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Posts posted by Ho-oh'sRealm

  1. Skipping class intentionally is not a good thing to do, unless you have a very good reason for it. Generally, it means you miss out on the work and the things the teacher is teaching you, and you may also miss out on assignments or projects. Sometimes classes may be boring, or drab, but you still have to participate, even if it's sitting down and sleeping.I still don't like the idea of skipping class, and thus, I have never.

  2. No I have not skipped class. But on several occasions the teacher has forgot to attend the class and we waited in an empty classroom talking to mates, till the bell for the next period went. Thats a whole 65 minutes :P

    Lol same, we have a teacher who rarely comes to class, and even if he does, he walks out soon after.

    Well, apart from that, I've never skipped class deliberately. Granted, I do procrastinate during every class, but I've never actually skipped class when I don't have any activities on.

  3. Excellent design, really nice overall!

    Just one thing:

    We are a team of persons who enjoy create flash clocks, we used to be a lot more but most of our team went to work on their own projects and websites, however we all have a passion for clocks and everything about it, it became so about 25 years ago for some of us.

    On your "About Us" page, you say that. It's incorrect grammar, and should be:

    We are a team of people who enjoy creating flash clocks. We used to have more people but most of our team went to work on their own projects and websites, however, we all have a passion for clocks and everything about it, some of us loving clocks from about 25 years ago.

    Hope this helps ^^

  4. technology is making people lazy. it's all around us. it is also limiting us in what we see in true nature. i personally LOVE technology because i love to be lazy. i HATE technology because it makes it that much harder to enjoy the simpler things in life that are most important because it's so easy to be distracted from it....
    technology is creating robots in all of us. a habit or a fuction that shouldn't be there to be blind to nature and everything that surounds us. the birds singing in the morning. the trees waving in the wind. the crickets that you will never see but hear.

    technology takes away from nature. what people don't think about when living with all this technology that surrounds us is....what would we do without the flowers and the trees and the birds...etc...etc....etc....you will be a robot.....and that is what the technology wants you to be so they can make a dollar off you

    Yes, I agree with you. Technology has made humanity lazy. A lot of our population now sit at their desks, and sit there staring at their computer screen etc.

    Not a lot of people go out now to exercise, or go outside to play. And even now, because we've grown lazy (sitting in front of the TV all day etc.), a lot of our population have many more diseases, and many are becoming obese.

    Which is another good question, would we have all of our current diseases and ailments if technology hadn't been developed?

  5. I think there's some users out there, like myself for example, who would like to post their fanfiction on the site. Is there anywhere we can, or can you make a forum for it?Well, story writing in general that's not poems, songs etc. I think users would like to read some of the other users' stories, and comment and/or provide feedback.I'd also be grateful if you could make a forum or similar.Just an idea ^^

  6. How has technology such as cars, computers, the internet, gaming consoles etc. affected our lives?I personally think that it's affected many people's lives in such a way that most wouldn't be able to live without it. Everyday, we see technology all around us - cars, computers, laptops, TVs, gaming consoles, USBs, bikes, transport, all that sort of thing. Everywhere.Without it, we'd still be in the Stone Age, use flint, making naked fires, hunting animals, all of that. Simple, but fairly unintelligent in the sort of living-wise area.We'd only be living with the trees, the land, the sky and the other things in existence around us for entertainment - no intense video games, no internet, no mobile phones to chat with friends, no forums, nothing interesting.We'd be affected greatly. And is this good or not? I'd say technology has helped us through our lives a lot, not to mention it being a huge part of our lives as well. If we didn't have technology...we'd be fairly ignorant of the world around us, of global warming, which probably wouldn't be a problem, and we'd have severe disorder.What about you? How do you think technology has affected us, and is it good or not?EDIT: Can a moderator or administrator please move this to "Debates"?

