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Posts posted by hedzup

  1. Yeah... driving while using cell phones is very dangerous. There was an article I just saw that had the title something similar to this:"Driving while using a cell phone is as dangerous as drunk driving."Anyways, where I live, New York (not the city... just New York) it is illegal to drive while using a cell phone, well... you can, but it has to be hands-free. People complained at first, but we're used to it now. I think it's a good idea. It's also illegal to smoke in public buildings. I like that one too.

  2. Ever wonder why girls always go to the bathroom in groups? Example:"I'm going to go to the bathroom, wanna come with me?""Sure!"Well, I've figured it out. They race. There are different kinds of races, such as duration, or speed. There is even evidence to believe that there is a scoreboard in their bathrooms. Even scorecards! Yes, scorecards, and guess where they keep them? In their purses. That's why they always bring their purses to the bathroom. Otherwise you could just show up in a bathroom and challenge someone but they won't believe that you're that fast if you don't have your scorecard! Anyone could claim to be the fastest bathroom-goer, right? Of course I am.But then, there are rare occurrences in which one girl might go by herself. But, this can't be, it goes against the code! Well, to an extent... You see, when they go alone, they are merely practicing for the next time they have a friend to compete against. Yes, it should all make sense now.hehe... :)

  3. Yes, I think it will continue to be number one for quite a while, because of many reasons. One being that they come up with many new and innovative searches and programs... google earth was the first (i think) to where you could look around the earth. That was big when i first got it, i was so excited when I got to see my house! You can also use google on your phones through text messaging, which is neat.Another reason is they are clean. They don't have a lot of clutter on their search engine page. If a new search engine comes in and creates a neat and tidy page, they will just be criticized for copying google. Google is just so high up there, sort of like apple, where they set a good example for other companies.Googel will certainly last a long time... :)

  4. Well, some people say, if there are aliens that can reach us, why haven't they yet? I have an idea that could explain that...When starlight reaches us, it could be thousands of years old, right? Well, what if it goes the same for light reflecting off of the earth. So... assuming aliens had the technology to be able to watch us through a super-microscope of sorts, they might be seeing dinosaurs walk the earth. Since this is just getting to them. (this is the cool part.) They can now control time on earth... if they move towards the earth, the dinosaurs (if that is what they are seeing) will move faster, if they move away from earth, the dinosaurs will be moving slower, and if they move away from earth faster than the speed of light... then the dinosaurs will be walking around backwards.^^hopefully that makes sense... but yes, it is just so vast that it is hard to comprehend the size of the universe, let alone what lives in it. Hopefully we will soon be able to travel faster than light, and be able to move do different habitable planets (sort of like a noah's ark). Then the human race can survive :)

  5. This looks like a long thread... too long for me to catch up on, so I'll just answer the topic at hand (or on the title bar of my browser window...).Yes, I think they exist, however not necessarily with big heads, skinny bodies, and flying around in UFOs. I recently read news stories where scientists believe they have discovered alien organisms. They were only bacteria, found in the rain, which was examined since the rain had a red tint to it. But the organisms could reproduce, even though they had no apparent DNA/RNA, which to our knowledge, means you shouldn't be able to reproduce. They could also reproduce at extremely high temperatures far beyond our knowledge of what organisms can do. This means they can live in the outer-space environment! Perhaps brought to earth after being flung off of a passing comet...But, the universe is so huge and vast that it is kind of crazy to think that there is only life on one planet (no offence to anyone that thinks otherwise.) Some day... some day we will find alien life, or they will find us. However, when that happens, our society might collapse. Why?Well... As far as I know, all religions say no alien life, only life on earth. This would be a final point which could not be avoided, and religion would be proved wrong (christianity...) and people might be lost, with nothing to follow or believe in anymore, or so they would think anyways.That's just my opinion, though...

  6. yay you have 2 registered members! haha... getting people to come to your forums in the beginning is a bit tough. You need to try to make people happy, and it's usually hard to do that. I once started one, and bribed people with gmail and freehosting123 invites (back when they were hard to come around)... I think i got around 50 members, then I got bored, and abandoned it... I'm such a bad person :) looks ok though, try installing/making a new theme for it, as it looks default. good luck!

