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Posts posted by Ho-oh'sRealm

  1. You can travel backwards or forwards in time by riding a plane and changing your timezone.



    Well, if you want to consider "time" as another dimension. Okay, put it this way. There's 3 dimensions of "space" and 1 dimension of "time". So, taking a look at that "dimension". How would machines even manipulate or come "close" to that dimension? Machines are mindless tools that are programmed to do humans' bidding, and are powered by some sort of energy source (water, heat, electricity etc.) and I fail to see how they could reach into another dimension. As advanced as we are in technology at the moment, I don't think we'll come close to making a time machine in the future.


    Speed of Light < Time Travelling? baww, more of human desires and dreams. Whoever made up time travelling is plain...unfunny. People, perhaps we haven't proved that we can travel faster than the speed of light, but at the moment, we're not even close to coming to the speed of light. Light is yet another source of energy, which machines rely on. So, can machines be better than the sources of energy they rely on? Perhaps we've made machines to have more purpose, but that still doesn't mean machines are faster, or for that fact, better, than its source of energy.



  2. Okay, sure.However, IRC doesn't necessarily have to run on your server - it runs on a standalone computer. It doesn't really affect your server's load. CGI:IRC does, but you don't have to run that.Java? It should run on the user's internet bandwith, not the site's.

  3. Well, I saw a topic about a chat program or similar earlier, but it was dead...And well, I can probably set up an IRC server for you, and I can also help you with IRC commands and writing up a FAQ etc.It's not very hard, and it'll be good for your members, since a lot of you don't seem to be able to chat with each other constantly on the site here, and doing so would be a good experience.The shoutbox is mainly for "shouts", not actual chatting.Not only that, you can stay on the IRC 24/7 (unless the server goes down or your internet disconnects etc.) so people can leave you messages instead of having to PM you on the forums.So does anyone want an IRC server? IRC = Internet Relay Chat.You can also have a java application on the site for users who can't connect using mIRC or some other programs :)

  4. Really? I feel sorry for the creator though. I can't believe that he is only eighteen years old!!! I wish I will be able to do something like that when I'm eighteen. It turns out that he knew what his site is becoming now with some people harassing others and not taking things seriously... because he actually meant for his site as a place where people can meet and make new friends, but I don't think that that is really working well right now... :)
    He's currently finding ways to stop it though, but I doubt he'll get far. Spam has never had a cure since it was invented. :D And I suppose maybe I'm just unlucky though, meeting people like that. Especially my first conversation. It's ICONIC. :(

    Lol. He could always try getting some mods to barge into conversations, but that would be silly.

    Still, Omegle is a very strange site, and personally, I'd rather troll it. *runs*

    Okay, nevermind that...

    ...as for:

    I didn't take it seriously either, and anyway half the time the reason people chat with strangers is to pass the time - they're not looking to build any serious realtionships, are they?! Omegle is surely an entertaining site which you can visit whenever you have nothing else to kill the time.
    And btw, I never met any people like those in my convos - most of them just went on asking about my asl and when I didn't oblige, most of them disconnected

    eh. They always do that so they know who they're talking to. Tell them, then tell them to delete their system32 folder.

    Or you can say: "My age is 1, I have no gender, and my location is right behind you."

    ...instant DC.

  5. Do you think that humans will develop a machine that will allow us to travel back in time, and revisit/relive events of the past? To tell the truth, I don't think so.


    Time isn't something electricity, or even anything can manipulate. Time is more of a special "element". No matter how hard you try to "edit" it, or "change" it, you can only create an illusion of what it could be, but it's not really happening. Perhaps humans will develop a machine that will allow you to experience your past experiences, but really, they would only be illusions. I think that's as close as we can get to 'time travelling'.


    So, what do you think?

  6. Well the first time I got into HTML was 3-4 years ago in middle school. The computer science class was trying to learn us the basics of HTML. Than I didn't cared about that but as soon as I grew up the web fascinated me. I wanted to create "web" too. I desperately searched for sources and got linked to W3 Schools which I think almost everyone stated in this thread. It was quite complex for me. I tried and tried. Mainly I learned the basics and more of from experiencing. But I can tell you is pretty bad to do it so. If you really want to learn HTML, better, XHTML and CSS you need to do it seriously and you can do that from one of the many ebooks around on the internet. I personally chose Learning HTML and CSS a book form O'Reily. It was the greatest book. I tell you I read all of it in a few days and tried some of the practises. It's important to learn the correct way of HTML to create accesible websites for people.


    About the text editing software I can link you some.





