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Posts posted by sachavdk

  1. Didn't Apple come before out before Windows then Bill Gates tweaked the UI a bit then released it. For a long time Windows made it's own stuff and was original. I believe that if Apple keeps making great inovations that they will end up ahead. The problem is that they are so far behind and they dont really accept to many games. Actually Macs new OS has a thing called spaces which is a rip off of Linux systems, but that is the only thing i saw.

    Not at all. First of all, the possibility of multiple desktops is not supported by any version of windows, but Linux certainly isn't the only one with it. Apple just added a feature to make the switching between these desktops a lot easier and ADDED the ability of exchanging windows between the different desktops or spaces, which in essence, just are different virtual terminal's, Linux keeping the name "desktop", Apple using the name "spaces", nothing wrong with that, not?

    Then your statement about windows beeing original... Well when you release your first realy graphical versions of your os, it isn't kind of hard to add new features eh? Concidering versions of windows prior to 95 not beeing graphical, at least not user-friendly graphical.
    Linux does this a lot better, but Apple is some leaps ahead with user-friendly GUI's, and it is still coming up with new features. (Anyone ever thought about making a UI like Apple's iPhone for portable phones? I believe not.

    What about the games... Well it is true there aren't many games written for Apple computers, but that's because the market isn't big enough. For homepc, Apple's are mainly used in the USA. In Europe and Asia, the pc is more commonly spread, whereas Apple is more used in the professional industry (I think it isn't necessary there to play games, is it?), but Apple is getting more and more spread in Europe. In a few years, I guess there will be more games made for Mac.

  2. After some research, I'm pretty sure there's no such hacked version of windows. If one should exist in the possession of MS itself, it will not have been made public, and you can bet it won't leak out, as for the source code of windows. Next to that, there is no such 'program' to hack windows, nor has anyone yet succeeded hacking it using primitive coding. I don't know if it's the correct word, but I mean through means of using assembler or variants who allow you to give direct processor instructions and write something directly to the memory. Also windows is probably secured to not allow reading or writing from/to the memory in use by the windows shell and other delicate parts.

    Most you can do is hacking the windows resources (like changing the looks of windows, altering the text on the startbutton etc.) but that won't immediately lead to new versions of the OS.



    @zak92 I must admit that I'm also getting more interested in Linux rather than windows. It is more stable and flexible. I also like MacOSX, but since it is based on Darwin, in his case based on UNIX, comes to more or less a compairable core. In GUI's, I like Apple's Mac GUI the most. It is the one with the most logic interface (it's what I think :P ).

    PS: it seems that you have a windows xp signature, kinda cynical :P

  3. Have you any experience in c or c++? Or java...Cause vb apps are pretty heavy. And if you don't want your brother to be able to close it, you'd be writing not an app, but a service. He probably won't know how to end these, probably he won't know it's runnig, while when you make an app and he has to close a program (because of crash for example) he could close that one as well).And euhm, personal thing.You sure don't need to tell it to anyone, but what if your brother should find out about it? I'll bet he won't laugh with it :P .

  4. Whats the point of it anyway? Internet explorer 5.0 is way better in my opinion. Firefox 2.0 seems like one of those crappy explorers like Mozilla 1.0 explorer or something. Haha! Mozilla....you know they made that crappy thing from a php script or something they picked off of hotscripts.com


    Well there's nothing wrong with people using scripts from hotscripts.

    In fact, open source gets better results than commercial software (in most cases), because, one person writes some code, publishes it. Another one reads that code and thinks "this can be shorter", corrects it and publishes it. If lots of people keep doing it, also adding thing they think are useful (because they think it's useful for themselves) the software grows positively, becomes faster, safer, more user-friendly and keep going on.


    Then, software programes aren't written in php as I understand you're telling. I believe Ff is written mainly in c++. Other scripting languages like javascript and markup language css gives the looks of the good looking browser Ff (unlike IE, which is a boring, sad, dead-looking browser, with absolutely no possibility of customizing it to you're personal taste.)


    But I must admit that I don't notice many major changes to the v2.