  7. Well... actually... I don't remember. I think it might have been a webhost review/database site. I thought it had great features, however thought that the forums were slow, so i left. This was quite a while ago... months even... Before I left, I had posted my email address so that people who wanted GMAIL (yay!) accounts could get them... wow... Apparently soon after I left that section was locked, and my thread was stuck near the top, or somewhere at least where people could see it. I've since invited over 40 people (not a typo) from these forums, and still invite more people every week. The last person to request an invite had mentioned the name Xisto, which was helpful because I had forgotten where I posted my email and didn't know where all of these requests were coming from! SO yeah... everything looks great here, the community is much better than at my current host (freehosting123), which is pretty much nonexistant there. This site also has a graphics forum! I'm looking forward to hosting my website here eventually :)

  8. Well you only calcuated the price of ONE host. There are tons out there, all different. Although a webhost might offer cheap bandwith/space, they might run slow. So you would have to move on to another webhost which is much more expensive, but is much faster. Orrr, perhaps they host the site on their own computers/servers, that might cost a bunch of money, for equipment/service... Maybe the stories or interviews they do cost money, talk ain't cheap :). Maybe they have to pay money for using harry potter images that might be copyrighted. Maybe they have to pay someone to do scripting/graphics work for them... there are so many costs to consider, it would easily add up, I would think... But yeah, I'm sure they're getting some kind of revenue, why not?!

  9. Well, next week I start my summer job, full-time, (also my first job... ever) at a college bookstore. I'm definitely looking forward to having something to do, since I usually am just bored all summer.. and the money! Since I'm only 16, I get exempt from some tax stuff I think, and I don't have any bills to pay off, so I'll be able to spend a lot of it. Looking to buy clothes, perhaps a new computer, and minutes for my phone (prepaid).As for the future, I really don't know yet. I want to be an engineer, I take courses for it in school, and I will be one, but... there are so many different kinds, and I have no clue which I want to be. Everyone keeps asking me... and I don't know! I'll figure it out when the time comes, though.

  10. I use my 30g black ipod 5g (a.k.a. video iPod). Although it does have video capability, I don't really use it since it kills the battery... And although it has 30 gigs (rather... 28.7, I believe) I only have about 400 songs... sooo 2.34 gigs of space used. I've never had ANY problems with it, and I think it's a great mp3 player, and it makes other people jealous. I only wish that it could have a little more battery life.

  11. So, chances are you or someone you know has tried to explain why those tiny itty bitty candies are called "Fun Size" and failed, miserably. Well, I'm here to tell you the true reason.Why, you ask? More candy would be more fun, not less candy, you say. Well, you're right, in a sense. But the term "Fun Size" isn't supposed to be the amount of what you eat.It's not how big it is, it's how you use it (not that I even need to use that excuse).You see, these "Fun Size" candy bars are for THROWING. If you get one, you chuck it at one of your friends faces, give them a bloody nose, and start laughing hysterically. Then they're thinking what an idiot you are for giving them candy. But... to their dismay, it's only a "Fun Size" candy, bummer.If you were to throw a normal candy at your friend's face, or... dare I say "King Size," then they would be getting the better end of the deal. Candy can cause only so much damage, after all, so a "King Size" might not even make much more damage then a "Fun Size" candy would.Think of it this way, for 5 bucks you can get what, 100 "Fun Size" candy bars? Or, for the same amount of money, you can get maybe 5 "King Size" candy bars. When you look at it this way, the "Fun Size" candy looks much more fun, as you can get more PPD (Pain Per Dollar).So, in conclusion, "Fun Size" candy bars, are, in fact, more fun than those other, more expensive and inefficient candy bars. They are cheaper, more aerodynamic, leave your friends with little compensation, and you can fit more in your pocket to maximize your PPP (Portable Pain Potential).-----I hope you liked it... I had fun making it :) Anyone else have any theories or possible explanations?

  12. hmmm...-it looks like you did absolutely nothing to the render. it either came cut out or you did it yourself.... but you just threw it onto the background and made no attempt to alter it.-background is simple, dark, and doesn't match the render color/brightness.-text could use some work... black/gray/white text colors don't match render OR background.-5/10 for appearance, but only because the render looks good. try using brushes, filters, ANYTHING to make it seem original, and your own.

  13. look! a bird...-the edges of the alleged render is too pixelly (on the left, right...) and the fact that there is a glow makes it more evident and unappealing.-the background is sweet, non-repetetive, and it matches the alleged render...!-the black in the middle is a little too intense, althought is somehow doesn't take away too much from the sig.good job... 6.5/10i call it an alleged render since I can't even tell what it is.

