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Posts posted by Steve

  1. OK I am an expert on this topic.. I have researched all three consoles and it seeems the PS3 will be the best console out of the three of them. The Nintendo Revolution will be sold out in the Christmas Season...of NEXT year. By then the 360 will be way in devolpment and the PS3 would have also been deep in devolpment. SO the Revolution wont even be a factor for another 1 and a half. The 360s main advantage over the PS3 is there memory. The graphic Prcessor is slower then the ps3 by 50 seconds. Also the wireless wont be perfected until 2007 for the 360. So it will be a while before it has as good as the bluetooth wireless the PS3 will be. The ps3 controllers wil be rechargable too. I beleive they alst for 8 hours then you have to plug it in. PLus the 360 only has 4 wireless controllers. I beleive the PS3 can hold up to a total of 11 controllers, with 7 being wireless and 4 being wired in. Also the PS3 ahas many USB ports for online play and other controllers and headsets and such. The XBox360 will have ONline installed...most Xbox fans have made this the reason why the 360 will be better. Well the online that comes with it is the Silver package of the 2 LIVE packages. The other one willl obviously be Gold and it will need to be upgraded via $$$. And you have to pay per month for the GOLD. The PS3 online will be a one time pay for around 80 dollars to buy the network card. With both going to be great it looks like the PS3 will wind up beating the 360 power wise, controller wise, and maybe online play wise. One thing that confuses most of us is....WTF will the screen look like with 7 CONTROLLERS.

  2. My favorite games are anything bloody and actiony. I love army games and I love games like San Andreas. BAsicallly anything with a gun I like unless it is very fantasy like, like final fantasy, or the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King Game. I also love football and baseball games.I love madden so much, even though 2k5 is better then it, madden is great because there are so many people online. And I love MVP baseball. Every year its seems it gets better...yet all the football games are going to sound weird with 06. 06 is kinda a weird number.

  3. The DS is a great handheld. When it first arrived everyone I knew got it. It was amazing and it had the touch feautrue. But one thing we didnt like was it was not online. Things like this need online. Thent he PSP came out. The PSP killed the DS, making it second it the new console era. The DS lack of nbot being online destroyed the system, after the new PDA like PSP came out. The fact is it does not come out online, nor it will not ever because nintendo never goes online.When the PS2 and the xbox went live, nintendo stayed the same, and made their game section on the games rack the smallest.When will Nintendo ever learn!

  4. This is by far the dumbest law ever made by any country in history. If you want to bring a PSP, Ds, GBA or something to your trip if you ever indeed get bored you get fined! What is greece thinking. This is aagainst freedom of speech or play! lol. Plus kids love video games and online play definatley gives them something to compete for after they do HW and all the other stuuf their parents force them to do. I can see the portable ones being banned alittle but everything else, consoles, pc games and such, are horrible. I wonder iof they will ban flash internet games too.Why dont you guys go aahead and ban ketchup because you dont likethe sounds of the squishy coming out.Once the next greek leader comes into service this law will be revoked. As you can see whoever this leader is he obviously had a grudge on video games and has no knowledge whatso ever. What about phonics on PS2!!!!!! Why ban that as well.

  5. Well go to macromedia.com and download a trial version. Then go to google and search Macromedia Dreamweaver 2004 MX serial code. Look it up and put it in where it says enter serial code and you got yourself maybe the best program on the internet.It kills frontpage and fronpage does make a horrible messy code. The dreamweaver comes out nice and slick and the layer system is so great. You feel like your in control of everything! :unsure:

  6. Ok..this is how the game works. You can pick any fight (3 way fight, 2 way fight, gang fights) betweem anyone. For example:Jessica Simpson vs Demi Moore...Then the next person would reply who won and why. Then he/she can say his or her fantasy fight. Then the next person will give down who he think will win that fight and then he will post his opinion and it will continue.So hear we go!Aunt Jemima verse Mama Celeste

  7. Lets put it this way. In order to get the same graphics as PS3 or an Xbox360 for PC you will have to spend at least 2500 dollars. Yes online play is alot better. Plus PC devolpers will realize that most people cant spedn that amount of money on a PC so they will not be able to make games like the games on the ps3 and the 360. So yes now the PC dominates graphic wise but soon it shall sadly fail. I know this wil come and I am asaddened by it. If it does get back it will take prices of computers tod rop. and they have dropped but the ones needed for the capability of the PS3 and Xbpx36- wont drop for at least 5 years.

  8. Dreamweaver MX 2004 is probably the best program I beleive ever made. It has such simple controls and if you know HTML and flasah you can design any web layout you want as long as you have a good imagination. And the unique layer sytem is just amazing. When I first doewqFrontpage isa alsao a very good program but the fact it isa not truly flasah enabled like dreamweaver is, makes it extremly flawed.

  9. The ipod shuffle is horrible. The controls are hard and confusing. It needs an electronic menu screeen whcih it does not contain. I use the regular ipod with 20 GBs. I want to trade it in for the U2 one because that is an awesome color scheme and I love U2 but I hate vertigo. I practice U2 songs on my guitar alot. Hopefully apple will realize it needs anew cover band. I suggest they should try to reunite Lynard Skynard nad have them ontheir cover and feature freebird on the commercial. But please get rid of that annoying color scheme where colors keep boucning around and changing.It gives me a huge headache and it even gave me a seizure! :unsure: jk.

  10. I said the rangers in my other post and ill say it again now. :unsure: Just a tip for you guys. If anyone lives in the manhattan area they will be ranger fans. They are our rangers and we cant have enough of them. Even though they are arguably one of the worst teams in the NHL, they have the best fans...New Yorkers. If anyone lives on long island thy are islander fans. and everyone above weschester loves the sabres.

  11. I am not sure which one of the following Dell Laptops to get. Im not sure if I should the 700m, the light 4.1 pound, 526 MB, 60 GB laptop going for $1600 or the Dell 9900, an entertainment widescreen power house, 7.something pounds, 526 GB, 80 GB and going for $2000.So thanks, if you guys can help me choose.For a better description of each go to dell.com

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