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Posts posted by akira550

  1. i urge ya to go with the 1.99 plan. you get plenty of space and plenty of bandwidth for a new website. i know your goal will eventually be to have many visitors, but they wont be coming right away so don't waste your mycents or the resources for a higher package. usually it takes a year for any website to get it's feet wet anyway. after a year, you can determine if you need more than what the 1.99 plan is offering. also, it's only 1.60 if you pay for 12 months in advance. so for less than 30 bucks, you get your domain and 12 months hosting...and i would besurprised if you used up those resources
    the only thing that might be limiting is the mysql and the sub domains and if you want to park any extra domains. i would also suggest paying extra for your own name servers. it's like 5 bucks or something but looks professional.

    so in a nutshell, start small and upgrade when you need to.

    yeah building a good website with so much subscribers will took many times. I already bought the logic package which is
    $1.99 and i didn't feel the lack of space since my blog was just starting and in process of building subscribers :P

  2. Hmm that seems good enough - thanks for sharing :P However, there's still the problem of getting 1000 visitors to view your page, isn't it? Now how on earth could I manage that?Of course with good content its possible but how to project that good content out to the audience?!! Could you kindly give some tips on how you managed to get your payment (i.e., so many views)

    well it's not 1000 visitors actually to earn money... every visitors you deliver is counted.. so it's easy..
    let's say 100 views for your article and you refer 5 members with also 100 views in their article..
    you earn also the same as they :P

  3. Yeah, it's pretty true (and sad too), that money makes the world go round and that people still live their lives trying to get rich. I mean, what's the point? Let's say that you have all the money in the world. Then seriously, there is really no point in earning any more money because well, number one, you've got lots of money already, in fact, you've got ALL the money in the whole wide entire world so the point is you can't even get one more cent from anyone in the world because you've already have the last cent that anyone could possibly have. So, what's the point, I say?
    I don't know, I personally think that people get satisfied when numbers go up. Technically, when numbers go up because of them, and even more technically, when number that can be used to give them pleasure and comfort and enables their survival goes up because of them.

    So even if you have all the money that you could possibly ever need to use in your whole entire life (a man can only have a certain and limited amount of palaces, pools, and Plasmas TVs), you would still want to earn more, and hey... your children won't need to earn as much too, nor does your grand children, or your great grand children, and so on and so on.

    But of course, this is a totally different matter if you don't have children in the first place. Then why earn so much? If you are intending to give all your money to charity like the Salvation Army and the Red Cross, then I congratulate you and I would say that you are a very kind and generous person. But please, be realistic. As far as I am concerned, all the rich people in this world like Bill Gates and stuff (this thread was created because of the Bill Gates thread in the other forum, right?) aren't earning money for charity. They are just earning money for themselves.

    For goodness sake, even if you are earning a lot of money for your children (I don't know whether Bill Gates has any children or not), seriously, if they have never experienced what it is like to be poor, then they will just lavishly spend all their money on random things like games and stuff and use up a lot of your money in not time.

    So I really think that all the money should go to charity...

    But if I was the richest person in the whole wide world, then I would give fifty percent of the money (profits) to my parents, because they have lived a hard life bringing me up and all that, and I have absolutely no way to fully say thank you to them and compensate (in money terms) or make up for all that they have done for me, give around 30% of my profits to charity (I'll spread it out to many different charity organizations like Salvation Army and Oxfam, spreading them out according to the needs of children), use 10% of the money to create my own charity organization (the 30% and the 10% used for charity is interchangable), and just use the remaining ten percent on myself and my family, and I believe that that would also teach my children (if I will ever have any) to be generous and be kind and thoughtful for all the third world country children out there that are only living on less than $1 per day.