    Nevertheless they probably will have added (security)leaks etc. edit:they removed them ofcourse, not added :lol:


    Firefox (2) for me ^_^

  5. Well, to quote Kioku, I doubt it too.And by the way, Gates doesn't develop any of the microsoft products himself.He has a position (I can't remember exactly how it's called), but it should be something close to chief executive officer.And that he would be using Linux, well I think he couldn't afford it if it should leak, and it wouldn't be positive to ms's position on the software market...

  6. Firefox for me too ^_^
    One browser at least holding to the w3 standards.

    I still use my IE, because it has most of the plugins already installed and i dont like wasting my time downloading new ones. But i do feel like a change, but i dont really know which one i should go to next tho

    That's no good reason for not using Firefox. If you need extensions (=add-ons or plug-ins) you don't have currently installed, Ff will automatically tell you which one it is (if not an exotic one) and ask you if HE should download it. It is downloaded in a few seconds most of the time (downloading is way faster than in IE) and he installs it himself (after you confirmed the installation). A restart of Ff is required but unlike IE, firefox remembers the sites you have opened (even the sessions used) and restores them after restart.
    Then if you take some time to scroll through the extensionslist, you'll find loads of very handy things (for almost anybody there'll be something he/she can use.
    And last but not least, Ff has some fancy skins you can apply. Not that old-fashioned windowslook skin of IE. You can even create skins yourself!

    So go Firefox! :lol: Do not doubt.

  7. Could you by any chance list something this an be used for?

    And it looks extremely long, is there anyway to shorten it up a bit?


    your first question is to yourself. You can use the script to make a login for your site, a site you are making for somebody else, etc... It gives a little more control over your site (people have to login to post a reaction on a news system, to post your gb (ie with a portalsite),.... whatever you like


    For your second one, the answer is simple: "probably yes", but not much. This loginscript is a really basic one and doesn't offer very much protection of your data, but it's safe enough for a personal site. To give you an example; a friend of mine works with a company who writes websites. The average loginscript-length is 10000 lines of code. It's not written by one person, but I think in compare mine is really short and simple :)

  8. @Aevum Decessus:

    You forgot to close your <select> with the </select> tag. It's not obligated but some browsers (like IE) aren't that strict with html and can cause display errors. (Firefox shouldn't give problems with this as far as I know)

    So here's the correct form:

    <form name="registration" action="file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator.MASTER/Desktop/Loginscript/registration.php" method="post"><h1>Create your account</h1>Valid E-mail address: <input type="text" size ="30" name="email">Verify E-mail address: <input type="text" size="30" name="e-mail2"Desired username: <input type="text" name="username"><br>Desired password: <input type="password" name="password">Confirm password: <input type="password" name="password2"><br>Master: XXXX<select name='AAAA' style='border: 1px solid #FFFFFF; background-color: #000000; color: white'><option value="life">Aevum</option><option value="death">Decessus</option></select><input type="submit" value="Register!" name="submit"><input type="button" value="Login" onClick="javascript:window.location='login.html'"></form>
    For your second question, the value from the selectresult will be stored in $_POST["AAAA"], and it will contain "life" or "death".

    Another thing. To use php you need a server running so I expect you have. But for which reason are you using the absolute path of your script as action? Place everything in your server folder and just begin from the path where this form is located. That will be enough :P



    encryption is indeed a something that I forgot. But I "forgot" it deliberatly. Nevertheless if you use the md5 encryption method guests aren't able to request their password if they have forgotten it since md5 is a one-way encryption method. If you want to decrypt the password you'd better write one yourself.

    It still remains extremely difficult to write one that is somewhat safe and above all one that works in two ways.

    For people who want to use encryption, md5() is a good opportunity but when you want to decrypt you can also use base64_encode() and base64_decode(). For a personal site encryption to transfer the data is enough. I don't think with a (My)(MS)(PostGre)SQL database it will be a serious damage if you don't use encryption (it probably won't be attacked). That's why I advise the base64_encode() method.

    Encryption is only very important for a professional site for companies etc. who mostly use Oracle.


