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Posts posted by MasterBB

  1. That is very interesting. i like natural remedies for health myself. Just an interesting sidenote: When you drink a lot of any liquid, it helps to flush out the kidneys, whether it's herbal tea, fruit/vegetable juce, water, ect.

    Yes, you are right! Infact I think the reason why the poster of this thread successful in managing his kidney stone with herbal tea, only because the nature of any tea as diuretic substance. When you drink up tea, it will make you urinate more. Thus will help bring your stone flowing down.

    Basically if the kidney stone are small, there are 2 ways for you to manage it:
    1. Drink a lot of water (increase your urine volume)
    2. Make base urine (if your urine acid it will easy for you to get infection. Base urine will help you avoid the infection). Bi-carbonate pil available cheap in store can be your choice.

  2. Hello there, 1st of all, you should not have unprotected sex in the 1st place. I can't gather enough info from your post, but from what I can explain is that: spotted sometime normal to women due to some hormonal changing. To check whether or not you are pregnant, any HCG test available in store are enough. If you scared of infection, (that's why you should avoid sex without condom --> the only contraception that can protect you from STD), some of this sign might help to distinguish whether or not you have infection:1. It ichy around your V area or inner thigh2. It smell3. The color different, and it also coloring your under wearTo be sure, check yourself to gynecologist and next time put condom to have protected sex.

  3. Hi Nameless_ good that you finally choose to step in first. Actually you made good move using blogspot. There are several advantages to newbie on money making scheme with blogspot. Now while getting yourself comfy with your blog, take this step one by one 1st:

    1. Try posting everyday --> this might help you get crawled by search engine often
    (try to ping google everytime you finish with posting or editing : to inform them. You can use free handy service like pingomatic.com)

    2. Start getting traffic by blog walking (leave comment on neighbor's blog)

    3. Doing link building. (This should be your continuous effort).

    In blogspot, you already had google adsense embedded. What you need to experiment lil bit: choosing the right spot and match the color of your adsense with your template.

    The idea that you need to focus at this moment is : more traffic equal more money.

    Good luck!

  4. Is it possible to verify a paypal account without a credit card because my parents won't let me see theirs because they don't trust getpaidto do anything websites. So I was wondering if there was a glitch to get a verified paypal account or doing something in the registration that would trick paypal into not needing a credit card?
    I can get money into paypal but I can't spend it D=

    Hi Nelso, you can't trick paypal :P. And do not try to "trick" paypal in any way or else you got banned. But you can check out this: how to verify paypal without credit card. There are indeed few ways to do that. But you should also know, that you can still use your paypal in online transaction or transfer the balance without fee and funded it, even if its unverified. If you have pals with verified paypal, you can ask him/her to receive the transfer balance from you and cash it out. Anyhow check out the link to see several ways to verify paypal.

  5. 1st and foremost, you must build up your confidence. Girl don't like a coward boy. It is your confidence that will attract her. Please be understand, that confidence doesn't mean you brag on stuff or act on it. It must come from beneath you. When you manage to gather the strength, all you have to do is direct approach the girl. Simply saying nicely and warm:"Hi, my name's A, and Ive been meaning to get to know you all this __. Btw, do you like chocolate? Here, I have one for you (just bought one cute chocolate medium size). Don't worry it's non fat." (smile).After that introduction, don't leave your spot. Wait for her response. And then, make another move. You can either do one of these:"Can I walk you home after school?""Do u know "B" served the best pie in town? Would you like to go there with me after school?" or if you can, dare yourself to say like this:"I know i may sound cheesy, but it take a courage for me to go up here and say hi to you. I found you as the most beautiful person I have ever seen. It may not be fancy, but I made reservation in restaurant near the park/beach. If you have time, would be lovely if I can take you there with me..."if she said no, continue with this line:"It's ok. (smile). But you know I won't give up that easily :lol:. Can I call you? Just in case you need help with homework and stuff? (smile)"You must remember, the most important part of all these, is to take it light. Be humorous. Don't look serious. Smile a alot, and insert lil joke (not to overdo, though) in it.Good luck

  6. I donno whether you are serious or not with this thread. Seems exaggerating to me. Or you are not telling the complete story. I mean, how much weight you mean by "losing". Were they become skinny like bone or just losing "happy" weight. Every girl dream to be slim and fit. So I don't think losing weight would bother them. If it's whether or not they are happy with you, why not asking them directly? Why bother taking "losing weight" as the barometer?

  7. Digg, Stumbleupon, Delicious, Reddit, and many more are what we called as social bookmarking sites. The idea of this service is to let people select their popular reading all over the web. So, when someone submit their site to digg (if it's in digg.com), they were actually trying to get it popular. In the old days social bookmarking sites like digg also good for backlinking. (But i heard some already set to nofollow these days). So you can both benefit direct traffic and quality backlink to help your PR using bookmarking sites.Now the question whether or not someone paid to digg, I have to say, yes there is.I happen to know one site that paid for bookmarked. I havent yet write the post in my blog but I will near future (my blog is about all the resources on make money online).Beside that specific website, there is also many website (one that I particular join) listed people who offer cents to someone who would help them digging their page. This is not weird, becoz as we learn from above statement, digging can make our page popular in return gaining good traffic.