    This is probably the best free text editor for Windows out there; with support for simple thingslike syntax highlighting and foldingall the way up to FTP, Notepad++ should tick most of the boxes. I've used the editor as my main editor quite a bit, and one of my favourite features is File Status Auto-detection: when NP++ is made the active program, it will check all currently open files for changes and let you know if any file has been updated / deleted. Notepad++ is based on the Scintilla editing component.


    https://notepad-plus-plus.org/ Free





    Jedit is rather ugly in my opinion, but it has a decent feature set; as a Java program, it's actually multi-platform. It offers syntax highlighting for over 130 languages. The website says it supports folding, but I couldn't get that to work (although it does highlight the opposite bracket). Jedit has a plugin repository, which may give the editor a bit more functionality.


    http://jedit.org/ Free





    Notepad2 is also based on the Scintilla editing engine, but it's much simpler than Notepad++. It bills itself as being fast, light-weight, and Notepad-like, and offers syntax highlighting for a variety of languages. There's no installation for this editor: just unzip and run. There are a few modified versions (with more features / languages) available.


    http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html Free



    Programmer's Notepad


    Programmer's Notepad has a similar interface to that of Notepad2, although it does support having multiple files open at once. It supports bookmarking, folding, and highlighting, but other than that, there isn't too much to mention.


    http://www.pnotepad.org/ Free



    Crimson Editor


    Crimson Editor offers macro support and the ability to execute external programs. It has the ability to edit remote files, using a built-in FTP client; there's also a spell checker and a neat 'column select' mode.


    http://www.crimsoneditor.com/ Free





    ConTEXT supports many languages, both programming and human; it also gives you the ability to define your own custom languages. It does file comparing and exporting to HTML, and includes some interesting behaviour for projects. Another neat thing: ConTEXT remembers where your cursor is when you close a file, and puts it back there when you re-open the file.


    http://www.contexteditor.org/index.php Free





    I know Bespin isn't really a Windows text editor, and it hardly has the feature set that other editors do, but I thought I'd throw it into the mix just because I really like the concept of an online text editor and because it has one big (obvious) feature that the rest don't: cloud access to your code. It also offers syntax highlighting for HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Free





    TextPad is a rather simplistic editor: it boasts column select, drag-and-drop text between files, and hyperlink support. It also supports large files (based on the size of your virtual memory). That's it? Well, the feature list also mentions a right-click menu.


    http://www.textpad.com/products/textpad/index.html $24.70



    E-Text Editor (My favourite besides Dreamweaver)


    Resembles a lot with TextMate


    http://www.e-texteditor.com/ $34.96





    EditPlus doesn't have anything unique, but there are some niceties: it highlights URLs and email addresses, activating them when you 'crtl + double-click'. It also has a built in browser for previewing HTML, and FTP and SFTP support. Macros and RegEx find and replace are good to have as well.


    https://www.editplus.com/ $35.00



    Sublime Text


    Sublime Text is probably one of the most fun editors that I looked at, mainly because of its super-cool 'zoomed out' view of the file that you can pan around on. One drawback is that the preferences dialog is really just a bunch of text files; this can make it a bit difficult to tweak settings if you don't know exactly what you're looking for. I like the option to open a local file when you right-click on its link, and there are a few automation features, so this would make a solid choice of a text editor.


    http://www.sublimetext.com/ $59.00



    And my favorite thus far :


    Adobe Dreamweaver (Current version CS4)




    http://www.adobe.com/products/dreamweaver.html $399


    I know the price is high. Forget "high", insane would be a more appropriate word for that. I assure you that it fully deserves it price. It's the best hypertext editing software there. Basically it does more than half of you job done.


    Well that would be all my friend. Good luck and also if you have more questions don't hesitate to ask me here or use private messaging :) .



    Ah well, Dreamweaver is damn expensive, but can be worth it, but only if you're buying it for a company. Otherwise, a big ripoff D:


    Anyway, I learned HTML during primary school, in grade 6, when I was offered to be taught HTML along with other selected students. Fairly easy after that, and I found HTML to be an easy and interesting language.

  7. I prefer HTML, its a lot simpler, and you can get used to it very quick, php confuses me so.... HTML

    Yeah that's true, but HTML also has a limit of uses, and there's a lot of things that you can't do with HTML, and you can do with PHP. Sure, PHP is confusing, but HTML is for simple web pages, and PHP is for dynamic web pages.

    PHP is better for a complicated website with a lot of uses (with email forms, login forms etc.) and HTML is for simple webpages with stuff like videos, links etc.

