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Posts posted by sachavdk

  1. I think GameMaker has a pretty good 3dengine. I've seen a book (that I'm maybe going to buy) only for setting up your gameengine (and a little leveldesign). It's about 418 pages but then you still have to design your levels because they're not nearly good enough if you're going to make 3dgames in c++. A good book is "Mastering Unreal technology, the art of level design".

    Anyway. I like using gm and its 3d functions. I'm now making a first person shooter and it looks pretty wel (if I'm allowed to say that about my own work:p).

  2. I think it depends on your needs. At this moment I have an AMD and I don't have to complain, but in summer it is VERY warm. I have an AthlonXP3000+ at 1735mhz and these days it can become 60?C (+- 140 F). But I've noticed AMD is very good for gaming. Though the things I do the most (3dsmax,photoshop,webdesign,...) intel processors are better and intel chipsets are more stable than "AMD-based" chipsets.But this is only I've noticed. Other people might think different.

  3. The next tutorial should create some kind of mp3-player (with Photoshop).

    It is not really basic but it should be possible for little experienced users.

    The complete psd file can be downloaded here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    1. Create a new document (500*500px) with transparent background

    2. Rename the layer to "Basic"

    3. Set forecolor to #eeeeee

    4. Select "Rounded rectangle tool" and draw a form like this:

    Posted Image

    5. Goto layer pallet, rightclick on the layer and select "Blending options".

    Use these settings:

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    6. Duplicate the layer, rename the duplicated layer to "Basic_Noise" and remove the blending options by rightclicking it and Selecting "Clear layer style"

    7. With the "Basic_Noise" layer selected goto Filter=>Noise=>Add noise with these settings:



    ____Monochromatic Checked

    8. Set in the layer pallet the opacity of the "Basic_Noise" layer to 50%

    Posted Image

    9.You should now have something like this: (only with transparant background)

    Posted Image


    Now we are going to create a volume controller:

    Posted Image

    1. First make with the "Ecliptical selection tool" a selection with more or less the size off the button on the picture above, while holding the "Alt" and "Shift" buttons, which keep your selection centered and keeps a square aspect ratio.


    2. Add "Blending options" and use following settings:

    Posted Image


    3. You should still have your circle selection. Now goto Select=>Modify=>Contract and contract by 10 pixels.

    4. Now make while holding "Alt" a second selection like on the picture


    You should get a selection like this:


    5. Press D and X.

    6. Select brushtool with these settings:


    7. Color the selection like on the next picture:



    The next thing is the display. I'm only gonna explain the basic of the display.

    Since what you want on it, is just text and lines etc.

    1. Select "Rounded Rectangle Tool" and use following settings:


    2. Draw such a rectangle like this one:


    3. Again add "Blending options" using these settings:



    The overlaycolor is: #e8e5c7

    The result should be something like this:



    It might be not perfect and the player is far from finished but this is what I became after some time:



    Hope you like it :PB)

  4. Indeed a little basic.

    Though I actually like the yellow glow. But maybe on the darkgray plain you could try to add some random effects.

    I know it isn't a tutorialsite but maybe here's something you can try:


    (its an effect I like to use and you could experiment some with the settings)


    1. Make a selection off the darkgrey plain. (I recommend it to be a new layer. If it is one its ok, if it isn't one, its also ok but in photoshop you better work with lots of layers. (I do that and its pretty handy)

    2. Press d to reset the standard colors

    3. Goto Filter => Render-Clouds

    4. Filter => Sharpen => Unsharp Mask

    _____Amount: 500% || Radius: 26px || Threshold: 0

    _____Just play a bit with the numbers, the higher the contrast, the stronger the result (you will see what I mean when you test it)

    5. Filter => Distort =>Wave

    _____Number of Generators: 999

    _____Wavelength: Max: 999 (always set your max first, otherwise your min obviously won't be allowed to be higher than your max)

    __________________Min: 719 (with this one you can play a bit, the higher your min, the more it "bows", also you will see what I mean when you test it.)

    _____Amplitude: Max: 125 (also play a bit with this one)

    ________________Min: 1

    _____Scale: Hor: 1

    ___________Vert: 100

    _____Be sure the type is "Sine" and Undefined Areas is "Repeat Edge Pixels"

    _____Then you can push sometimes on the Randomize button until you have the effect you like.

    _____Press OK


    6. Now to add a bit of color goto Image => Adjustments => Hue/Saturation

    _____Be sure "Colorize" is checked

    _____Set Hue to 227

    _____Set Saturation to 14

    _____And keep lightness 0.

    _____If you don't like the color, change it :P

    _____Press OK.


    Well that's it. It isn't that hard normally. Hope this tut can be useful and I hope admins won't remove it.

