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Posts posted by namelesss

  1. Once i was wondering, what comes after our universe.

    There is no 'after'. 'Time' (like 'motion') is a perception by certain perspectives (like a mirage), thats all. It is not a Universal phenomenon.?


    Hence the question is faulty in the assumption that there is an 'after'.



    "The Laws of Nature are not rules controlling the metamorphosis of what is, into what will be. They are descriptions of patterns that exist, all at once, in the whole Tapestry... The four-dimensional space-time manifold displays all eternity at once." - Genius; the Life and Science of Richard Feynman


    All moments/percepts of existence, ever, are synchronously manifesting, all at the same (Planck) moment/percept. 'Before' and 'after' is one Perspective.



    "The complete Universe can be defined/described as the sum-total of all Conscious Perspectives!" - Book of Fudd


    There is no thing that exists that is not perceived!


    "Consciousness is the Ground of All Being!" - the Copenhagen interpretation of QM.


    Consciousness is one, Perspectives are all unique and many.


    The First Law of Soul (Conscious Perspective) Dynamics; "For every Perspective, there is an equal and opposite Perspective!" ?- Book of Fudd


    Consider the case of a human being. Our appendix is usually considered by many to be absolutely useless nowadays.

    The first thing one asks is why would there be a useless organ, here, at the top of the evolutionary heap? How did it get by the censors? Doesn't the theory of 'evolution' apply to all life?

    Actually, it has been recently found that the appendix is a vital participant in our immune system. It was considered useless because we were incapable of perceiving (until now) it's function.

    Who knows what they'll find tomorrow? Water on the (was "usually considered by many to be" a desert) moon?
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