    This is what I would do... :P

    But seriously, in reality, I think that the only people that ever get rich are the greediest people that don't exactly want the give their money to charity. But really, if I get rich, this is what I will do, considering that the ten percent is enough to support my life, of course (this is most certainly the case in Bill Gate's life though... :P:):P )

    sorry for the author if this was an off topic post because i am just curious how nameless do post really big content ? wow
    you say so many words that i can't do.. aha what was your technique? i also notice about how you post.
    i always notice that it's rich and long? that's why you earn so much mycent... :)

    anyway back to the topic.. yeah money money money... it seems that money is the one who controlled us. but most people
    don't know that money was so sinful. we don't have a world war now.. but we have a war... the money war...
    people go crazy and do everything just to become a rich person. they can also kill their neighbors.. or even their
    family/relatives for the sake of money.. but we can't deny it.. money matters... money is so important..
    without money we can't live and eat.. we are all victims of money

  4. wow a new member.. :P Hello too.. and welcome into our family.. a talented guy? wow you know a lot :P
    by the way if you are planning to create a website and wants Xisto to host it and your main reason for joining here is to have a good
    free hosting account :P well you come at the right place.. but first of all you need to have more mycent and be active as you could
    first to activate your mycent you must register here Xisto - Support you must register your email address there
    the one you used here so that your account will be link together.
    how ever it takes time to be activated you must wait for 4-12 hours and see it later.. but you can also post good topics to earn.. don't worry it's counted already once you register there
    and to earn more mycent you must post a quality post or topic. good luck to you

    if you have questions.. please don't be so hesitant to ask :)

  5. yay..!! I am the first one to reply i think? i dont think if someone is writing when i was writing this? :)anyway.. HI :P everyone of us wants to become rich.. who doesn't want to become rich? aha maybe those guys who was contentedbut me? i am not contented honestly and i know most people and member here aren't contented because everyone's dream is to become richthat's why they are using the net to find money.me? if i would become the world's richest person.. first i will support many charities and campaigns for our environment and cleanlinessthe second thing is to have a nice and better family. the third thing is to buy all the things i want when i am poor..the fourth thing is to put my money on different banks. so that if the one was close i have many choices..and the fifth thing was to share my blessings to my relatives and people who needs it and to give a scholarship programs to those childrenwho wants to study even if they are not mentally good..atleast they have the desire to study and become rich also :P how about you guys?

  6. yeah so i will just start with the logic plan since i will be creating a new blog and no one knows about it..when it comes to a point that my blog increases it's pupolarity.. (in case) i will just upgrade it to the next plan..when it's become more popular.. i will upgrade again.. to the best package :P can i upgrade fast even if my logic plans stillin date? or i need to wait until it will expire and upgrad?

  7. The concept sounds interesting although it is still doubtful as many websites have promised similar things in the past - could you give some kind of proof for this claim please? have you already earned off this website successfully? or are you still in the waiting stage?sorry to be so suspicious - after visiting so many such sites one cant help but think in this way

    yeah i have been paid last month and get my very first money :)
    i will attach the picture below of the payment i received :P well if you are still
    in the stage of suspicious you must see the image i attach or search for google about this.. :P join in my network if you have been
    decided to join ok? thanks


  8. I got my credits enough for a hosting package i order then my order wasn't successful and itsaid that i am from different country that's why my order was cancelled but my credits didn't come backit still get my credits $11 even if it's not a successful order.. can anyone fix this? and let my credits back?because it's not easy to post here and save mycent then it would just gone for that thing????i feel mad at the system because of that

  9. Mafia War Games seems to be the most played around in facebook. Some of my contacts play that game. Yes, I agree it annoys the non players a lot, myself being one of them. Every now and then such a thing smashes on to the wall. I haven't been using Facebook for some time now. But I hope there is a feature wherein we can block an application from sending any messages to the member.

    yeah i am playing mafia wars.. i also use the friends for sale,restaurant city,farmville and pet society and other games...
    but sometimes facebook got an error into this games.. but i recommend them you must not play in facebook because
    you will become an addict gamer also like many others.. i don't know why facebook is so addictive

  10. Not a bad deal. But how they're going to earn ? Besides keeping videos on youtube will increase more leechers to music. Many people copy HD videos from youtube and remove music out of it. Then save and distribute it in mp3/mp4 format. Latest music video addition on video could increase such piracy. And another take on this is that if such piracy is not possible. Then there will not be much traffic on youtube as well. I think they'll get more advertisers. Advertisers is the only way to generate revenue. If they failed to generate revenue then warner will definitely back out. Google knows how to make money from advertisers it's not that easy for warner.

    yeah besides downloading videos on youtube was so easy because of youtube downloader so expect the piracy
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