    Anyway you people might think different -_-

  9. Wel if you asked or not I wrote the script -_-

    the htmlform: "email.html"

    <html><head><title>My website - Contact</title></head><body><form action="email.php" method="post"><h1>Contact</h1>Your name: <input type="text" name="name"><br>Your emailaddress: <input type="text" name="email"><br>Your message: <textarea name="message"></textarea><br><input type="submit" value="Submit!" name="submit"></form></body></html>

    this is the script "email.php"

    <?if (!isset($_POST["submit"])){	header("Location:email.html");} else {	if ($_POST["name"] == NULL || $_POST["email"] == NULL || $_POST["message"] == NULL) // check wheter both username and password are filled	{  echo "<font color=\"red\">Not all fields were filled. Please go <a href=\"javascript:history.back(1)\">back</a> and fill them</font>";	} else {  if(!preg_match("/([\w\.\-]+)(\@[\w\.\-]+)(\.[a-z]{2,4})+/i", $_POST["email"])) {  	echo "<font color=\"red\">Emailaddress is not valid. Please go <a href=\"javascript:history.back(1)\">back</a> and correct the emailadres.</font>";  } else {  	$toaddress = "me@hotmail.com"; // here you fill your emailaddress or the address where the email will be sent to  	$subject = "Contact My Website"; // the subject of the email  	$message = $_POST['message'] & "<br><br>Van " & $_POST['name'] & " (" & $_POST["email"] & ")";  	mail($toaddress, $subsubject, $message);  }	}}?>

    ofcourse you still have to deal with the smtp but on Xisto it works, I tested it.

  10. Well emailchecking is a pretty easy code. This is what I added:

    if(!preg_match("/([\w\.\-]+)(\@[\w\.\-]+)(\.[a-z]{2,4})+/i", $_POST["email"])) {    echo "<font color=\"red\">Emailaddress is not valid. Please go <a href=\"javascript:history.back(1)\">back</a> and correct the emailadres.</font>";}

    And here's the full script:

    <?phpsession_start();if (!isset($_POST["submit"])) // checks wheter the page is called using the registration form{// it is not called using the registration formheader("Location:register.html"); // the script sends the user to the registration page} else {// it is called using the registration formif ($_POST["username"] == NULL || $_POST["password"] == NULL) // check wheter both username and password are filled{ // one of the two is not filled echo "<font color=\"red\">Not all fields were filled. Please go <a href=\"javascript:history.back(1)\">back</a> and fill them</font>";} else { // they are both filled, check wheter the username exists in the database // remember we made "DatabaseConfig.php"? Here it will be included so connection is made with the database. include("DatabaseConfig.php"); // now its simple, otherwise we had to make connection everytime with much more code. $usernameexists = mysql_query("SELECT ID FROM tblusers WHERE username='".$_POST["username"]."'") or die (mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($usernameexists) != 0) {  // user exists  echo "<font color=\"red\">User exists. Please go <a href=\"javascript:history.back(1)\">back</a> and chose another username.</font>"; } else {  if(!preg_match("/([\w\.\-]+)(\@[\w\.\-]+)(\.[a-z]{2,4})+/i", $_POST["email"])) {  echo "<font color=\"red\">Emailaddress is not valid. Please go <a href=\"javascript:history.back(1)\">back</a> and correct the emailadres.</font>";	} else {   // user doesn't exists   $add_user = mysql_query("INSERT INTO tblusers (username,password) VALUES ('".$_POST["username"]."','".$_POST["password"]."')");   if ($add_user)   {    // user is succesfully added    echo "<font color=\"red\">You are succesfully registered. You can now <a href=\"login.html\">login</a></font>";   } else {    // error occurd    echo "<font color=\"red\">An error occurd. Please go <a href=\"javascript:history.back(1)\">back</a> and try again.</font>";   }  }	} // don't forget to close the database connection when you don't need it anymore mysql_close();}}?>
    here's the new registrationpage ("register.html") if you want to add an emailfield:

    <html><head><title>My website - Registration</title></head><body><form action="registration.php" method="post"><h1>Registration</h1>Desired username: <input type="text" name="username"><br>Desired password: <input type="password" name="password"><br>Valid emailaddress: <input type="text" name="email"><br><input type="submit" value="Register!" name="submit"><input type="button" value="Login" onClick="javascript:window.location='login.html'"></form></body></html>
    if you have already modified your copy of the registerpage, just add

    Valid emailaddress: <input type="text" name="email"><br>
    where you want the emailbox in the "registration.html"-page.