  7. I've recently been reading this book by two teenagers called 'Do Hard Things.' It's supposed to motivate teens to do more than what society thinks of us. So what does Society think of Teenagers, and more importantly, what do you think of Teenagers?I guess being a teenager might be the most difficult time mentally during the human life.Your hormones do crazy things, you fall in love with all the wrong people, your body changes in all the strange and inexplicable ways, and you seem to think you're right about what you're saying. As far as I'm concerned, it's very much a transition phase between a carefree childhood into a problem-riddled adulthood. Teenagers don't want to take responsibility, like any child, but they want to be treated with respect and equality like an adult.Society starts treating you like an adult in all the wrong ways, telling you to start earning, to start taking responsibility for your actions, to study hard and look for a good job. But they don't give you all the equal-footing as adults would get, and for everything, you're treated like a child. It's contradictory, I know, but I guess that's the best way to explain it.It's a tough road, but so is everything else, so I guess this post has no point. Meh.

  8. The concept of terrorism is defined as "using tactics that go beyond conventional warfare" and "using terror as a means of persuasion"."One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."Terrorists do horrible things; level buildings, bomb places of worship, plant car bombs and subvert normal activities.There's also "domestic terrorism". The first George Bush referred to people in the Rodney King riots as terrorists. 1. Why do we refer to our enemies as terrorists? What does that show about us? 2. Has anyone, a person, or group been unrightfully called a terrorist? 3. What would happen if we never used the word? 4. Terrorism is the ultimate insensitive word; for the reason that it means to incite war. Could more be achieved with understanding and tolerance, and how? Obama has also stopped referring to "The War on Terrorism". He now calls it, an "Overseas Contigency Plan", the contigency obviously being war. Some difference.So discuss.

  9. September 1, 2009 - Last week's big 7-Eleven reveal, Okamiden, has turned out to be a DS title. As promised, this week's Famitsu got the first word on the new game.
    Fully titled Okamiden: Chisaki Taiyou, the followup to the critically acclaimed PS2 original puts players in control of what appears to be a new wolf character, Chibiterasu. Picture a baby version of Okami main character Amaterasu, right down to the red marks. We can't share the artwork with you until Capcom provides official online media, but one word comes to mind when seeing Chibiterasu: adorable.

    Okamiden follows the events of the original Okami by a few months, in a world now restored to peace. Issun, Amaterasu' guide from the original, accompanies Chibiterasu to Sakuya, the girl who called Okami to the world in the original. Sakuya asks Chibiterasu for some form of help.

    You take control of Chibiterasu in a game whose fundamentals appear rooted in the original Okami. Just as you did in the original, you'll be exploring the game's brilliantly colored (well, for the DS) world while combatting monsters and solving puzzles. Much of the gameplay is being kept under wraps at present, but the combat system does appear to resemble that of the original.

    The switch to the DS brings about some major changes thanks to the stylus. Capcom will be letting you use the stylus to make direct drawings with your Celestial Brush. Your uses of the brush once again include such things as drawing circles to make trees spring to life with flowers and drawing lines to slash enemies.

    Also new for Okamiden is the presence of partner characters for Chibiterasu. Chibiterasu has to work together with the partners in order to progress.

    As an example, there's a section of the world where the two have to cross a crumbling bridge. They wouldn't be able to get across with the partner riding on Chibiterasu's back. To clear this part of the game, you'll have to make use of the stylus to draw out a path for the partner character to follow on his own. Once the partner crosses to the other side of the bridge, you can directly move Chibiterasu across the bridge.

    Famitsu introduces one such partner character, the young Kuninushi, son of a swordsman named Susano who appeared in the original. As you play through Okamiden, you'll apparently find out why Susano is suddenly able to have a son despite there being only a few months gap from the original.

    (We previously made it sound like Kuninushi is the only partner character. There are actually multiple partner characters, but Kuninushi is the only one introduced in this week's Famitsu).

    The original Okami was the swan song for Clover Studio before key members of the studio went on to form Platinum Games. From what we can tell, Okamiden is being developed within Capcom. The game's producer is Motohide Eshiro, producer of Ace Attorney Investigations and director of Onimusha 2. The game's director is Kuniomi Matsu****a, a planner on Dino Crisis who went on to direct the Wii version of Okami.

