and moving it up is to go back to the inbox view. It has many many other Lab addons for you Gmail. I recommend it to everyone, 100% pleasure. Enjoy. :)

  9. I don't think so that Google will succeed with this Google Buzz social network, because Google is a newbie in the social networks like Facebook, MySpace and etc. It's correct that they are the most earning company in the IT, but it's not correct that they can succeed in every business they can imagine. :)

  10. Yeah dude, I got limited for no reason, yesterday! :) I sold a virtual item to my friend from other city, and he sent me 100 dollars, and I've immediately withdraw the money to my VISA Electron credit card to get the money. After 1 hour I've received a email that says: Notification of Limited Account Access RXI007

    Dear Bojan,
    As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the
    PayPal system. During a recent screening, we noticed an issue regarding
    your account.

    We are very sorry, but in accordance with the PayPal User Agreement, we are
    no longer able to have you as a customer.

    We have had to close your account for the following reason:

    We have detected suspicious activity regarding the receipt or withdrawal of

    We apologize for any inconvenience this account closure may cause. You may
    still log in to PayPal to view your transactions history and personal
    information for a limited time.

    The funds in your account will be held for 180 days, due to the risk of
    outstanding chargebacks and complaints. After 180 days, any remaining funds
    will be available to you for withdrawal.

    I've immediately logged in my PayPal account and I've wrote a Notice in the Resolution Center that I've sold the virtual item to my friend, and he sent the money on his purpose and etc. Now the status of the case is: Being Reviewed By PayPal. Goddamn I hate them... they've stole my money that I really need too much to go on vacation, but PayPal doesn't asks you do you need money or not. :D Now all I can do is wait till PayPal team responds to mine and my friends responds in the Resolution Center and hopefully they'll unfreeze my account. In the mean time, I've made a new PayPal on my dad's name for any case if i need to recieve or send money... Any one had like this problems? If you had, please write how much time did you wait to get unlimited your account. Thanks.

  11. The June's General Redemption is coming my friends! Lockerz already posted the rules on the wall:

    Rules for June's General Redemption:
    1. This redemption will only be in one wave.

    2. Only members who have earned at least 50 PTZ on Lockerz between June 1 and June 21 at 11.59 p.m. EDT will be eligible to enter PTZ Place.

    3. Shipping PTZ are now included in the PTZ level of all physical items, but not digital items (PayPal etc.)

    4. Only one prize per member.

    5. There will be no exchanges, returns, cancellations or PTZ refunds on redeemed prizes.

    6. These Rules are in addition to Lockerz Terms of Use and PTZ Rules.


    1. Every package sent internationally will be labeled as a "gift." However, you are responsible for all incoming duties and tariffs imposed by your local government.

    2. All addresses must be entered correctly. If your address is not entered correctly, your prize order will be cancelled. Any prize orders that are sent out and are returned for any reason will be cancelled and not sent to you an additional time.

    Other Information:

    1. Use of any bots, cheats or fraud will result in immediate order and membership cancellation.

    2. Your browser's autofill is allowed (including Roboform).

    For more redemption information --- stay tuned:-)

    The best of all is that the prices of the items that we can redeem are retro prices, for example the PayPal $25 cash used to be 1200 PTZ, now is 300 PTZ. :)
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