  8. To be honest, I too thought the same when I started learning C. It's not that I like C and C++ now, but I've learned to live with them. I am looking forward to the day when I can finally stop using them, but that's not going to come any sooner....well anyway my overall answer is: just be a bit patient and you'll learn to appreciate many sides of these languages!

    I agree with you. C/C++ are strong languages, perhaps one of the most powerful ones around, and are useful for a lot of things, which most other languages are incapable of. Yet, it's still annoying...>.>

  9. Don't you think C/C++ is annoying?Even though I'm fairly learned at it, I still find it one of the most annoying languages in existence D: Most of commands are plain annoying, and irritate me a lot. Even my IT teacher (who privately teachs me some coding languages) finds it annoying.To me, it's a big pain in the back >.>What about you?

  10. Hi, I want to know which is going to be a success in future. I've asked this question to many but all are giving my vague answers. I'm asking this question because i'm going to join a company where i can choose either dot net or java. Which one should i choose.


    Well, since they're both fairly annoying, I'd say neither, but if you really need to choose one, I suggest .NET, as it has a wider range of uses, and is used as support from many important programs. Java is also fairly versatile, but it's a very annoying program.

  11. You can do this with meta tags. It won't actually refresh on every visit, but it will tell the clients computer not to store information about the page and instead completely re-download it on each view. You can use the following meta tags (don't know how many are necessary, but it wouldn't hurt to use all of them):

    <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache"> <!-- tells browser not to cache --> <meta http-equiv="expires" content="0"> <!-- says that the cache expires 'now' --> <meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"> <!-- says not to use cached stuff, if there is any -->
    This is okay, not too bad, but it's a fairly dodgy way of doing it, although it works well enough.



    solution to :Refresh Page After Back Button Hit

    Refresh Page After Back Button Hit


    Inculde the below code in each page of the project...


    <input type="hidden" id="refreshed" value="no">


    Though this is not the real solution butone of the trick we can do to acheive this


    -reply by Jugal Kishore Mahendra

    O_o This is a decent solution, because it tells the browser that the page hasn't been refreshed, but it doesn't actually fix the problem, because the browser won't refresh.


    Best you can do is create a javascript to tell the browser to refresh the page AFTER you hit the back button, and I'm sure you can find a script like that on the internet somewhere...if you really can't, then I can probably make one for you...

  12. My university lately instaled a firewall that prevents us from accessing certain websites I heard there are some proxy websites that will enable us to circumvent this firewallcan you post some links of such websites? :):(

    Notice from mayank:
    Edited topic title & description

    Noting, as stated before, schools block things for a reason.

    Honestly though, they're pretty damn stupid about it. My school had wikipedia blocked at one point, and even now, when you click on a link to a wikipedia page, it's blocked, and you have to enter the direct url into the url bar. Annoying.

    Well, I've used heaps during my time, although my school tends to block them.


    http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (hosted by me on fateback.com)
    http://realestatechinese.com.au/ (very fast PHProxy)

    With the PHProxy, and also provy.info , make sure you untick "Remove client-side scripting (i.e JavaScript)" or a lot of stuff won't work.

    Hope this helps ^^ (And I also hope these aren't blocked where you are...)

  13. ...Oh god, Omegle.


    Posted Image


    This is Omegle.


    Eh, lots of pedophiles there as well, I've encountered a couple of them there and responded by posting some uh...mature material xD


    To tell the truth, I don't think I've had a somewhat normal conversation there, and the one time I was trying to have a normal conversation, I was paired with a pedo O_o


    Very strange site, but somewhat amusing xD

  14. The only main problem with PHP is that you have to "host" it, and you can't open it normally in a web browser like HTML or Javascript. You have to "host" it on the internet using Apache, or it doesn't work, even if you're connected to the internet.Other than that, it's a great language, and I do find it quite interesting.

  15. First of all I want to say that Java and Javascript is not the same an are totally two different programming languages, in fact Javascript is a scripting language, but you can find that on google.
    I agree that using Java might be a pain for a newbie, but once you get there, you may find it to be quite a safe language to use, even though sometimes it may compile quite a long time and etc. but if you're a pro developer, you might have a lot of knowledge how to do everything right. I also don't enjoy java sites in a browser, sometimes it doesn't work as it should, but a lot of sites are using JSP to create their websites, they have a lot of power to control the site. Java can be used to create all those mobile phones games, which is also good, the only good thing about java for me is that it works on all platforms and no porting are required.