    I have also an error in "registration.html" If you use firefox or any mozilla or opera etc you won't notice. But the problem occurs with ie and netscape

    Desired username: <input type="textbox" name="username"><br>
    should be
    Desired username: <input type="text" name="username"><br>
    so type="textbox" should be type="text"


    Now for the emailscript you can just set up an html form and send it to you mailscript just like the login or the registration.

    To send the mail use the function mail($toaddress, $subject, $message, $headers);

    ofcourse the variables must be filled.

    Now I expect you to know php. If not post a reply and I'll write a script.

    Nevertheless SMTP must be enabled to send mails. Full explanation at:http://be.php.net/manual/en/ref.mail.php

  11. getString.php inserts or adds the values of the textfields in the database but if you want to use those values to search in the database, all you need to do is replace the sql query with a select statement like this:

    $query = "Select * in TABLE_NAME where field1=".$stringT1;
    I think to search you'd better use:
    $query = "Select * in TABLE_NAME where field1 LIKE '%".$stringT1."%'";
    The LIKE method is better for search queries since it isn't case sensitive. Ofcourse if you want it to be casesensitive use "=" and if you want to search exactly for a string don't use the "%".

  12. 1st: Your png/gif problem could be solved using file_exists and check the extensions you use


    $file = "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (file_exists($file . ".png")){readfile($file . ".png");} elseif (file_exists($file . ".gif")){readfile($file . ".gif");} else {echo "file does not exists";}

    2nd: I tested my previous code and it did work.

    3rd: I'm sorry but I didn't really understand what you mean with your first line

    oooh i get it know duh i was looking at it like a moron, going to try it out right now.

    You mean I insulted you giving such and detailed explanation of the code?If so I'm sorry cause it was not my intend. I just couldn't find a better way to explain php is trying to read the string with the random number as the imagepath since I thought you were saying that was the part that wouldn't work.

  13. but your missing something in the coding, yeah you set up the process for the image to be shown but how would you retrieve it. out of this line of the code ".rand(0,54)+2"



    no I'm not :)

    readfile() reads the file from which the path is given in a string.

    Since you want a random image you add the random number to the string.


    You (Saint_Michael) have 52 images if I'm not mistaken starting from number 2 until 54. So a random number is taken between 0 and 52 (I've been mistaken)

    rand(0,54)+2//should berand(0,52)+2//in your case

    Then the random number is between 2 and 54 since you added 2 and that value is added to the string of the filepath.

    Only when the string's complete, the file will be read.

    But maybe this one's better:


    An example of the string after the number is generated could be


    which I think is one of your images and it should been read properly.

  14. I'm making a page (in ASP2.0 with VBScript) wich has to include a file but the path to it is composed.Normally inluding a file is done using<!--#INCLUDE FILE="file.asp"-->But the url to the file is now composed as I said trough some variables:Server.MapPath(conPath & Request.QueryString("p") & "/index.asp")This whole bunch (in an example case the variable should be "./Conten/Main/Home/index.asp" which shoul be included.But how do I include such a variable since next two tries of me didn't work:<!--#INCLUDE FILE=<%=Server.MapPath(conPath & Request.QueryString("p") & "/index.asp")%>-->Neither worked:<% <!--#INCLUDE FILE=Server.MapPath(conPath & Request.QueryString("p") & "/index.asp")--> %>

  15. Ahm Saint_Michael, wouldn't it be easier to do it this way:

    <?phpHeader("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");Header("Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT");Header("Pragma: no-cache");Header("Content-Type: image/gif");srand((double)microtime()*1000000);readfile("http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;

    I don't now your full purpose but I do think this one's easier ;)

    Notice from Klass:
    You need to use code tags when typing code.

  16. good but can i add something i did some modifying for the ipb forum login scripts its just a simple way to have people login on o the forums with out need to login through them

    the olny thing you have to do is change the url info colored in red, i havn't test it to see if the cookies work but you can successfully login.


    I did test it neither ;) but it looks great. Though I won't use it because I wrote my own forum :( and I do not use ipb nor phpBB :D .

    Nevertheless people who use ipb will appreciate it I think.

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