  14. la dee da...-as for the background, the stars are too monochrome, too frequent... the two stars (in the background) are the same *cough*brush*cough* and are pale... since when are stars gray?-you've apparently left a black layer behind the sun, leaving a black border around the sun... which looks horrible.-the actual glow around the sun is the same color... even though there are evident differences is surface colors on the sun and along the visible border of the sun... and the glow color doesn't match the sun's surface as well as it should.-it is too pixelly around the edges of the sun... to remove those, make the sun at a very high resolution, such as 3000 x 3000 pixels (or higher) and then shrink down the image to your size that you want.-you can see wayy to much detail on the sun... remember, actually looking at it all you see is bright, blinding yellow/white, you don't see detail.-the overrall presentation is poor... it is in the middle, takes up the whole (almost) image, and is way too "in your face"4/10...keep trying though, space is an especially hard theme/style to do well in since you usually have to start from scratch (no render/background).

  15. looks ok to me...-render seems to match background, though i don't particularly like the dropshadow visible at the bottom of his right shoulder.-colors match well, and the contrast level on background/render match well too, good job-i like the 1st better, because it gives more of a depressing/difficult/harsh environment... at night perhaps?6/10 overall

  16. *cough* soo...-it's definitely too dark, monotone... there's not really a focal point, but if there was one, i would say it is the text, which is not a good choice. c4d renders should be more colorful, and attract attention.-text is bad! although you attempted to make the glow match the background, it's just too bright, against black text, and a dark background.-the c4d render looks really good, actually! i've been trying to get into a little 3d myself, lately... with no luck. it's too bad it doesn't really stick out here. but props to you on that :)-personally, i wouldn't use it as a wallpaper... but then again i wouldn't use one i made either. i will give it a 4/10 on photoshop and overall presentation but... 7/10 on the actual c4d render alone.practice.... ;)

  17. ok here goes...1st:-not much to criticize... 5/102nd:-background and render don't match in color/hue. there is also no blending with the render to the background, which there should be some of at least.-text is large, unblended, and attracts too much eye attention... text usually should complement the sig, matching in color perhaps? and not usually being one of the main focuses.-background is plain... no texture/depth at all, really, try brushing or something?-nice cutting out of the render... if you did that, i always have trouble with hair ;)-4/103rd:-to me, it seems like there is too much text here, going in multiple directions, and the glow effect is a tannish color, not really matching the sig background (which it is on), so it looks kind of weird...-yay! a background, but... a little too repetetive, it seems... boring. colors sort-of matching the render, but not really, it looks darker, and less colorful than the render.-render is thrown on, no blending attempt, and it sticks out too much.-the colors don't seem to match, pehaps a "Layer>New Adjustment Layer> Color Balance" would help? that would get the colors matching more, with a little fiddling around.-5/10overrall decent, the first is the best, in my opinion. my style in judging is to focus on the bad, because that is what will help you advance, "good job" won't. keep practicing, try different styles, see which one you enjoy doing and are best at. have fun :)

  18. advice/thoughts:-text is bad: sharp edges, default, no blending, boring.-your use of transparent images is overused, here, and doesn't go well with the background. a transparent person on a bright blue background...?-background is plain, appears to be the simple cloud filter.-although image placement is symmetrical, it doesn't help at all, there are too many pictures here that don't compliment each other. they seem random and just thrown together.-it is a little big for having little eye appeal. starting off with small sigs (like i did, when i started) is easier, since there is less room to fill and you don't need to feel like you're just throwing stuff together to fill up space.-although not all sigs need a border, this one seems to. to add one, make a new layer, select the whole field with the rectangular marquee tool, then right click on the area, choose stroke, choose inside, 1 px, black, ok. this is just a simple border, experiment a little perhaps with other colors and such.good luck with your sigs and keep making more :)the more you make, the better you will get!

  19. I have 50 invites, so I will give them away. Here is some info on gmail:-Google's email service. 2344 mb storage (growing constantly, literally). The only way to get an account is to get an invite from someone who already has an account.So, email me saying you want an account, I don't need a reason or a plea, I just need to know that you want one. I will send you an invite as soon as I see your message! No tricks, no nothing, just a free gmail account from me :rolleyes: .my email is : hedzup at gmail dot com

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