    As for Javascript which is totally different and does not relate to java just sound very similar, I also used to avoid as much as possible, but current browsers and sites for several years now are using it a lot, it can do a lot and it's convenient, it's so much faster now that you can use lots of javascript, for debugging you can use Dragonfly on Opera or Firebug on Firefox, it's really a great tool to debug javascript and more. Nevertheless as much as I like to not use javascript, I am required sometimes to use it and I for some time now only use jquery framework and jquery plugins which I edit for my purposes on a certain website, it's a really great framework for Javascript, I even started to like using Javascript and it's almost cross browser, I did not have a lot of issues making it work on such bad browsers like IE6 or IE7. :(

    Yes, I know that java and javascript are both different, although they can relate to each other, and I don't want to sound like I'm spamming if I make a separate topic for each of them.

    Eh, yes, java is a pain, especially for those who are new to it.

    Javascript is annoying to code, and annoying to edit as well, which is yet another reason why I dislike it.

    However, they're both really important, so...:)

  16. It all depends on what kind of content you have. Personally, I believe most people today would not need a 2tb HDD, however in the near future it could become like the amazing 32gb HDDs of 2000 :)I have a 1tb in my box, and I'm only using around 200gb of it. However, I've only had it for a few months (upgraded from a laptop with 120gb), and I've added 80gb in that short amount of time... a few games, programs, Windows 7, etc. I just don't see anyone needing a 2tb soon, unless you host huge files...

  17. Do you like coding/editing/using PHP to make your websites?Well, I guess I could say I do.It's a very versatile web language that can be used for all sorts of things, for example, making polls etc. I normally use it to make all the stuff that HTML can't (I prefer to use HTML, since it simpler to use, and obviously easier to use as well). Editing PHP is not too hard, unlike editing Javascript >.>What about you?

  18. Well, I certainly don't.I personally think Java is really annoying, and pretty evil at times, and can be a real nuisance. It annoys the hell out of me normally, and causes a lot of problems, especially in firefox, where java well...doesn't cope well.Javascript is also annoying, and like java, it can be a pain to use. Personally, I'd rather stick with HTML, PHP or some other web languages, but Javascript is necessary sometimes (although I try to stay away from using it as much as possible)What about you?

  19. As usual, PHP is great for making dynamic websites, which is exactly what it's for. It's very versatile, has many more uses than HTML does, and of course, often produces better results. Technically speaking, it's a fairly complicated language, and while I'm still learning it, I find it quite hard. Very hard in comparison to HTML, though xD And well, PHP is a very strong web language, in my opinion.HTML, on the other hand, is the most basic web language there is, and it has really simple commands. Yes, it's still has a very diverse range of uses, especially for a simple yet elegant looking home page. If you couple HTML with CSS, it looks great. I use HTML in general for embedding javascript, videos, images and flash, and for some other things too.Eh, I tend to use HTML more, although I use PHP for harder things...

  20. Lol that virus


    All the kids in my school freaked out about it, and refused to turn on their laptops all day. After that, it turned out that it was a somewhat "fake" virus, but then it seemed like some people had actually gotten it, amazingly. Of course, I kept my computer on the whole day, but didn't get it at all!


    Eh, it was a pretty neat 'trick', fooling everyone on April Fools Day...


    ...And then having it revealed that the virus was real xD


    Really, viruses can be so over rated, but sometimes they really can be dangerous.

  21. Well, make sure you back up your files first, before you do. However, I don't think that'll fix the problem, as your computer has been infected with it as well, so everytime you plug your USB into the computer, it'll get infected.I suggest trying ninja.exe first, or simply blocking the program. Well, create a limited account, and block the program (If you click on Tools--->Folder Options--->View--->Unclick Hide System Files thing, you should be able to see a folder called recycler or whatever, as well as a file called autorun, or autorun.inf. Open autorun.inf, and read it until you find the program's name (something.exe)Block it. If you don't know how to, Google it. Also, deleting the autorun.inf file and the virus won't help - they'll keep coming back.

  22. Well, I think I have had that virus in my time, due to the school network spreading it all around. There are some ways to get rid of it, especially if it's the one I think it is:

    1. You can download a program called "ninja.exe" here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . If it's the virus I believe it is, it should use a file called "autorun.inf" (that's a hidden file), and ninja.exe should get rid of it every time you plug your removable drive into your computer.

    2. You can format your removable drive. This, however, will delete all your files, so be sure to back them up first. Plug your device in, then go to "My Computer", right click on it, then select format, and click "Start".

    Hope this helps! And try getting a good antivirus like Symantec, Avast! or AVG.

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