    In an interview with Famitsu, the two revealed a surprising start for Okamiden. In December of last year, Matsu****a approached Eshiro and said that he wanted to make a portable version of Okami. Not only that, but he'd already created an advanced prototype. After seeing the prototype, Eshiro decided to turn it into a full product.

    The magazine asked Matsua why he wanted to bring Okami to a portable system. His response was that he wanted to give as many people as possible a chance to know the charms of Okami's visuals and game systems.

    We already know the charms of Okami (it was our game of the year in 2006), and now we look forward to getting another look at the game on the small screen. Okamiden isn't due out in Japan until 2010, but we'll hopefully get a sneak peak at the Tokyo Game Show later this month.

    Official trailer: https://www.engadget.com/gaming/

    Developing for one of the majour consoles is expensive. Saying that the original game, despite being completely awesome, didn't sell well, I think the DS is the right way to go. It has a huge market, Okami fans from the Wii will likely pick it up, and it will introduce more people to the franchise. I think that if we see a DS version sell well, then Capcom will invest the money into making another major console release of Okami.

    One thing that worries me is that many of the developers of Okami on PS2 arn't making this game (I don't know if any guys from Clover will be there) So we will have to see if people can make the game as good as the first.

    I still can't say enough though, I think there is a reason that Amaterasu is not in this game. If this game sells well, we can hope for a console sequel that will follow Ammy!

  10. There were a lot of great places to explore and a ton of side quests to do. Many people prefer the PS2 version, but if you only have a Wii, you can get this version instead. Also, it's similar to Zelda games in many aspects, namely the overworld and dungeons. And, when I say it's similar, I don't mean that that it's a slightly changed version of Zelda - it just uses a lot of the same formula for gameplay. It's a great game, and if you don't rush and do all the side quests, in can take almost 30 hours. Some people have a problem using the Wii remote for drawing, but I never really had an issue with it - just make sure your sensor bar is working correctly. the only hard thing to draw on the Wii would be a perfectly straight line, but if you hold down the Z button on the Nunchuk while drawing and point the remote to the right (or where ever the end of your line will be) it will create a nice straight line for you.

  11. I saw it a week ago and I must confess by admiration for this film, since it is a rare example of film making that literally seems to have enough of everything that redefines your faith in the limitless potential of human creativity. People will complain of an over reliance on CGI, but they will likely be the same niche busybodies who have some personal vendetta against Hollywood blockbusters, and 2012 seriously does deliver on a monumental level, especially with the visuals and sheer artistry of the destruction, it's too beautiful to shun.The acting is nothing to be ashamed of either, although it doesn't invest vast amounts of time in detailing the individual characters as in other films (the 45 minute intro to Denzel Washington and Dakota Fanning?s relationship in Man on Fire for example). But the character development is consistent throughout the film keeping on an even keel with the impact of the natural disasters. Danny Glover plays the role as President with a great deal of nobility, as do many of the other actors deliver to their roles a sense of integrity, which is a great benefit to the drama aspects of the film since its simple but effective, much of the emotion comes across as very heart felt opposed to cringe worthy or pretentious.Humour also plays a nice part with the occasional funny one liner or laugh out loud moment, but in my opinion that's quite necessary in the face of such dark days, since 2012 packs an almighty punch to your emotions. Even the sternest of critics cannot deny the power of the imagery; it might not be as instant as the entire world flaring up in tidal waves of flames like at the end of Knowing, but seeing your world and every trace of familiarity falling apart in the blink of an eye across a two and a hour period really tugs at those heart strings. You actually feel confined to that same fate, considering how it would feel if such a doom were ever to unfurl, and that feeling of utter hopelessness and insignificance is some potent stuff, but that seriously adds to the experience bearing in mind how rare it is to be truly moved by modern cinema.But man the action scenes are just phenomenal, so immense in every sense of the word, it's obvious why 2012 is one of the most expensive films ever made. What's genuinely impressive is how consistent it is, the action, character development and information are blended together so perfectly, it flows very smoothly and leaves nothing lacking, to say its just over two and a half hours the time honestly flies by so quickly, leaving you on the edge of your seat throughout.As to why Christian icons seemed to be targeted... along with the quote BCVM22 provided, I'd say it's to increase feelings of insignificance and to be symbolic of what many would feel at that instant; a moment of utter disbelief when all hope is gone and not even idols of fact or fiction can save us now from this impending doom. That's what I reckon it implies, as though humanity has been cut loose from its leash and left to its own devices, only to discover no one's holding the strings.Seriously, every once in a while a film is released that changes your perfection of film making itself, and this really is something you need to enjoy on the glory of the big screen.