  5. I think Desktop Search for me is the most useful tool. But let we say if you can use them, all google tools are good.

    Gmail is the best service, who could go wrong with 2+gigs of memory? As for installed services I like Google toolbar becuase it shows you PR, except you can't use it in FireFox.  B)


    Yes allas it doesn't work for FireFox. I liked it to when I used IE but that won't make me return to IE. :P

  6. Can I just point out that the reason why Cascading Style Sheets are called that is cos the styles cascade down from one element to another.

    If you set a style on your <a> tag, all states of the tag will pick up that style. You only need to add additional rules for when you want something different to occur.

    So taking the above example, you would be better off doing:


    .inhoud a { color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none; font-size: 13px; }.inhoud a:visited { color: red; }.inhoud a:active { color:green; }.inhoud a:hover { color:black; text-decoration:underline; }
    Also, you've specified a font in your .titel and .inhoud classes, whereas if you do this:


    body { font-family: verdana; }
    it will flow down through every element in your document and you don't have to keep repeating it.


    Yes, in some cases you're right. But maybe in this case this isn't really a good example. I think yours is better B). But this is a piece from a site I am making and the style MAY NOT occur on every element since I work with tables and php that generates different tables, and the style depends on the cellcontent.


    But you said something I didn't knew. However I work with dreamweaver and the fill-list automatically appears when you type < I hadn't noticed the class attribute for links. So I learned something new as well :P.

  7. Since I can't edit my previous post, I'm gonna have to post another reply.

    I'm sorry for that but I wanted to preview it but I posted it :unsure: .


    When you are using CSS, make a stylescheet (ie in notepad) and ie name it "standard.css".


    It contains this as example:


    .titel {  color: 898899;  font-size: 25px;  font-family: verdana;  cursor:default;  border-style:solid;  border-width:0;  vertical-align:middle;  padding-left:10;}.inhoud {  color: white;  font-size: 13px;  font-family: verdana;  cursor:default;  border-width:0;  vertical-align:middle;}.inhoud a:link { color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none; font-size: 13px; }.inhoud a:visited { color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none; font-size: 13px; }.inhoud a:active { color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none; font-size: 13px; }.inhoud a:hover { color:#ffffff; text-decoration:none; font-size: 13px; }
    This is a piece of a css sheet I am making.


    Now in the <head></head> part of your html code you put following line of code:

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="directory/standard.css">


    that's it. Now as example I want to add the inhoud style to a tablecell.

    <html><head><title>Document title</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="directory/standard.css"></head><body><table><tr><td class="inhoud">Some text</td></tr></table></body></html>
    now dreamweaver will automatically give you a list with possible css styles from the stylesheets you've included when you type class=", then you can choose your style with the up and down arrow keys and confirm with a tab-key push. Dreamweaver will automatically insert the chosen style and add the final quote (").


    For you're javascript, I don't know what code you want to use but here's a little example:


    <html><head><title>document title</title><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">function showexample(){alert("This is an example of the use of a JavaScript code");}</script></head><body><input type="button" value="Click me for the example" onClick="javascript:showexample();"></body></html>

    Hope this helps a bit but if you have other questions, ask :P

  8. A good html editor I think is dreamweaver. It has very good and editable colorcoding and also a very good WYSIWYG editor.
    But since you're looking for a free one (I also recommend to learn html [and maybe xhtml]) you can use AriseSoft Winsyntax.
    This can be downloaded on: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    I liked working with it until I bought dreamweaver mx 2004.

    But that's all up to you.

  9. MySQL is a great free sql-compliant (for the most part.. it's actually not 100-percent compliant with the sql standards but no popular sql server is afaik) sql database server. I'd say go with Oracle if you could afford it but MySQL is good.


    Honestly, you'll probably want to go with PHP since it seems to be very robust and easy to learn. One thing you will need to do is learn how to read the documentation at php.net.




    I'm pretty familiar with php, mysql and a little oracle (for almost a year I think), and Oracle is indeed the database server (it's my opinion though). But if you want to make a personal website, MySQL is ok because you probably won't have hundreds of visitors who ask lots of heavy queries.

    Though Oracle is actually the hard one of the two (and expensive while MySQL is free).


    But what I actually post here, here's a link to http://www.devshed.com/ and I think it is the best place for tutorials for web-programming. It might seem a complicated site but it is convenient once you've found your way.


    Hope it's useful :P

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