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Everything posted by SiGN

  1. SiGN

    Hey Guys And Gals

    yea its all about blending the picture in with the background using smudges, filters, and basic brush effects. im acctualy going to art school right now for illistration. hoping to make comic books.
  2. COD4 vet was tough but i beat it. the new cod on vet is tough, still working on it. mario 1, 2, 3, world, new, all beaten hardest game of all time i still have yet to beat i gave up.... Myst.
  3. SiGN

    Hey Guys And Gals

    thanks. and yes they are all my creations... i might be getting back into sig making again and would be glad to design some sigs for people.
  4. i like it but i think the right side is a little too dark there is to harsh of a tranfer from light to dark.
  5. hey everyone. i havnt made a sig in a few years or been in a forum in a while ether. looking for something to occupy my mind. here are some of my old sigs.
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