  12. I'm sorta mixed bag about this.Education is kinda stale and needs a complete reformation. It completely kills creativity, individuality and self expression. It's based on completely irrelevant information and a "if you can't conform to the system than you are not a valuable person" mentality.The education system does very little except to teach you how to succeed in the education system and even that doesn't work with half the students.It is unfortunate. Education should be about teaching kids how to find their interests and passions and allowing them to explore that and accentuate their strengths instead of teaching everyone with the same cookie cutter robot model.My opinion is that they should teach about stuff that matters. But come on, will it really say on our job applications "Please analyze this essay. Then use it as an example to write your own from a dog's point of view." Seriously.

  13. We have one at our house. In case someone doesn't know, open fire places are the nifty ones which burn logs and coal and require chimneys. It's great because it makes lots of heat and throws it out (the heat, not the flames). You can roast marshmellows and burn stuff in it. They are way better than other fires because you can angrily chop wood with an axe, but that's probably not very safe and a waste of time.Anyhow, it's fun!

  14. Yeah I love it. Most of my softwares are php. As you can see php has grown and almost everybody is using it.

    I agree. It's gone quite far in the coding business, and it's useful for many things. Add to that the fact that users can't see the PHP coding when they view the source, which makes it useful for online tests, login forms etc.

  15. Well, I've been browsing around for good forum software. I personally like SMF and SMF2 the best, but I'm not sure about you.I absolutely hate PhpBB, MyBB etc. especially PHPBB. The admin panel layout is so confusing, and I don't like the layout in general. I also dislike the general look and layout of Vanilla, as it just looks terrible in my opinion.vBulletin is good and really powerful, but it's really expensive. As is IPB, and I really like them both.The thing about SMF and SMF2 is that they're both powerful, free and easy to use. The admin panel is a lot less confusing than PHPBB's, and there's also a lot of easy-to-use options in there too. The layout is quite excellent, and it allows you to have a forum footer, to use a chatbox etc.So what about you? What is your favourite forum software?

  16. Very well explained.Also, for us to travel back in "time", every second, every minute, every day of our past lives would have to be happening in a parallel universe or dimension, or else recorded somewhere. Otherwise, we'd just be going nowhere.Travelling at the speed of light/faster is possible, but probably not for humans. We would be dead before we even came close, and if we travelled in machines, I doubt we be able to sustain that speed still.Makes sense?

  17. Seeing as I've had close Internet friends for ages now, I was thinking about this quite alot. Why do people see having online friends as so bad? Especially if you balance the internet and real life, what is so bad about it? I find that my Internet friends can help me through some problems my real life friends can't because they have never experienced what I'm going through or just give useless advice. My mum asks "Why waste your life on a chat room or forum talking to people you've never met?" My answer to this: Friends are friends.True, not everyone online you talk to can be trusted, it's your choice/risk to meet and talk to people online, but still. Heck, the fact that we are even here in these forums is because we wanted to talk and get to know people who share a similar interest in Pokemon, as well as many other things. Also, an online friend of mine left one day saying we were "avoiding reality" - I don't see what's so bad about it, as long as you're balanced (I'm semi-balanced, but definitely not anti-social). I'd like to hear your opinions on this.

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