  8. Yes, I am depositfiles member. When it come to share files I used depositfiles among other list get paid to program for several reasons. I can't say I am fully agree with The Simpleton there. I do think you can still earn good money from this program without have to focus on warez only.Now all you need to do to seek for exact keywords what exactly that people looking for, and see whether you can provide them with it or not. I can see something from picture, ebook, script, photoshop action files, and many more. Offcourse, games, music, and movies might give you good earning too.So if anyone interested on selecting this as their source of gold, what they need to do :1. Create one website to share all the files (do not scattered it).2. Do SEO on the website3. Lil promoting (many ways, many schemes, can't share it here all at once).If you do this, you actually can catch many fishes at single time. @Nameless: can you shrare the link to your website here so we all can have alook, and let see if anyone of us can come up on an idea of how you can monetize it further more.

  9. The idea of creating your own website to earn money always intriguing. But it wont as easy like all crap "sales pitch" on "guru's" ebook or sales page. If anyone can't come up with a originality in idea with serious and professional work on the website, they can't forget about being millionaire on the net. But yeah sure did you can gain good money from your website, if only you know the secret.1st, don't try jumping on creating "get paid to program" without proper budget of promotion. There are literally already thousand of that niche in your competitors list. If you can not come up with your own unique idea that you should forget about this.If you know some secret, wanted to "sell it" and you do have the script to create the website, the next thing you need to learn is writing sales letter that hit the attention of your target audience and then doing some SEO to start having traffic to your site. If you had the budget better if you hire professional for this.The best and easiest way if you planning creating your own site, is by 1st selecting the niche.It shouldnt be the one that the guru tell you so. Yes, there are specific niche that profitable, but actually all the niche are profitable if only you know how to manage it. Having lil knowledge about trend, what's hyping people up, might help you on the idea.Some tools also help, you can just search on google for what's popular on todays.But truly just follow your instinct. And your desire. From there, find which niche that most profitable for u. By this term, I mean with more search per month and less competitor. If you got it, then start build a website about it.

  10. I started searching for online opportunity few months back. And everyday, I found new ways to earn extra dollar. But I have to admit one thing, when it come to "get paid to program" there is actually no way you can get rich simply count on that alone.All this paid program like: paid to search, paid to click, paid to upload, paid to review, paid to read emails, and among bunch of others allow you to earn free tiny cents only.I went across several successful people (mostly come from US) coming online with 6 figure income in their pockets. And I can't stop wondering how they doing it? I realized if you have an idea better if you created your own site, or if not, a blog, with good niche and start building traffic for it.Now, it wont suppose to stop only on ideas. I have hundreds of ideas in my head, but without real action and risk taker attitude, we coming no where.I have to say, you are on the right track posting this question. Yes, there are plenty legit paid to program. I join several, and earn lil bit from there. But to be actually rich, you just need to be extra patient and work extra hard.

  11. 1st of all, the answer for your question is: YES, YOU CAN!There are actually 2 methods for that purpose:1.Parked Domain2. URL redirection.Before I explain further, I have to clear up something : co.cc and co.nr is not actually the same. With co.cc you got fully registered domain. In this sense you can modify the DNS so that it direct the domain to the host you specify. While as for co.nr is actually redirection domain. What is parked domain?Just say you have yoursite.co.cc and you purchase another domain, let say like you ask, another .co.cc, yoursite2.co.cc, both of this domains can represent the same website, no doubt. The technique no different whether or not you had paid or free domain. 1st, all you need to do is to set the DNS in your domain lead to your hosting service. (just like when you 1st register your initial domain). For example the DNS to your hosting account are: ns1.hosting.com and ns2.hosting.com. In this way, you tell the domain to go for your hosting direction. Now, once you did that, the next thing you need to do is to tell your hosting that you have another domain directed to it, representing the whole website (not a subdomain). For this matter you use Parked Domain. After you completed this 2 task, your website now available for both domain. Now, to answer your second question, how bout if you used all the available "parked domain" in your hosting account?(mostly paid domain come with unlimited domain though). If you still wanna add another domain name, all you need to do is register in redirection url account. This is totally different from parked domain, I must assert. Redirection is basically the same method like shorting your url and then masking it. When someone come to your site from this redirection url (just say like yoursite.co.nr) they were actually not landing in the real website instead only "mirror" of it (frame based). If you confuse on this, just try viewing the page source on your redirection url. You will see that it only contain code of frame html. Can you just use 2 hosting using two domain but merely the same website? Oh yes you can. But you will recognize by search engine having duplicate website, which is "destructing" in SEO term : not SE friendly. Redirection also not a search engine friendly, so use it wisely.

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